Dr. Lunara Personal Notes#33: Great news of the Marking Experiment, all five candidates have been finally secured and in process of transfer to HAVN, for closer examination for the upcoming experiment. I've prepared for their arrival, and possess each one of these candidates' personal information. I'll admit their stories and psychological diagnostics, are quite interesting, this further secure my original theory, that these girls are perfect candidates for receiving ALPHA-ONE's bite. Speaking of bites, Simon Beckham, was about to start to come into therapy sessions and interviews with myself and some of my personal staff, we'll finally see if my original hyphotizis that this is the way to create more NEMESIS. This is Dr. Lunara signing off.
Name: Nina Douma
Alias: The Smiling Killer, The Slit-Mouth Girl.
Profession: Student, Gymnist, Serial Killer. Weapons-Variety of Knives. Appearance-A young teenage girl, how used to have white skin until she was chemical set on fire thus bleaching her skin pure white, has very long, black colored hair with the addition of a long dyed strand of purple, and pink, bloodshot blue eyes, her face is badly damaged and us covered in bandage as for the mentioned damages, her mouth was splitted open by a sharp blow slitting her mouth wide refusing medical attention to repair her mouth, as for her choice of clothing she wears a long sleeved hooded jacket in a genie-magenta color, and a black skirt with a pair of thigh-high socks and black and pink, red accented sneakers. Background: Nina Douma, was once a average high-school girl from a lower class family, that barely could afford her education, so she became a diligent student in hopes of helping her loving family out of poverty. During her school life, she was bullied for her financial situation, but Nine, she endured so her family wouldn't suffer, and eventually she'd discovered her talent. She was gifted in the art of gymnastic, and join the gymnastic team and she blazes through the training, showing a talent that could prove a great opportunity for her and her family, by training and dedicating herself to gymnastic she could potentially earn the money that can greatly help her family. Nina, eventually was being scouted for a scholarship, which was the most exciting news she could've hoped for, but the school's queen bee, name Kairi Shaane, and her posse, grew jealous and they were the most cruelest bullies against Nina. One night, after practice, Nina was walking back to her home, Nina always walks through the alleyway in order to get home quicker, but she was not suspecting to run into Kairi and her group and they attacked her. Beating her repeatedly with random junk from the alleyway, while in pain and on the ground barely able to stand when, one of Kairi's lackey spotted some jugs filled with some strange smelling liquids so they decided to dump it all on Nina. She'd complained that it was cold, so Kairi decided to help Nina out, originally she wanted to burn her hair but what they didn't know was that liquid was flammable, and the moment that tiny fire came in contact with the soaked Nina, she was set ablaze. Screaming and flailing around on fire, Kairi and the girls didn't know what to do, and she didn't want to get in trouble with the police, so she looked around and spotted a long broken pipe, Kairi grabbed it and swung it at Nina, the sharp end tore through her mouth and knocked Nina out, Kairi order the girls to run away and leave Nina, unconscious and on fire... They believed that they killed Nina, but in a twisted irony, that very liquid that set on fire, protected her life, she survived and her was pushed to edge and snapped. Disappearing and she started a twisted campaign of revenge, against all those responsible for her misery, teachers, students, and Kairi...stealing cloths and fighting through the pain on her face, she started to murder students and teachers, viciously attacking those victims with various types of knives, she stolen, after killing a victim she either left a blood-painted smiling face around the body, or she cut a wide smile on the faces of her victims, earing her the moniker as the "Smiling Killer". For mouths she nearly reached thirty victims, but she knew that the police was closing in on her, before she was arrested she wanted Kairi to suffer, trapping them in the gym, and she attacked the four girls, beating them first with the same pipe that slitted her mouth, then she cut and stabbed them over and over, but Nina was not done yet, all but Kairi were set on fire, but Kairi she didn't want her to die, as it be too easy. No Nina destroyed her, disfiguring her completely breaking her limbs, cutting her allover, and giving her similar slit-mouth, as she gave her, at that moment the police came, and Nina was sitting on a bench, swinging her legs as they arrested her, the infamous Smiling Killer.
Dr. Lunara Personal Notes#34: Nina Douma. I choose her, cause aside from her clear signs of PTSD, coping with her mouth injuries with smiling, and lack of self-care for refuse all medical treatments from her wounds, she is a clear victim turn killer. A perfect desired type for ALPHA-ONE, and I really liked to have some sessions with her.
Name: Jullia Anderson
Alias: The Cassette Killer, The Video Artisan, The Recording Murderer.
