Dr. Lunara Personal Notes#63: The NEMESIS Project, is finally progressing into another level. [REDACTED] is starting to show some signs of possible mutation, along with heightened aggression. Seems that the "Marking" or "Bitting" from a ALPHA NEMESIS, requires one thing to actually be functional...adrenaline. I belive that the endorphins and chemical surge from a NEMESIS, during a state of heightened adrenaline, is activates the chemical compound in the mouth, which I suspect it must be the saliva of a NEMESIS. This can explains Laharl/ALPHA-ONE, actions to eliminate any bitten, when his mind returns to clarity, this hyphotizis might be the breakthrough we've been searching for...
The Barrow Marking Experiment Report#4 SEALED-We've been keeping a close eye on Mr. Beckham, he has started to shown some possible mutation and transformation, along with psychological changes as well. Which means that my original hyphotizis of ALPHA-ONE's bites, being the source to create new NEMESIS, might be starting to prove correct. Gallen and myself, have been keeping everything involve Mr. Beckham, closely hidden until we're 100% satisfied and correct with this method of creating future NEMESIS. Hence any Notes or Logs that I'll be creating specifically involving [REDACTED] shall be kept on my private office. Plus I suggested to Gallen, that we should transfer Mr. Beckham in a more secure area in HAVN, the lower levels.
Name: N/A Beckham Identity: Simon Beckham Age: 36. Sex: M. Skin: White. Haircolor: Black Hairstyle: Shaved Low. Clearance Level: C-1. Status: Possible NEMESIS, showing some minor mutations, under more stricter constant observation. Profession: Barrow Security. Possible Mutation & Abilities-1.Enhanced Physical Abilities: Strength, Stamina, & Endurance. 2.Increased muscle mass and height, along with unstablelity of emotional control, most noticeable anger, and possible personality disorders. Background: Simon Beckham, is average security guard under the employment of the Barrow Corp, with slightly greater physical strength, than other guards in HAVN stationed along with him. His background is not extremely important until the "Marking Experiment" that Simon might have been bitten by ALPHA-ONE, and survived. Simon was once a twin, the of youngest of the two siblings, he was raised by a WW2 veteran name Jackob Beckham, a man that owns a large farmland, that he and Marcus have live in for year. And after their father returned from the war to them he changed and started to verbally and physically abuse him and his brother Marcus for years. Simon, he was the more obedient and smarter of the brothers, while Marcus, his older brother, he was the more rebellious, wilful, and a fighter, as well as a troublemaker than him. Simon out if fear of his father, he never challenged his father, and desperately tried to stop his brother from incurring their father's wrath but Marcus never listened to him, and in the end his father killed his brother, Marcus, right in front of him, beating him with a shovel, and leaving a trauma deep onto his psyche, and heart. Afraid of what his father, might do to him, he became more submissive and took care of everything the farm, fianaces, and sustaining his father all throughout of his young adulthood, until his father died from old age. The reason that Barrow knows this is through some special interviews, with "someone" close to Simon, a witnessed to all the sorrows and traumas that he suffered, and Barrow even recovered both the bodies of "Marcus" & Jackcob Beckham in the old family farm. Without Jackcob, Simon needed to support himself, and eventually ended in the employment of Barrow Corp., as he works as a security guard in HAVN, many consider him a gentle giant, and after the board's failed "Marking Experiment" he started to suffer some changes both physically and mentally, ever since receiving a bite from ALPHA-ONE.
Dr. Lunara Personal Notes#42: [REDACTED] has shown to have clear MPD/Multiple Personality Disorder, one being [REDACTED] the dominant persona, a second personality that can I safely say is the anger, violence, and mad persona and protector. Lastly a third persona is surprisingly Marcus Beckham himself, and these interviews have shown many surprises that even I didn't expect. I start to hyphotize, that those that become NEMESIS, are the embodiment of insanity and broken psyches, maybe that is also a part of the creation of a NEMESIS? A interesting thought, I truly believe that [REDACTED] will become a highly powerful and dangerous NEMESIS. This is Dr. Lunara signing off.
