Dr. Lunara Personal Notes#65: Johnny Taylor, Dr. Hanz J. Grooth, and Rocco "Canepazzo" A. Cattaneo, are all prime candidates for the BETA Marking Experiment, and the girls for the ALPHA Marking Experiment, were secured and taken away from their former inhabitance. Which means the ALPHA Marking Experiment, can soon be done. As that progresses, I read the files on three other candidates I've chosen for the BETA Marking Experiment. Their names are Raymond Crockett, Jaimie Blaide, and lastly Leon J. Harris, I must say like the girls that I've chosen before, these men have very interesting backgrounds, and psychological profiles, I will be exhilarating reviewing their file more threolly.

Dr. Lunara Personal Notes#66: The process of [REDACTED], was also progressing faster than I originally anticipated, it's clear that he is turning into a NEMESIS, and research involving the NEMESIS Project, will take a new route of progress. BETA, is still under observation, and kept a secret from the board, under my suggestion to Gallen. Using my special privileges on HAVN, I'd installed a special camera system, to keep tabs on not only [REDACTED] but also other personal, subjects, and even the ALPHAs. I'm quite positive that [REDACTED]/BETA, might possess the same transmitting abilities, as ALPHA-ONE, and thus creating the BETA-Strains. We're at the apex of achieving all of Barrow's goal, we just have to be a bit more patient.

Name: Raymond Crockett Alias: The Tallman, The Withering Man. Profession: Former Freakshow Freak. Appearance-8.6 foot tall white skinned man, with short dark brown, semi-curly hair, and also has vibrant hazzle colored eyes, has a withered, sickly appearance from all his medical problems, he used to wear a very long dark almost black suit with white colored buttons and cufflink, a grey colored tie with red, long, thin stripes, long sleeved white undershirt, leather brown belt, and same styled long suit pants, and a pair of fine black shoes, but now he is a customized hospital gown. Background: Raymond Crockett, was born with a genetic defect, basically he has gigantism, which has been a issue for him, all throughout his life. Raymond's parents have tried to support him both emotionally and medically, for his growth in height has always been drastic, when he was preteen he was already around 6+ in height. But at that time his life turned to the worst, he started experiencing difficulty in breathing, and his heart was also having problems, as well. Then at his sixteenth year, while attending his school he has a attack, he could barely breathe and fell to the floor, and instead of helping him, his schoolmates laughed and teased him, he has always been self-conscious of his extreme height and hated his weak constitution, and these thing also attribute to constant bullying all throughout his life, after suffering in the floor for what felt like hours without, clear air, finally someone came and called an ambulance. While in the hospital being treated, Raymond received even graver news, his parents that were contacted and rush to be by his side, only to get into a fatal car accident...thus, leaving alone in the world. He had to support himself, especially with all his medical issues, Raymond, he had to quit his school, and tries to get employment just to survive in this cruel, and unfair world, but either cause of his age or because of his bad medical condition, Raymond was rejected from every job, that he tried to apply for. As his grew in age, and height, his health was also declining, with the lack of care he could provide himself. Until a wandering freakshow came to his hometown, the ringmaster met Raymond, and provided him a spot on the show, at last not only found employment but some shelter. While he despised his height, he became the freakshow's Tallman, at least it supported him for year...but the torment became much worse. Every show on every town they'd visited, he was insulted, laughed at, and even pelted with trash, his resentment and anger continued to stew and grow inside Raymond, until he reach a mature age that he started to much more sicker, as he started to have frequent nose bleeds, cough blood, and started to look more withered, as time passed, after a bad faint during a shoe, Raymond finally went to a hospital to get checked out, the results...he has leukemia. That revelation broke him, all his life its been one bad moment, after another, he tries soo hard to live, and be decent, but he knew that world has always been against him, Raymond snapped, and truth be told, if not for another fainting spell, which lead to a coma, Raymond Crockett, would have murdered a lot of people before he died or was stopped by someone. The police investigating if his coma wasn't foulplay, discovered in his possession a lot of weapons, and a journal, detailing all his revenge and murder fantasies and plans, deeming Raymond a danger to society, he was relocated to another ward on a undisclosed hospital, were he is in a comatose state, with sickness eating away his unconscious body away, until the end. Many say he looks like a horrific wraith, with how leukemia, was eating away at his body...

