Dr. Lunara Personal Notes#40: Again I'm surprised by the pit of despair and downfall that the human psyche is capable of falling throught. These girls along with the current EVEs are quite an interesting case, their madness, mutations, and mentally is a great insight into the depths of the human mind, I want to have interviews with these new prime subjects of the NEMESIS Project. I'll admit I'm quite excited, with this my personal projects and research will progress in a greater level than before.

Name: Jane Mary McCarron

Alias: The Sweetsman's Victim, The Broken Survivor.

Profession: Unemployed. Appearance-Young red-headed girl with honey-brown colored eyes, once a bright and lively being but her emotional, physical, and psychological trauma has caused several physical malnourishment, pale skin and she wears a large red bow tied onto her hair, Jane usually wore a some girly clothing, but now she wears some pale dress and shorts from a medical institude. Background: She was once a bright and adorable girl, her name is Jane M. McCarron, the famous only survivor of a notorious and ruthless serial killer, name Michael Young, the Sweetsman. That man destroyed her life and mind, one day while on a family gathering on the local park, as she played and frolic with her cousins, a strange man with a hat came and started to watch them, this man was Michael Young, responsible for more than a dozen murders, it didn't matter the victim to him, but his trademark was he kept his victim in a cage for a long, long period of time, sometimes he tortured them, but the main cause of death is malnourishment and digestive rupture/destruction, from force feeding nothing but candy, most of the time those candies are tampered with causing unimaginable damage to the victims' stomach and digestive systems, that day the Sweetsman found a new target...Jane McCarron. Not knowing the danger that she and her family were facing, Michael craved another victim and he would not be denied, so armed with a gun, he strucked. Killing several members of the McCarron family, and taking his victim of poor Jane, he took her to his lair and locked her in a cage, like all other that he taken captive and so her most terrible moments of her young life has begun. For a couple of years she was held prisoner by the Sweetsman, unbathed, uncredited for, and forced to eat nothing but candy which included the tampered candies, such stone covered chocolates, tiny glassed caramels, and more. When Jane pleaded to left to go back home, she was ignored and sometimes hitten by the Sweetsman, and to even his surprise she managed to remain alive longer than his other victims, after so much crying, pleading, and begging for any mercy or at least other things to eat, finding her pleads amusing he decided to appease her. Michael brought her some "food" it was strange meat, it was unique and tasty, especially after eating nothing but candies both good and bad, until another "feeding time" of candy and meat, Jane ate with glee and desperation. That's when the Sweetsman, finally revealed what the meat he was feeding her was...her parents and family...this was the last stroke that broke her completely, Jane screamed in madness and despair, this brought some sick pleasure to the Sweetsman, as he didn't stop his sick act of feeding her sweets and human meat. Eventually Jane managed to escape her cage, and grabbing a knife and overcome with insanity, bloodlust, and hunger, she snuck up to Michael and stabbed him into his back, over and over, once dead she started to eat his bloody body, along with all the candy that he horded to survive in that horrible place alone. After some time, the FBI finally was able to track down, the Sweetsman, Michael Young's lair and found his only surviving victim, Jane, eating some candy and what remain unspoiled of Michael's body, when they went to check up on her she'd striked using the knife she'd has to attack the officers even managing to kill three of them in the panicked, wild state she was in. They managed to restrain her and take to a mental hospital, clearly disturbed from all the mental and physical traumas she suffered in captivity of the late Sweetsman, such a bright and adorable girl with a bright future, devolve into a broken and horrific shell of her former self.

Dr. Lunara Personal Notes#37: Obvious PTSD from her time held, and forced cannibalism. This girl suffers from extreme psychological disturbance, which triggers in presence of older men, only women have been barely able to treat her from what the reports have shown. Another perfect candidate for ALPHA-ONE, Jane is a literal representation of a broken victim, and I find her trauma and psychological state quite interesting, for such a young girl having to survive and endure in the grasp of a serial killer, the likes of Michael Young is fascinating.

Name: Tina Runner Identity: Tai Tai

Alias: The Feral, The Catsaber, The Huntress of the Woods, The Cat-Whisperer.

