The Star Crusher Appears

Taiyo kicks Yuki far away into the forest.

Taiyo shoots a ball of solar power towards Yuki.

The forest explodes into fire.

Yuki attempts to create a wall of ice but it is melted by the pure presence of Taiyo's ki.

In Taiyo's eyes, every sound is numbed and everything looks golden, due to the rising sun.

"Rüstung des Eiskönigs." Yuki says as a Armour of ice covers his body.

"Arena słońca." Taiyo said with his arms wide open.

Yuki's armour melts off.

Yuki looks in surprise.

"Pochówek słoneczny."

Taiyo kicks the ground and multiple molten rock goes flying towards Yuki.

Yuki is covered in the cluster of molten rocks.

Taiyo covers his feet in a wrap of solar power.

"Dragon buster."

Taiyo melts all of the rocks, that had covered Yuki, and kicks Yuki in the gut.

Yuki coughs out blood.

Taiyo forms a small ball of compressed solar power on the tips of his fingers.

"Wygaśnięcie Słońca." Taiyo said as he flicks the ball of solar power towards Yuki.

A big red flash of light illuminates the sky.

Half of the forest is destroyed and Yuki is shown with severe burns on his body and Taiyo powers down.

Yuki faints and Taiyo catches him.

As Taiyo brings Yuki out of the forest on his back, Taiyo asks Yuki "Why did he join the SPO."

"Why are you asking me this." Yuki said weakly.

"Because you seem like a pretty good guy." Taiyo said.

"I have no reason to tell you." Yuki said.

"Is it for revenge or something?"

"It's something like that... wait, shut up and stop talking to me."

"Not until you tell me."

Yuki sigh.

"12 years ago, the entire royal ice clan was annihilated by a mysterious cause." Yuki said.

"I know that." Taiyo said.

"You may have known that but do you know who did it though?" Yuki said.

"no." Taiyo said.

"Then shut up and let me finish my story." Yuki said."As I was saying, nobody knew who or what caused this mass murder. Even though it was their own king and queen that was killed, nobody tried to investigate. "Why?"you may ask, it's because everyone outside of the royal ice clan hated them because they were treated poorly, meanwhile the royal ice members were treated like gold. Everyone disregarded this situation and turned their backs on the case. It was never spoke of again. 6 year later, the child of the king and queen reappears, suddenly and almost out of nowhere, except no one knew about this because he was in the village, no, he was at the SPO base, where he was trained and refined to do their evil doings."

"Wait, let me guess, you were that child." Taiyo said.

"Yeah, and the ones who annihilated the royal clan was the -" Yuki started.

"SPO." Taiyo and Yuki said at the same time.

"So then, why do you still work for them." Taiyo said.

"I worked with them, so that I could destroy them from the inside, out but now it's too late." Yuki said followed with a sigh.

"Wait, what do you me-." Taiyo said but was cut off by a big explosion.

Yuki hops of Taiyo's back.

"Wait, i'm not done healing you yet." Taiyo said.

"You were healing me?" Yuki said with a confused expression.

"Yes, I was look at your burns." Taiyo said.

Yuki's burns had looked like they were scars from the past.

"I kinda like these burn marks, I think imma keep them." Yuki said "but back to a more pressing matter, That explosion is the reason why I say it's too late."

Taiyo senses a drop in Yami's ki sense.

"oh shit." Taiyo said right before he powers back on and zooms towards the place Yami and the rest was.

Yuki follows Taiyo's just barely.

Taiyo and Yuki arrives at the place and there is multiple dents all around.

Kyusoku backs up and goes to where Taiyo and Yuki was.

"I see your back." Kyusoku looks past Taiyo "And with the enemy?"

"I'll explain later." Taiyo says looking around and spots Yami "What happened to Yami?"

"He was distracted and was crushed in an instant."

"By who?"

"Him" Yuki said looking at a mysterious man covered in gold armor.

The man stretches his body and then looks forward.

"I always knew you would betray us, but not in a time like this." The man in gold said.

"Did you really think I would just follow your every command, even after you killed my family?" Yuki said with a spiteful voice.

The man in gold stays quiet.

"Hmh, Laptuas?" Yuki said.

Laptuas is still silent.


"You already know the answer to that question." Laptuas said.

"I will kill you." Yuki said with a cold and harsh voice.