(Zack) Summoner

"Why the hell is it so dark? Doesn't the tyrant actually live here?" Zack grumbled as he stumbled for the fifth time going through the narrow hallway.

Pende didn't respond, his senses strained to the extreme, trying to figure out the location of his quarry, and growing more frustrated when he couldn't sense anything.

"Where is that blasted General?" He muttered to himself.

The only sound in that hallway was the screech of Pende's blades as they moved along the hallway. Zack wondered what was even the purpose of trying to figure out the General's location. With the amount of noise they were making, Brunaulf was probably aware at all times where they were.

And so the journey into the dark hallway continued. Zack and Pende passed through a number of locked doors, seemingly abandoned.

"It's like a maze in here." Zack wondered out loud as they checked another locked door in vain.