Profession: Serial Killer. Weapon-Custom Giant Scissors. Appearance-Jullia is a young woman, she is a white skinned woman, with black hair that reaches pass her shoulders, blackish-blue colored eyes, and perky, lovely body/figure, as for her style of clothing, she wears a square-edge style blue cap, a hood-off deep blue long sleeve, jacket with a self made design on the front of a movie-reel behind a skull with 3D glasses on, a pair of black fingerless gloves with the knuckles exposed, she wears film-reel as a belt, wrapped around several times and the reel-wheel hanging over her side, carolina-blue long slacks with some film wrapped around her legs, and a pair of black, blue, and white shoes. Background: Jullia Anderson, also the notorious "Cassette Killer". Her story starts as a daughter of a film producer, and she grew up in that embierment, and learn everything involving filming and processing them. Jullia loved movies, and the admiration that those that watched those movies showed to them, this also made her bond deeply to her dad. All in all she had a average childhood, but when she saw her father lose his job, and start losing everything, the fame, admiration, and basically forgotten, thus he killed himself causing her a mental break, and obsession to never be forgotten or left to die like dust. She dedicated her life to stand out, and become so famous that she'll become basically immortal, at she Jullia dedicated herself of directing movies, but no one would hire her, forcing her to try video editing but she didn't get any sort of recognition from that choice, until she saw a news report in the TV about a serial killer that has been responsible for a couple of murders, and was killed during the arrest procedure...then she learn it has been a year old that news, and everyone still talked about the "Crossroad Strangler", this inspired her. Then a couple days later, since that TV news report, she began to plan for her big reveal to the world, while walking to the convience store, she found her perfect first victim, the man that destroyed her dad's filming career. Jullia bought somethings and stalked the asshole, getting him drunk she took him to another location, with all her dad's and her own filming equipment and camera, when the man woke up, he saw her with a pair of sheers, as she tortured and brutally killed the man, all while whistling with joy, at the end she blurred her face, and censored her voice, in the editing of her murder video. Then she made several copies of her murder, and sent them to various places video stores, and news stations, hence making her debut as a killer. She soaked up the fame, admiration, and terror that people showed her moniker that the news gave her, the "Cassette Killer" cause of her video making, editing, and duplication of those video cassettes, she smiled as she actually like the name, and her murders were still beginning. Jullia killed a several more victims, taking a liking to using scissor like weapon, even making a huge custom scissor for her murders after the third victim, and each murder was worse then the last, and she even added footage of her stalking, and filming of her victims daily life and murders. She loved the limelight, and was eager to make more videos that will cement her immortality in history, but just when she was about to kill what supposed to be her tenth victim, Jullia realized that her picked victim was actually an undercover cop, all she could say was, "Well shit. Wished I'd had a longer run. Ohh well, a score of nine isn't bad." lighting up a cigarette and waited for the cops to bust in and take her. She had a laidback and up front about her crimes and motives, actually bragging a bit, as she was sentenced nine life sentences, all she did was throw a peace sign to the camera as she was taken away, but Jullia, she achieved what she wanted...she'll never be forgotten.
Dr. Lunara Personal Notes#35: Jullia Anderson the Cassette Killer. I have personal knowledge of her, I've seen all her trial and it surprised me how a normal girl can become a killer like her. Clearly a narcissist, and athazagoraphobia, which is a results of her father depression, self-destruction, and eventual suicide that lead to her mental breakdown, and psychotic break. Which has many psychologists baffled, for she doesn't show many mental disorders in interviews, many recorded that she was funny, laidback, honest, and a genuine wonder to talk to, but she has commented that I quote, "You know, we could had made a great movie together." or "I could have made you famous, man." regardless of her personality, she is psychotic and a despite what many think, she already has a taste for killing. Thus cemented my choice on her, for the Marking Experiment.