Name: Johnny Taylor Alias: The Wrathful, The Ballistic Haizinburg Academy Killer. Profession: Student/Serial Killer. Appearance-Young teenage male with white skin, has brown colored, short unruly hair and green eyes, on his skull there are some scars covered by his hair, used to wear a unique style of clothing, has a black and a phthalo green color, long sleeved jacket with a devilish face sown onto the hoodie with orange button-eyes, the tip of the hood has a round bat, has a pair of orange fingerless gloves with many of his scars on his body covering his body, and a long pants with checkered pattern, lastly a pair of black school approved shoes. Background: A poor young teenager from a poor background. Have only his mother for some emotional support, since his bastard of a father, dumped them into a difficult and terrible fate. His mother struggles to support them, and he desperately tries to hold everything together to never bother or worry his mother. Cause of this Johnny, has dedicated himself to study to gain any opportunity of scholarship, so his mother doesn't have to pay for his schooling anymore. Johnny is quite a talented young man, with great level of intelligence, and a love of fantasy genre of novel, as well of a interest for the occult, that held sculpt his personality...which also lead to his isolation from his peers. Kinda of a introvert, and a victim of bullying for many years, throughout his school life, everyone was picking and teasing him for his style and intellect, but he held all that pain, anger, and frustration inside of him for years, until he finally receive a scholarship to a private academy/school in Europe, called Haizinburg Academy, and he moved to Europe to attend the academy. Johnny thought that going into a high-class academy would finally solve all his problem, aside from relieving some of the financial issues of his mother, maybe he can finally escape the bullying and ridicule. But it was not meant to be, his love for fantasy, and the occult, along with his own style of customizing his uniform, made him a target for worse forms of bullying and torment, this continued for some couples years, until a terrible accident. One day, while reading alone in the library, some of his "classmates" prepare a prank on him, they faked a fire on the library, and out of complete panick from the smoke through the area, Johnny ran around in a blind panic. As he run, he made to the Auditorium, and he slipped from the stairs and landed hard on his head. Badly cracking his skull and bleeding allover the floor, realizing that he was badly injured, they left in a pool of his own blood, and eventually the teacher found him and rushed him to the hospital. After being operated and he rested on the hostile, Johnny, he returned to the academy, but unknown to all that accident caused some brain damage, specifically cutting off all self-control, restrain, and impulse control, in his mind. At that moment any sort of slight, or push done to him, would be meet with a burst of unspeakable anger from him, this started to freak out everyone that has any sort of contact or interaction with Johnny, this provided some small rest of all the bullying and torment, until the bullies returned to mess with me. They ignored and actually ridicule all his outbusts, until Johnny eventually, he was pushed over the edge and during curfew, he locked all the exits of the dorm, and he started to kill his schoolmate,s using anything he could find, to brutally and viciously killed everyone he could find. Scream of fear and pain, echoed allover the academy, until someone finally was able to get in contact with the cop. And when the police arrived, they found a horrible massacre and they found Johnny, and it took three officers to restrain him, especially with his rage filled strength, now in maximum security for several life sentences.
Dr. Lunara Personal Notes#44: Johnny Taylor, is a interesting case. Once a normal young man, no boy, that had a bright future ahead, but constant bullying and suffering were piling on, until his accident, that caused his brain damage. All the rage and pain came bursting out of him, and his mind and restrains were broken. From reports that I've acquired Johnny was able to murder twenty-six people, before he was arrested. I believe for the BETA Marking Experiment, Johnny is a prime candidate for it, along with other candidates that I've picked and secured for the upcoming, and proper Marking Experiment. We must plan for all future NEMESIS that will be created, and I repeat, Johnny Taylor is a prime candidate.
Name: Hanz Jason Grooth Alias: The Doctor, The Fearmonger, The Nightmare Maker, The Traumatizer. Profession: Scientist, Therapist, Psychologist. Weapons-1.Special Carving Knife. 2.Anything that involves the victim's fears. Appearance-Handsome young man, with light skin tone and reddish brown, short hair, uses special glasses for sight, and eventually after some years of incarceration in his own former place of employment he stared to write notes and symbols on his limbs and refused to wash them, as for his style of clothing, he still wears his long sleeved lab coat also having notes and symbols written on the back and the sleeves, and a turquoise colored shirt underneath, once wore fine clothing he has found the special restraining pants in a cloud-grey color, and he managed to keep his fine style, high-quality brown leather shoes. Background: Hanz Jason Grooth. He came from a normal background, lovely parents, and some siblings, Hanz was born and rised in Dunkeld, Scotland. He was a brilliant young man, talented and gifted, he was even able to achieve obtain a doctorate in psychology and science, making his family and peers proud. Aside from his amazing talents, and gift, many can say Hanz J. Grooth was a normal human being, but that was the farthest from the truth. Ever since he was a child, Hanz had a twisted obsession with fear, he enjoyed watching animals in terror and the behaviors they do while overwhelmed with fear, this modeled him into the dark monster that he would become. Taking notes and recording these acts, behaviors, and traumatic moments of the animals, he tortured lead him to seek more sources of fear and panic, hence he turned to people, and in order to study, document, and cause these episodes of great terror onto people, he invested into the science of psychology, and eventually became a top-class psychologist. Hanz used to work in his own, therapist office but his "clients/patients" picking the right "subjects" to perform horrific psychological and sometimes physical "therapies" to cause a much fear and panic from his victims. But it didn't satisfy his erges of diving into the minds of people, to master the art of fear, and the risk of getting caught, losing all his progress of his work. Most of his patients were to "important" to others, that would ruin his "work", so he closed down his therapy office, and even left many of his "subjects" to their fates, facing their greatest traumas, eventually he found the perfect place to not only use his practices, but have unlimited access to test-subjects and resources. Hanz obtained employment in a mental asylum called, "New Hope Mental Institute" in only a couple of years, he managed to reach the position of head psychologist and doctor of the asylum, Hanz charm and manipulations has lead everyone to believe he was a good person, that sought to help and heal others, especially those of psychological issues. Dr. Hanz, has worked nonstop, having multiple patients and gave them false hope and reassurance, but to him they were all possible test-subjects for his horrific experiments. Once he found a patient with deep traumas, or complicated insecurities, or a unique fear or even a interesting trauma, Hanz then takes a interest on that person and use them into the horrible tests. He has done awful things, from placing a person in a deep pool of water, since the subject couldn't swim and was terrified of water, or locking a person in a cage with hundreds of poisonous spiders, cause that person has arachnophobia, the list went on his horrible actions and crimes, all the while he'd watched with an excited, smiling face, recording everything. Hanz did these things for years, until he was eventually caught, cause a nurse in the asylum noticed a surge of disappearances happening to their patients, the police got involved and finally caught him, in his "dungeon of horrors" he secretly build underneath the asylum. Hanz, proudly admitted to his crimes, and his only regret was that most of his victims, were to weak to last enough to provide some further insight into his work, regardless in the end he was responsible for many, many deaths and attempts of murder, clearly a menace to society and insane, so he was institutionized in the very same mental asylum that he once worked in, and is locked away in his own padded room.
