The Last Piece: A Friend Or Foe?

Amongst the crowd, stood a young man, he looked quite handsome and there was no revealing doubt that he was a monster, just like most.

He has a weird smile on his face, making passerbys stop to doubt him and then walk pass, but that was the impression the young man was trying to give to those who didn't pay close attention.

Cian, after scrutinizing the whole area, walked confidently towards the man.

'Can I have a word or two with you?' He asked with a beaming smile that radiated his glorious beauty.

Even the young man couldn't resist the unwavering beauty of a monster.

'I am Cian and here are my friends' Cian said and stylishly turned the monster's face towards Kyan.

Kyan gasped in surprise as the monster turned out to be the one they were searching for.

'The last piece?' Cian asked.

'Yep, you bet he is' Kyan nodded.

Suddenly, Cian fell to the ground and kissed the feet of the monster.

'I am honoured to meet with you my prince' he said and seconds after, Rosa and Monstal were on their knees as well!

'O..ok' Kyan said with a lot of curiosity.

His heart pounced as his eyes met with the sharp gaze from Raphael.

'Who is he?' he thought.

'Hail the prince of Amalton, Hail the prince of Amalton.' Cian declared with an acute look but Kyan's jaw dropped.

'The prince of Amalton, Bathsuk's son?' a sharp pain pierced through his heart as he watched reality unfold.

He wasn't ready to believe that he wasn't the only son and that he had a brother from another mother.

'How many more siblings does he have? How could his father do that to him? Wasn't he supposed to be his only son?' Kyan asked himself as he continued to watch reality unfold in a cruel way.

'I am so glad to meet you... He paused and walked towards Kyan.

'I am Raphael' he said with blazing eyes.

'Oh, I am Kyan' he managed to say as he silently fought the heavy lumps in his throat.

Staring at Raphael, he felt like he was losing it, he suddenly realized the dazzling resemblance between him and their father.

'You don't seem to be okay... Kyan' Raphael said with a concerned tone.

Kyan nodded with a smile- a fake smile.

He wasn't sure he wanted to trust him. To be really honest with himself, he wasn't willing to associate with him.

'So, you have come in search of me, isn't it?' Raphael asked, facing Cain with a smile.

'Yes' Cian nodded.

'You must be the leader of this troupe'

'No, actually, the human is the one who gathered us' Cian replied, feeling a little embarrassed.

'Really?' Raphael said as he turned again to Kyan. He was more happy than surprised and that only made Kyan suspicious.

'You must have a special connection with the Magical world for you to have figured out my father's plans' Raphael said with a tone lower than a whisper, which made Kyan dare to look straight into his eyes and for some minutes, he thought he was just been too insecure about having to share his father... Until he saw some signs of treachery in his eyes. It was almost like he was Bathsuk!

He quickly retreated as the little horrifying scenes he saw lingered in his head.

'Are you alright?' Raphael asked, with a concerned look.

'We should leave' Kyan said to him with a tone of authority.

'Uhm, well, I guess so' Raphael said and the rest nodded.

'Is he a friend or foe?' Kyan repeatedly asked himself, and he was sure he would continue until he met Maltzubri again.