(Zack) Enemies and Allies

Pende hated fighting against King's Guards. They were always too obstinate, too determined to win, too eager to prove themselves.

General Brunaulf's hammer came crashing down. Pende side-stepped it and immediately jumped in front, prophylactically dodging the second one shot through the side.

"Nimble aren't you?" The General said, almost appreciatevely.

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Pende ran forward, preemtively fucking and weaving to prevent the General from having a straight shot at hitting him.

Brunaulf however was patient. He did not get taken in by Pende's theatrics, instead calmly waiting for him to come closer.

Pende cursed under his breath. Of course he couldn't go closer. Not without risking getting swamped on both sides by those massive dual hammers. If he got caught once between them, he was sure that was the end for him.