Profession: Serial Killer. Weapon-Claws. Appearance-A young, unruly, and borderline feral young woman of tanned skin, with a fit body physique, has faded blonde like hair color in a unruly style, she has a russet colored eyes, because of her feral nature she has sharp-fangs and nails, as for what she wears some raggidy and self-made clothing, a light brown colored cat-hoodie long sleeved jacket with some fur sown onto it, a a pair of dark brown, sharp clawed tip gloves, reddish orange colored, dirtied shorts, thigh-high light brown colored and furred leggings, and a pair of large footwear with sharp clawed toes. Background: Tina or as many of her hometown in Maine, she and her family grew up and thrived in the nearby woods, since a very young age, Tina has a deep connection to cats, regardless of them being feral or domestic the cats love her, and in truth she dislike other people, preferring the woods and her cats. Her parents have tried to make her socialize with other of her age, but she hated them completely, Tina found all human contact quite a annoyance and hindrance to deal with them. This became her childhood, her parents forcing her to try to socialize and become a respectful "townsfolk" but only being in nature and with her cats, she felt happy and comfortable, until one day while returning from the damn school that Tina's parents, she'd hoped to return to her cabin home with her dear pets waiting for her return, only to find it empty aside from parents and grandpa, Tina had a panic attack, going ballistic looking for her cats, only for her "family" called her over to talk. They told her that for her sake, and for her to finally form some bonds with people, so they gave away all her cats, utterly shocked and broken, Tina left the cabin home and ran straight into the woods, ignoring all calls and pleading for her to return, since then she has lived in the wilderness of the Maine woods. Tina became more feral, and cats started to flock to her new home, and a folklore started to emerge in the nearby town about a feral creature, a cryptic that resembles a girl, called the "Catsaber" as she was always accompanied by group of feral cats, and their yellow eyes glow sinisterly in the dark woods. But then disappearances started to happen in the campsites of the woods, and more legends and stories of the "Feral or Catsaber" only grew, in truth she adapted to her embierment and not only stole from her victims, from clothing, materials, and more, but she also badly injured her victims leaving them to the cruel, unforgiven wilderness. She continue these attacks, until while making her cat like clothing and using fur from poor dead cats to add-on her hoodie, Tina or Tai Tai as she been started to call herself, discover some punks harming a litter of kittens, and she was enraged, she "pounced" using rocks, and large sticks to beat those people to dead, she took the cats with her back to the woods, and Tai Tai started to killing all those that come to her "territory". Tai Tai, then finally made and sharpen her "claws", returning to the family cabin, coming through the door, her mother was overjoyed and rush to embrace her only to be met by her claws, stabbing into chest and swiping at her, soaking everything in blood, as cats came into the cabin and she attacked the others members of her "family", as she took the cabin, as her new den for herself and her cats. Tai Tai continued her attacks and murders, spreading the legends of the "Feral", the "Catsaber", this drew Barrow Corp. that has hunting for her, for a while now...

Dr. Lunara Personal Notes#38: Tina Runner, has proven a difficult person to capture, but in the end she to was found and contain. She shows very animalistic and feral nature, with misanthropy, along with some feline like personality traits. It was quite a hassle to track and capture her, acting like large, predatory cat, when she was finally contained, Tina showed some hyperactivity, and possibly ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), making her a more fitting candidate for the Marking Experiment. Soo many broken, and twisted psyches all brought to one joint location, it's almost like some higher entity's work...this is Dr. Lunara signing off.

The Barrow Marking Experiment Report#3 SEALED-Mr. Beckham, is starting to show some signs of possible mutation, from increase anger, and increase of muscle mass. My sessions with him has shown some quite revealing, discoveries, Mr. Beckham might be suffering not just from psychological trauma from his twin's murder, but possibly M.P.D. & I.D. (Multiple Personality Disorder & Identity Disorder) it's quite interesting, and I'll personally propose to Gallen, to find me male candidates for another Marking Experiment, using BETA when he reaches the final stages of his transformation. So apart from other candidates for the future second Marking Experiment, using ALPHA-ONE, a marking from Mr. Beckham, shall be secured once Gallen obtain what I requested.

