(Zack) Don't Look

"Summoner?" Zack asked warily. The look in Pende's face was truly terrible.

"A special category of animal magik. They don't have Inito or Words of Power like normal mages. In exchange they get to summon the entire beast by their side."

"Isn't that way too broken?"

"Extremely hard to use. Since you can't use normal Incantations. You can only call upon the beast you can summon."

"If you are done with the lecture, shall we begin?" Brunaulf asked from the hall, almost bored.

Pende turned irritatedly towards them. His eyes darted from Fermi Ja on his Sciadorm and Brunaulf with his hammer. It was clear he didn't expect good odds in this fight.

He began rolling forward, and Zack tentatively followed him, when he stopped abruptly. Narrowing his eyes, he looked instead to the switchbox at the end of the hall.

"Old man, use your magik on that box." He said in a low voice.