A while ago before Shiori lost his rationality.
I'm sipping my beer casually, while viewing the happy face of Haru-kun as he eat the food I cooked.
And then, suddenly, I felt dizzy.
What the hell, how can I be drunk with this..
I looked at the beer can.
What the hell! This is too alcoholic for me!
El Diablo 97% alcoholic.
My vision felt more shaky and, my horniness dramatically increased.
This is bad, you should escape now Haru-kun! I'll lost my hold to my rationality!
And then, this is it. I still know what I'm doing but, my mind is completely messed up.
I jumped on Haru-kun, and I'm not feeling any sense of guilt! My damn sex drive is overwhelming me!
Haru's POV
"Haru's POV
This is bad. This is really, really bad.