Dr. Lunara Personal Notes#46: I must applaud, Dr. Grooth. On several reasons, were similar to one another, brilliant minds, unburden by morality or limitations. Hanz is a clear sociopath, and also has OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) involving fear. His profile states, he is a manipulator, charmer, highly intelligent, and dangerous, these along with many other aspects make Hanz a perfect candidate for the BETA Marking Experiment. Fortunately, he is secure in his own cell, making it quite easy to obtain him in the future.
Name: Rocco Angelo Cattaneo Alias: The Canepazzo, The Cattaneo Blacksheep, Il Fracasso/The Smasher. Profession: Mafioso. Weapons-1.Long Sledgehammer. 2.Classic Thompson Submachine Gun. Appearance-Grown Italian man, with black colored hair in a slick style, has some facial defigurements from fighting from a bad cut to a right lip to all the way to upper-right eye, missing teeth, and a bloodshot left eye, giving him a monstrous face, used to wear a white fedora with a black lace, a short three-buttoned coat and a pair of greyish fine gloves, long, thin stripped suit pants, and a pair of grey fine shoes, but one of the twisted things he used to carry a silver hound emblem with bones encased in silver, hanging on the chain and these bones belong to his numerous victims. Background: The Cattaneo Family, was once of the most powerful and feared families in the mafia. One of the leaders, was Angelo "Bambino" Catteneo, ruled Chicago for some years, until got married and had a son, name, Rocco Angelo Cattaneo, a man that eventually became known as the "Canepazzo" which means "Crazy Dog". The reason was that Rocco was the blacksheep of a really bad family, extremely violent, and loved to cause pain and live a life of debauchery, at the age of 8, he has already killed three people using a hammer, under the guidance of his father and the other members of the Cattaneo Mafia. While his father was proud of his strength, and brutality, but many say the smile and sick pleasure in Rocco's eyes in that age, and he grew Rocco became worse, an extremely violent and sadistic animal, murdering a large number of people ranging from rivals to civilians, to have some control over him, his Pops made him a hitman for the family. Using his propensity for violence, Rocco spread his infamy among the streets of Chicago, where he obtained his title of "Canepazzo" cause aside from using a Thompson he is known to kill victims using a sledgehammer, brutalized and break the bodies of targets, even taking a sick practice of collecting trophies. At the age of 13, he cost the family a great profit from killing a rival heir of another familia, enraged his Pops beat him, brutally causing him bad facial disfiguring, if not for his mother intervention, his father Angelo, would have killed him there. With Rocco's appetites and psychotic actions growing out of control, his father had no other choice but to banished him, the only reason he wasn't assassinated was because of his mother again, but that kind loving gesture meant little to Rocco, just before leaving he took revenge on his Pops, by killing those close to his Pops, which even included his mama, along with stealing all that he can use to his advantage, leaving his Pops devastated, as he fleed from Chicago. Moving from Chicago to Miami, he continued his murders and establishing his own mod-group, taking over of the drug and smuggling rings in the area, in that time, he also started making some connections with Jamaica, all feared the Canepazzo, and eventually his reunion with his Pops, this lead to a terrible gang war in 1981 in the area. In the end, Rocco is considered the worst criminal of his era, and a embodiment of the word "Psychopath", it took the combine forces of several law-enforcement agencies to finally takedown Rocco and his enterprises in 1995, since then he has been lock-up, and serving a life sentence for several accounts murder, drug trafficking, smuggling, and many, many other crimes. Sitting in his cell, the Canepazzo is still feared and has fangs, razor sharp, eager for blood.
Dr. Lunara Personal Notes#47: Rocco "Canepazzo" Angelo Cattaneo, a notorious and vicious mobster and criminal. A man that was not only rised in a bad embierment, but also a badseed like many that meet this man call him. Is surprising that even among the criminals of the Mafia, he was considered scum, now service a life sentence for murders nearly reaching a hundred in digit. I'll admit apart from his crude and hedonistic tendencies, I believe he'll make a great candidate for the BETA Marking Experiment, he is a diagnosed psychopath, and criminal...apart from this Rocco, is quite a easy to contain and restrain him, for the NEMESIS Project, he'll prove to quite a asset.