Dr. Lunara Personal Notes#49: Raymond Crockett, a man both sick physically and mentally. With clear delusional thoughts of persecution against him, as well as a broken psyche, that driven him to murderous attempts. The world was spared from quite possibly, another violent, serial killer by his own medical condition. Now comatose and suffering with leukemia, he lays strapped on a medical bed, waiting to either awake to be institutionized or to pass away. Such a interesting psyche, I truly believe Mr. Crockett, is a perfect candidate for the BETA Marking Experiment, not only for his mental condition, but his physical as well. The trait shared by the NEMESIS, is various level of cellular and physical regeneration, I'm curious to see the result on a sick, dying subject.

Name: Jaimie Blaide Alias: The Warhound, The Skullhelm Cannibal, The Mad Survivor of the Hole. Profession: Military Sniper/Veteran. Weapons-1.M40. 2.Vietnamese Sickle. Appearance-Very fit and trained man, with great musculature, he has a rugged appearance and browish-blond haircolor, for his hairstyle and beard status is unknown, cause he wears a self-made skull helmet from the skulls of his old buddies, pieces of metal attached to it along with the green helmet on the top, he never removes said masked helmet, and for what he wears a old Nam era military jacket with old dirt and blood stains on it another thing he kept along with the dog-tags of his buddies hanging around his neck, while underneath he has on some military patient/prisoner uniform on, and lastly some dirty, and old military boots. Background: Jaimie Blaide, a proud American soldier. He has always live around the military, coming from a long line of military men, that have been fighting for their country from WW2, and the Cold War. So it was almost like fate, that he followed his father, and his father's father, and so forth, footsteps of inlisting and fighting also. A skilled marksman, as he could shot a hat off a man, miles away, after one sight of his scope. And just like his forefathers, Jaimie, also went to war, specifically Nam. During that brutal war, he made a name for himself his sniping and tracking skills, helping him in his survival and getting 34 confirmed kills. One day, him and his squad of four other men, beside himself, were tracking throught the jungle, assign on a mission to eliminate a enemy camp, which took them deeper into the jungle, until nightfall and they were caught unsuspecting. An ambush which resulted in Jaimie's and his closest buddies, his brothers capture, him, and four other men named Tony Smith, Jackie Lyncher, Rex Gabeson, and Henry Bloock woke up in a deep hole, completely disarmed and left to rot in that hole for days. Under the mercy of the elements, they got weaker as days passed, and as they were getting desperate for food and water, they started so hauler at their captives to please give them some food and water, but no one answer for a few more days...until. One day, some Vietcong came and told them that it was time for them to eat, as they were given some "tools" so they can get their food, and dropped in the hole was a M40 with four bullets and a sickle, the message was clear, if they wanted to eat...they have to kill for it. At first they refused and resisted but in the end, hunger won, and they decided to take out the weakest among them to allow the others to live longer, and with that one by one were killed and eaten by the others until he remained...broken, and twisted Jaimie, was the only one left, having just ate and killed his buddies to survive. His mind broke to such a degree that it tried to heal and put itself back to together in it own way of cooping, in Jaimie case it was to make some sort of amence and get his buddies, his brothers back together with him, so...taking their tags and wearing them, he started to make a helmet from the skulls, bones, belonging, pieces of scrap, and the bullets that killed his friend to make this helmet. At the end he fused all material together to make, a sharp metal teeth, helmed skull mask and placed on his head. As he stayed in that hole for some more time, eating what remains of his buddies, until finally he was found and rescued. When his allies came to get him, they found him sitting on a hole surround by four skeletal remains, bloody uniform, a bloody sickle and empty M40, and was more impacting his skull masked helmet. He sat there unmoving in silence, when they help him on his feet, he didn't respond but on the moment that they touched his helmet, Jaimie snapped. Jaimie attacked his rescuers, and managed to kill 8 soldiers, before he was taken down and restrained, taken back to the States, he was deemed psychotically broken, and a extreme danger to society along with being a mentally broken, he was basically, and unofficially dishonor discharged, but instead they sent to military mental institute, left in the dark again and forgotten.