Other Possible Candidates for NEMESIS Marking Experiment II ALPHA-ONE CANDIDATES 1.Name: Dahlia Eris Locke Alias: The Black Dahlia-Dahlia E. Locke or as she was called on the stage Black Dahlia, but after the famed actress Elizabeth Short, and for always performing in black colored clothing like the old mobster era of the 1930s and up, she was adored and talented a singer that own her own club, called "Madame Dahlia's" which in truth it was underground smuggling operation center that she runned, Miss Dahlia was the most fear woman in Boston's Underworld, but she was betrayed by her right hand man, exposing her to the cops, and allowing her once cowardice rivals to smell the blood on the water to finally strike back at her, this attacked left her badly mutilated when the police came for her, finding her barely alive on a bar stool drinking, surrounded by her brutalized victims and her betraying right-hand's head on the counter next to her, she'd hoped she would have died and not be dragged to prison, but unfortunately she was saved and kept locked up in a Prison Hospital Ward, for life, rumors say she's strapped to a bed with a black veil over her face, hence the legend of the Bloody Black Dahlia remains in Boston, once the most feared woman in the Underworld. CK: 247 Victims. Status: Hospitalized/Imprisoned.

2.Name: Lenore Hankerson Alias: The Bull-Texanborn, and rised, once a proud farmer that dedicated everything to try to protect her family farm, and provide for family, working hard but the suits have continue to hound her and her family, but she held stubborn like a bull, in fact she was called a Bull because of her physical strength, stubbornness, and temperament, until one day some hoodlums caused damage to her farm and family making her react in violence, this lack of anger control has lead to many victims being buried around her family farm, she has tried to fight the violent and angry erges until the locate police finally tracked down all the missing people, most having to be involve with someway or another with Harkerson family finding the bodies and arresting her, in the end she lost everything...her family, her home, her legacy, and her freedom. CK: 15 Victims. Status: Imprisoned.

3.Name: Marizabell Rodriguez Alias: Carabela De La Muerte (Skull of the Death)-A spiritualist and ritualist of the Mexican Cartel, called Los Hace Tumbas meaning Tomb-makers, she is a total believer of the occult, she's is known to paint her entire body like a version of La Muerte, and hold great power and authority despite her age and gender, responsible for many murders and sacrifices for the groups good-fortune, during a smuggling operation to New Mexico, the FBI raided them and she brutally murdered some agents before she was arrested, and sent to special detainment for her. CK: 34 Victims. SK: 56 Victims. Status: Imprisoned/Institutionized.

4.Name: Jessie "Roxy Bonnie" Joe Alias: The Anarchonist-Jessie Joe or as she identifies and demands to be called Roxy Bonnie, naming herself after the infamous woman, Bonnie, Roxy is completely psychotic and lover of chaos, and anarchy going on a rampage across the southern states of America, she loved being wild, violent, murderous, and chaotic, all with a smile on her face, she is dedicated to a punk-style, she started her reign of blood in Dallas, taking several guns and went wild, shooting and killing people all across those states, all while being happy and excite from the chaos she wrought until she was cornered by several law-enforcement agencies, many believed she'd killed herself but she smile and said, "This was a blast!! How I wish, I can kill and blow-up more stuff!? But at least I'll get enjoy the fame, before I die!!!" laughing hysterically, as she was placed in the cop-care, and during her imprisonment and trial she killed a couple of more people, and with pride and insane glee, she confessed to all the atrocities she's done, and was sentenced to death-row and is still in locked up, before her execution. CK: 99 Victims. SK: 200 Victims. Status: Imprisoned.

5.Name: Alice Hansen Alias: The Sculptor-Alice is a unique case, a young girl that was deemed to dangerous and unstable to be loose, so she was institutionized since a young age, for she was diagnosed with a extreme case of psychopathy involving sculpting...which includes living thongs as well, so she was subjected to more macabre and extreme methods of therapy and treatment in hopes of curing her, but only manage to make things worse for this poor girl. CK: 0 Humans. Status: Institutionized.

