(Zoe) The Two Goddesses

The cave which led out of the cavern was very narrow, sometimes narrow enough to make Zoe feel slightly claustrophobic. She didn't face any further enemies though. No stone guardians nor imps nor any of those detestable goblins.

Where is this leading me?

Famina had told her that she would be able to recognize the Treasure of the Goddess of she saw it. Zoe wasn't too sure herself though. For starters she wasn't sure what the object even was, and she was sure Famina didn't know either. What if it were something she had already left behind? What if it were the staff weilded by the goblin lord? What is it was the lake that had rejuvenated her magik?

Zoe shook her head in frustration. Going in loops like that weren't helpful. She looked up with renewed determination. Since she had already entered this narrow corridor from the cavern, might as well complete the Cave. Maybe the Treasure was the reward for doing so.