Dr. Lunara Personal Notes#51: Sgt. Jaimie Blaide. He has quite a impressive military history, along with very intriguing downfall as well. I'm impressed with his military history, having killed thirty-four Vietcongs, in his career, when he was captured and countless days of torture have broken Mr. Blaide. Showing clear signs of extreme PTSD, confirmed cannibal, extreme psychotic trauma, and from what I've read on his profile, his form of cooping with the trauma, he made and wears a self-made mask helmet, compose of the belonging and skeletal remains of his former squadmates. From the recovered reports and therapy sessions that the military done on Mr. Blaide, he swear that his "brothers" are still with him and their souls are trapped in his mask. Such a interesting case, along with being a prime, if not a perfect candidate not only for NEMESIS Project, as a whole, but also for the BETA Marking Experiment.

Name: Leon Joseph Harris Alias: The Tormentor, The Punisher of False Innocent, The Judge of Punishment. Profession: Court Judge, Serial Killer. Weapons-Variety of Chains. Appearance-A mature, well-taken and good looking gentleman, well groom dark skinned man, he is bald with a short and dark chin beard, he has his and Lana's rings tied to a chain he once wore around his waist, along with wearing a costume to inspire fear, he had a medieval executioner hood which hid his eyes, a studded collar around his neck to keep the hood in place, wears a twisted version of a judge gown with chains tied over his chest and arms, large, long black latex gloves with short spikes on the knuckle spots, long black slacks and a pair of long, multi-strapped, spiked boots. Background: Many that once knew the man name Leon J. Harris, or also known the Tormentor, a very sadistic, and gruesome serial killer, with a twisted or more crude view on justice, after suffering a very significant loss. Leon Harris, was a local judge of a smalltown called Silverroutes, a firm man of value and a sense of right strongly forged, as he had dedicated his life to seek justice for his the innocent and punish lawbreakers. Because of this Leon was very respect and adored in his community, and also meeting the love of his life, his wife Lana Harris. For more a couple of years, Leon has served a fair and unbiased judge, saving many innocent lives, and putting away many criminals into prison, a true man of principle and justice if there ever once was...until tragedy hit him. On the day of his wedding anniversary, he and his wife, went out for a lovely dinner, when they stopped for some gas on their way back home, as he paid for the gas, he heard a scream, as Lana was being attacked by a man in a hoodie, the man stole her purse and shot her dead, Leon rushed to her body, and in the process knock the man down, and reveal to the son of the town's mayor. Not caring at the moment, he rushed his baby to the hospital, and despite all the doctors working to save her, Lana she didn't survive. Devastated, he cried over her body in her hospital room, taking her wedding ring, she promise her that he'll get her justice. As he got the mayor's kid arrested and wanted justice for his wife, and send that punk to prison where he belongs, but then the mayor paid the jury, the judge, and lawyer to get his addict son free from charges. Devastated, he demanded justice, but no one would heard him a juste and good man, instead they listened to greed and corruption. Alone holding Lana's ring, he learn that some of the criminals that he sent away, were released earlier with pay-offs and bribings, this drove him further into the darkness of depression and madness, he looked at a executioner hood he owned as a decorative piece in his study, and like a answer it was clear. Taking the hood, and several chains that he made into various weapons...hooks, spikes, and knives, he dragged them as Leon was masked into a executioner persona, and tracked down the punk, he abducted him, and take him to another location, were he torture him for hour with his chains, and made him confess to all his crimes, once prove guilty, Leon left the punk bleeding and hanging from a chain. This was the first of many murders and confessions that done, working as a more crueler and unforgiving judge at day, and at night the Tormentor, would stalk the streets of Silverroutes, killing criminals and solving many crimes, he has become unforgiving justice. It took some months, until the FBI finally tracked him down, and arrested Leon, at his trail, he pleaded guilty, and wanted to be executed for his crimes, like justice deems necessary. But they refuse to kill him, instead he was locked away in a maximum security prison, as he was fear by all the criminal, as he has become the boogeyman that all scum fear, especially when the sound of chains, raddling near them...