Name: Rohanna Blaike Identity: Ruby Riotte the Clown
Alias: The Red Clown,
Profession: Clown/Kid Show Host. Weapons-1.Barbwired Bat. 2.Red Folding Knife. Appearance-A beautiful and sexy if she shows it young woman, with white skin color and bright blonde hair with some red tips, she styles her hair into a pair of large pigtails held by some hairbands with black and red spheres, Rohanna has light blue eyes but prefer to use green contacts lenses, since her breakdown she paints her face white with blackish red diamonds around her eyes, and black lipstick with a long black and red twisted smile, and she never removes it, she wears a sensualized version of her Miss Ruby costume, has a open red long sleeve jacket with a hoody like a jester with button eyes on the edge and jingle bells on the tips, she exposes a black bra with a twisted happy-face painted on it, long white and black stripped fingerless gloves with knuckles studs, a pair of red belts with jingle bells trailing them, as those belts were holding a long red and black spandex pants, black and white shoes with some small spikes on them. Background: Rohanna Blaike, used to be the star of the Miss Ruby Happy Time Show, a kids show, with her acting and dressing like a clown, singing, teaching, and making jokes for the kids. She was loved by all, and she loved her job, Rohanna was funny, bubbly, girly, and a absolute doll for all that met her. All she wanted was to help the "kiddos" as she called her sweet fans, she didn't care about money or fame, just that her show reaches the kiddos hearts and minds. But in truth she'd suffered from pseudobulbar affect, or PBA, which sometime doesn't let her express her emotional state correctly at times, and Miss Ruby her clown persona actually was a source of security and emotional support that she desperately dependent on. Back at home it was totally another story, while she was happy at work and put on a fake face of stability, but in truth she was bring abused and tormented by her soo called family, she is the only employed and earning money for a family of leeches, and they drain her physically, emotionally, and mentally, for years of her life this abuse and parasitic torment have drained her, and only way for her to cope with this was wearing a smile and mentally trick herself believing that her family loved her, and soon she'll be able to leave and live her life alone. But after soo long, this started to cause mental exhaustion, anxiety, and severe insomnia for the poor woman, which made her emotions more unstable to a point that she'd would latch out in random moments to various people, and eventually while doing a new episode for her show, a guest, a kid accidently tripped on a cable, and pushed her, slamming hard against the floor and she lost control of her emotions, and angrily latched out at the kid, even smacking him on live TV, when she realized what she's done it was already to late. Because of that tiny incident, she risked losing everything, Rohanna tried everything to make sure that she wouldn't lose her job, but it seems that they managed to settle things, and keep her job, but this negatively affected her and her show's reputation, views and profits started to plummet and things also worsen back at home, with her drop in popularity, her pay was dwindling as well, which made her family more agitated. Of course this meant that they started to become more aggressive, and abusive to her, causing her psyche to further suffer, but the final straw that broke her, was the announcement that her show, "Miss Ruby Happy Time Show", was being cancel, Miss Ruby, was being taken away, second by second, her mind was being broken more and more...until one day, after returning from the studio that already crushed her spirit, cause she'd overheard her soo called studio staff, were relieved that her show was canceled, as they hated it and they believe that she can work in more mature shows, but Rohanna, she didn't wanted that...she loves Miss Ruby, she needs Miss Ruby. Then when she is at home, all her precious possessions of the show, and Miss Ruby, were destroyed and defiled by her leech of a family, that finally broke her, going to her room she grabbed her clown-makeup and painted her face, then without saying a word she left the house, and Rohanna left to a clothing shop, the same one that designed her "Miss Ruby" costume, and since she broke in, the owner came in with a baseball bat, but him not attacking or forcing Rohanna out his shop cost him his life, she in a clown-painted smilling but disturbing face, made him loose his grip on his bat and trip over his feet, laughing as she took the bat and vicious beat the old man into gore and mulch, many officers that investigate that crime scene swore they never seen such a horrific murder in their careers. Then Rohanna returned home, in a sensualized version of her Miss Ruby costume, with a barwired bat, which she used to not only kill them but destroy the house as well, this then followed by the brutal massacre on the Miss Ruby Happy Time Show studio, she skipped into the studio, and locked all the exits to the building, from recordings she was giddily, playful, happy, and laughing as she hunted down every person trapt there, with a bat and knife she murdered over twenty people in the course of two days. When the police managed to arrive, and break into the studio, they found her sitting and laughing over the corpses, as she played with her pigtail, and said, "Welcome to the show!! Ruby, here for your fun!!!" they arrested her, and during and after the trial, she didn't stop.smiling, laughing, and allowed no one from removing her makeup. Now the mad clown, in locked away in looney bin, for she was declared insane and a menace to society...
Dr. Lunara Personal Notes#36: Rohanna Blaike or as several reports recorded that she identifies and demands to be addressed as Ruby Riotte. A clear distortion of her former clown persona, that was intense emotional support that she depended on, and once that support was gone she suffered a comple mental and psychotic breakdown. Ruby is a clear diagnosed PBA patient with bipolarism, the amount of abuse she was subjected to has broken all sense of morality, sanity, and decency once in her. I'd would have felt some, pity for her, but progress needs subjects and assets to innovate the new age, regardless "Ruby" is a prime candidate for the Marking Experiment. This is Dr. Lunara signing off.
Dr. Lunara Personal Notes#39: Nina, Jullia, Rohanna or Ruby, Jane, and Tina are now in the process of transfer, from what Barrow's Council promised they'll arrive in a couple of mouths. I've confirmed my belief that these women are perfect candidates for the Marking Experiment, and I'm quite eager to interview them in therapy before and after my experiment is done. I'd also found some more likely candidates, but I'll only request their transfer and requisition of these other women, once the experiment is concluded, not only that. I had a new theory, that is quite possible only male NEMESIS can transform other through bites, so if BETA transforms into a NEMESIS I'll request male candidates for a new Marking Experiment, using BETA over ALPHA-ONE. This can finally be the desired breakthrough that this project needs.