Laptuas, The Jupiter User

Laptuas dashes at all three at the same time, which results in a big hole at the place they were standing, but they dodge the attack diligently.

"Słońce praży."



All three attack Laptuas from all sides.


All three attacks collide and, when the smoke clears, Laptuas is gone.

Laptuas appears behind Taiyo.

"Flame Lions Mane."

Taiyo blocked the attack but in the process he had nearly every muscle in his upper half cramped.

Taiyo is thrown to the ground and left defenseless, due to his muscles cramping in such a sudden notice, that his body took 20 minutes to comprehend what had just happened.

Kyusoku and Yuki blitz's Laptuas with a flurry of punches and kicks.

Yuki kicks Laptuas away.

"Accelerarea Vitezei."

In nearly an instant, Kyusoku is right next to Laptuas with a thunder punch ready.

Meanwhile with Taiyo.

*Doing this will hurt like hell but I can deal with the pain.* Taiyo thinks for a while. *I doubt I can use that form again but I can maybe use my awakening.*

Taiyo charges up ki stored from deep within his body.

A flash of a man smiling flashes through Taiyo's mind.

*What was that?*

Taiyo goes into his awakened state but something is different.

He feels more versatile and more stronger in all physical capabilities.

Taiyo flashes to where Kyusoku and Yuki is at.

Taiyo punches Laptuas in the gut and sends him off flying.

"How did you survive that?" Kyusoku asked.

"I remembered this one time when my father said that 'when you take on a transformation, your body bulks forward and releases all of your muscles and increases the amount of adrenaline your body gives out to equalize the amount of ki that is released, depending on the form you choose.'"

Before Kyusoku has a chance to respond, He gets punched away onto the ground.

Taiyo and Yuki kick Laptuas at the same time.

Laptuas goes failing back but then he flashes back to where Taiyo and Yuki.

Taiyo and Yuki looks behind them, only to see Laptuas ready to punch the both of them with one swing.

Jus before they were hit though, Kyusoku saves then just by a hair.

Yuki creates a shield of ice that guards every opening possible.

"I got a plan." Yuki said.

Laptuas punches through that defense in one punch.

Taiyo goes to the left, Kyusoku goes to the right, and Yuki goes straight for Laptuas.

Taiyo charges a fist of flame, Yuki gets a fist of lighting ready, and Kyusoku charges up a fist of lightning.

Laptuas dodges all of the punches but he didn't see that they all were ready with a ki wrapped kick for him.

Laptuas is hit by all three at the same time.

Laptuas goes flying and his golden armor comes off.

Laptuas starts to laugh.

"Whats so funny?" Yuki said harshly.

"The ritual is finally complete." Laptuas said.

Yuki eyes widen as he stands up from his fighting pose and claps his hands together.

Right before Yuki teleported them, (also teleporting Kinishi, Futen, Hanage, and Yami) Taiyo saw a big explosion charging towards them.

Taiyo, Yuki, and Kyusoku sees a big purple and yellow explosion in the distance.

"My Jupiter powers have been restored." Laptuas says with a big smirk on his face.

"These kids can server as a warm-up.

Laptuas appears in front of Taiyo, Kyusoku, and Hanage with a big smirk on his face.

*How is he this fast!!!* Taiyo thought to himself as he retreats, almost instantly.

Laptuas snaps and half of Taiyo's body vanishes in a bloody splatter.

Taiyos vision goes dark.

"Are you just going to let yourself get killed like this." Kinryu said looking down upon Taiyo, who has only half of his body, while in mid-air.

"No." Taiyo said.

"Even though your already drained enough and still suffering from backlashes from the tournament, this technique will make you unable to move for the next 3 months in exchange for power... are you willing to take the risk?" Kinryu asked him.

"Yes." Taiyo said as the half of his body that was snapped away reappears and his awakened state aura color goes from brown to red.

Taiyo vanishes and appears behind Laptuas and punches him in the face.