In a world where magic and technology coexist, a young boy named Kyan discovers that his father, Bathsuk, is destined to destroy the earth. As the chosen one, Kyan must embark on a perilous journey to save humanity from extinction.
With the help of his friends and allies, Kyan must navigate treacherous landscapes, battle formidable foes, and unravel ancient mysteries to prevent the impending apocalypse. But as he delves deeper into the world of magic, Kyan realizes that his father's destructive powers are not the only force he must contend with.
As the stakes grow higher, Kyan must confront his own destiny and the darkness within himself. Will he be able to save the world from his father's wrath, or will the forces of destruction prevail?
actuallly sorry but you asked me to be honest so here comes it. synopsis attract readers not send them away. i believe you are writing a fantasy novel. every novel be it romance or fantasy they must be that thrill of excitment that gives the reader the joy to read it. the thrills can come from the book cover or synposis but i dont feel it so sorry that is all the stars i can give you
I will be glad if i find someone who is ready to share their thoughts with me.