With the decision made, the beastkin wasted no time preparing to leave their homeland. There was little to gather as most of their possession had to be left behind with the fear that most of the things had already been tainted with the plague. After gathering every thing of importance into a safe storage space, they were finally ready to move, bringing with them only their carts, clothes, and perhaps jewelry. Those who were strong enough helped the weak onto the carts and wagons. The sorrow of leaving their ancestral lands behind weighed heavily on them, but survival came first.
Lance had Rikka return hastily ahead of them to have their people work to prepare and area to receive the beastkin. They were to set up temporary shelters and create a safe perimeter near the goblin territory. Though he had healed them, he couldn't take any chances. If the disease resurfaced, it had to be contained, if not the consequences would be devastating.