Dr. Lunara Personal Notes#52: The Tormentor, I read of the FBI, reports of this man suffers not only for a broken heart, and a incredible injustice that contributed to his psychotic break. Diagnosed sadist, with a personal self-view of himself as judge and executioner, taking it as his new identity. Those years in prison, has further twisted his views on who is innocent or guilty, becoming a greater monster, that should remain incarcerated. A boogeyman among the criminals, a truly broken man, and his acts of vigilante murders, quite a change from a man of justice to a killer of twisted justice. Being imprisoned in maximum, let us have easy access to Mr. Harris, I believe he is a good candidate for the BETA Marking Experiment, and the final one of my chosen male candidates, for this experiment.

Future Quotes of the NEMESIS Candidates


Nina's famous quotes-1."Hahahaha. Now, give me a big smile."

2."Do I look pretty? Yes? Well, let me give a smile like mine."

3."One more slit-mouth, lucky you won't feel it, like I did ago."

Cassette's famous quotes-1."I'm going to make, unforgettable."

2."Now, smile for the camera. We're about to make a wild gore fest, together."

3."And...we're rolling, buddy. Hope you don't die on me, too quickly. I want to enjoy the video later."

Ruby's famous quotes-1."Bing bong🎵 The kiddo dead🎵 Who just die🎵? The fucking bitch on the floor!!!"

2."And that kiddies, is how you slash the eyes off, a asshole."

3."Are we having fun yet? No? Haaaah!! Let fix that, with this bat to your skull, shall we?"

Candypop's famous quotes-1."Here I come. Give me something sweet and gushy to eat? You look soo sweet..."

2."Hungry. Hungry...I'm soo hungry. Feed me your sweet blood."

3."Candy and blood. Nothing is more sweeter, in my lips."

Tai Tai's famous quotes-1."That's was too much fun!! Get up, I haven't cut you enough!!"

2."Caught ya!! Little mouse, time to shriek!!!"

3."Come out little mouse, I want to drive my claws, onto you squeechy body."

Future BETA-Varients

Rampage's famous quotes-1."Open your veins!!! Bleed!! Bleed!!! Hhahahahaha."

2."Ohhh that the stuff. Another, piggie chopped."

3."Simon! Marcus! Stop arguing, let me chop this piggie!!"

Ira's famous quotes-1."Still think I'm weak? Well let's tear you, apart!!"

2."Shut up!! Stop breathing!!! Just die!!"

3."Gotcha!! Now I'll break you."

Nightterror's famous quotes-1."Your fright is enjoyable, let's make them a real nightmare."

2."The edge of sanity is fear. And at the edge of fear...death."

3."Welcome to a another, unending nightmare."

Canepazzo's famous quotes-1."Hey punk!? You think your better than me!!? Huh!? Then eat this hammer to the face, asshole!!!"

2."Name's Rocco Canepazzo Angelo Cattaneo, remember it cagna troia!!!"

3."Haha. Just another meat, for this hungry dog. Time to make this fun, run!!! I'll get you in end, again."

Witherman's famous quotes-1." pain...forever."

2."Wither. Wither...and...die. With my...poisonous...illness."

3."I am...death... sickness."

Tormentor's famous quotes-1."Another guilty soul, punished by these chains."

2."Justice is cruel, and unforgiving, for guilty scum like you."

3."Another one, for you Lana. Another one, paid baby. All for you, baby."