ALPHA_BETA-ONE CANDIDATES 1.Name: Johnny Taylor Alias: The Wrathful-Young man, that was a bit strange, and a bit dramatic for this was his only method of expressing himself and being free from the bad reality that his home, for he came from a poor mother and his dad left them, he did everything possible to help his mom, and enjoy himself...but he was a victim of terrible bullying in the private school he attended, Johnny kept all his rage, pain, and anguish buried deep inside, and suffered in silence, until a prank went to far and he fell from some stairs in the auditorium of the school, landing hard against his head, cracking his skull and rushed to the hospital, after a while he returned and the accident cause brain damage specifically cutting off all self-control, restrain, and impulse control, at that moment if he was push a bit he snapped in rage, eventually he was pushed over the edge and killed a lot schoolmates using anything he could find, when the police arrived it took three officers to restrain him, especially with his rage filled strength, now in maximum security for several life sentences. CK: 26 Victims. Status: Imprisoned.

2.Name: Hanz Jason Grooth Alias: The Doctor-Dr. Hanz J. Grooth, a brilliant psychologist and scientist, but also a monster with a sick passion of using his patients in awful experiments, involving using their fears and traumas against them in order to achieve mastery over the mind's responses to extreme trauma, and to better understand fear itself, and to better subject his victims to other methods of emotional distress, responsible for several murders at the mental asylum that he once operated in, and once his atrocities were revealed, he too was locked in those very same padded rooms with a proud smile on his face. CK: 32 Victims. SK: 68 Victims. Status: Institutionized.

3.Name: Rocco Angelo Cattaneo Alias: The Canepazzo-A notorious and ruthless gangster, the son of the head of the Cattaneo Family, but many know him as the badseed of bad family, he grow up as to a monster that rarely was restrained by his Pops, he has done things that even the mafia looked down on until his father, banished him from the family, and branding him on his face and letting out his grip, he murder many, many people until he was finally arrested and was sentence to life. CK: 77 Victims. SK: 122 Victims. Status: Imprisoned.

4.Name: Raymond Crockett Alias: The Tallman-A man that has impressive height, because of this birth trait he suffered, and had many health issues that prevented him good employment, the only work he could gain was in a freakshow, where he was ridiculed and tormented without remorse, Raymond's mind along with his health kept on wasting away, as day went by, eventually he resembled a ghoulish creature and one day, he was attacked by some punks and beaten soo badly that he was a crooked from deformity, enraged and humiliated, he left the freakshow and isolated himself, growing more and more sicker in both body and mind, until he was hospitalized which in truth was for the best, as people that went to his residence found a sinister plot of revenge that would have taken many lives, if not for his own bad health. CK: 0 Victims. Status: Hospitalized.

5.Name: Jaimie Blaide Alias: The Warhound-A Nam veteran, who was a ace sniper and the victim of a capture and torture, he and his squadmates/friends were dumped into a hole, and aside from him they were all badly hurt, until their torturer finally decided to give him "food" but they needed some tools to eat, so they were given a M40 with four bullets and a sickle, at first they resisted but the hunger won and one by one were killed and eaten by the others until he remained...broken, and twisted Jaimie made a helmet from the skulls, metals, and possession of his buddies, merging them into his green helmet, making a skull-faced helmet/mask, when he was finally rescued he was wearing the helmet and killed the guys that tried to take off of him, landing him in a mental military institute. CCK: 34 Enemies. CK: 8 Victims. Status: Institutionized.

6.Name: Leon Joseph Harris Alias: The Tormentor-Leon J. Harris was a judge of small town, that has served legal system, fairly and dutifully for years, putting many scum into county and save many innocent people from prison as well, he was a model and fair man of respect and ethics until his family was murdered and the man responsible was let free, this broke him and taking the physical persona of a medieval executioner he started punishing the guilty in various macabre and brutal ways, all for fairness, righteousness, and punishment, becoming a monster of torment until the FBI managed to track and catch him, he pleaded guilty and wanted the deserved punishment of death, but deemed too mentally disturbed he was sentenced to life in prison, locked away with animals that fear the rattling chains of the Tormentor, as he is called by all especially those among the criminals. CK: 77 Victims. Status: Imprisoned.