Taiyo vs Apollo! A showdown for the records!?

Kinishi breathes heavily.

"I did it..." Kinishi said with fatigue.

Kinishi falls on the ground and passes out.

Taiyo walks into his prep-room.

He sits down on the bench.

*So Apollo will most definitely try to use a ki blade to take me down....how should I respond to this???* Taiyo thought. *Wait! I know how*

Meanwhile, with Apollo

*If I let the battle prolong for too long, Taiyo will adapt to my battle style... no wonder in the previous 3 Showdown Leagues he was taken out almost as soon as the 5 minute mark hits.* Apollo thought *I have go in fast and precise. if I don't then it's over for me.*

Ding dong ding!!~

"May both contestants please proceed to the arena. Arena reparations have been completed." The announcer said.

Taiyo and Apollo appear at the opposite side of the arena.

Taiyo and Apollo jump onto the arena with deep stares at each other.

The countdown began





Apollo zooms in with a kick.

Taiyo dodges but with a scratch on his cheek.

He smirks.

Apollo stops in mid-air and stretches out his hands.

"Bin Işık mızraklarından oluşan bir yaylım ateşi!!!" (A Volley Of Thousand Light Spears)

1000 light spears appear from behind Apollo.

"He's using one of his strongest attacks right off the rip?!! He must really want to end this quickly," Taiyo said with a smirk on his face.

"Promień słoneczny: 45 Percent." (Solar Beam)

Taiyo fires off a large beam of solar energy that almost matches the same velocity of the thousand spears.

Both attacks collided with a bright orange explosion in the middle.

5 light spears stray away and attack Taiyo.

Taiyo jumps and dodges the spears.

Apollo appears from behind Taiyo.

"Buda'nın yumruğu." (Buddha's Fist)

Apollo's hand resembles those of a Buddha as he punches Taiyo on his side.

Taiyo just barely managed to block the attack using both of his hands.

Taiyo flies to the middle of the arena.

He attempted to land with his hands but they throbbed with pain the moment he tried to use them.

Taiyo flips over at the pain and lands on his back.

"When struck with the Buddha's fist, it makes it so that you can't even use your hands, by cursing it." Apollo said. "You won't be able to use your hands for the next 2 years."

Taiyo burns his hands with his solar powers.

"Oh!, Really??" Taiyo said using his hand to stand without having any difficulty.

"What??! How is this possible? The curse has been removed!!" Apollo said, shocked.

*It hurts like a motherf***er but I gotta deal with the pain until it fully heals using my healing powers.* Taiyo thought while smirking.

Apollo dashes towards Taiyo and punches him on his side.

Taiyo blocks and flips in the air and sticks his hand out and makes a finger gun.

"Pistolet słoneczny: Szybki ogień." (Solar Gun: Rapid Fire)

Multiple small sun bullets come out of Taiyo's hand at a rapid speed.

"Işık Yaratımı: Işık Kalkanı." -Light Creation: Light Shield

A small rainbow-shaped shield appears from Apollo's hands.

The shield contains most of the bullets but ends up breaking due to the amount of solar bullets exceeding the limit.

"Işık topu." (Ball of Light)

Apollo is pushed back but is able to contain the remaining bullets.

"Wow... you actually were able to withstand that?!" Taiyo said with slight shock.

Apollo hold out his hand and folds his pinky and ring finger under his thumb.

"Flaş Patlaması." (Flash Bang)

Apollo swipes his hand and a bright light explodes in the entire arena for 5 seconds.

Taiyo's vision and hearing is becomes faint and lacking.

Apollo proceeded to beat up Taiyo.

"Hafif Hamle." (Light Lunge)

Taiyo is launched into the air and nearly on the top of the stadium.

Taiyo regains his hearing and vision while mid-air and looks down to see Apollo trying to finish the combo he started.

Taiyo reaches out his left hand puts his right hand facing the left, horizontally.

"Atak wielosłoneczny." (Multi-Solar Beam Attack)

Taiyo launches 20 solar beams at Apollo.

Apollo tries to block the attacks but, instead of rupturing through him, it exploded and burned Apollo.

Apollo falls back down to the ground at the same time that Taiyo did as well.

A smoke screen appears as Apollo smashes into the ground.

"Hafif mızraklar." (Light Spears)

5 Light Spears pierce into Taiyo's body.