Shiori's POV
Haru-kun grabbed my hand, as casual as how he called my name.
He didn't call me Shiori-san! Does that mean he wants to imply that I'm his property?!
[Trivia: The "-san" honorific in Japan originated from the "-sama" honorific back in the shogunate era. They realized that "-sama" was way too formal, so they revised it as "-san," which functions mainly to show respect to a person you don't own (e.g., non-family members, etc.).
Why does the author know this? Because my waifu is Japanese!]
If he's like this, there's no way my heart would reject him!
As we left the house, Mom waved at us happily.
"Take care of my son, Shiori-san."
That's the total opposite of Marika. She was staring at me so sharply that I was convinced she could cut diamonds with her eyes.
Uh, Haru-kun is still holding my hand. Does he plan to walk like this until we reach my apartment?
"By the way, Shiori-san... I didn't say it earlier."