I win!

Taiyo looks down at the 5 light spears in him.

Taiyo coughs out blood.

The light spears disappears and the blood spills out.

Taiyo burns his wounds shut.

*If I don't play my next cards right and lock in, then I'm cooked.* Taiyo thought with a sarcastically worried voice.

Apollo dashes at Taiyo and kicks his face.

Taiyo catches his leg without looking at him.

Taiyo, then, proceeds to look at Apollo, slowly turning his head.

*I see so this guy thinks he better than me now, huh?* Apollo thought to himself.

Taiyo throws Apollo.

Apollo catches himself nearly falling out of the stadium.

"Atak wielosłoneczny." (Multi-Solar Beam Attack)

15 solar beams launch at Apollo

Apollo dodges the beams.

Taiyo appears right in front of Apollo.

Taiyo stretches out his hand a solar beam materializes.

"Promień słoneczny: 45 Percent." (Solar Beam)

*Crap* Apollo thought.

The beam was launched and any trace of Apollo had seemed to be scorched but still remaining.

The steam from the beam disappears and, out of the smoke, Apollo is just standing there with a light blade in hand.

"So, you finally brought it out,huh?" Taiyo said.

"I didn't want to but if this is how I beat you then I guess i'll have to use the blade of light." Apollo said.

The Blade of Light, said to be gifted by the greek god Apollo, is a traditional blade that every light users can use.

However, the full potential of the Blade of Light can only be unlocked by the "Chosen Light."

The "Chosen Light" is the person who is believed to be blessed by the greek god Apollo and is expected to lead the light users clan and guide them to a bright and prodigious future.

In order to find out if someone is the "Chosen Light" or not, you must look at the swords guard.

In this case, Apollo is the "Chosen Light."

(Sword and Combat techniques will be said in english cuz i don't feel like doing allat)

"Light Sword Style: Flashing Strikes"

Apollo flashes by Taiyo.

The attacks stab Taiyo but Taiyo had used his ki to strengthen his body for a temporary timing.

"I knew you would do that." Apollo yelled while turning around.

"Flaş Patlaması." (Flash Bang)

A bright light covers the entire arena.

*Not again. oh no... am I cooked??* Taiyo thought in a very worried voice.

"Light Sword Style: Bright Lunge."

Taiyo is stabbed in the stomach and gets launched to the other side of the arena by a Light Beam.

Apollo dashes in for the finishing blow but Taiyo gets his grip back and grabs Apollo by the mouth.

"parlak yıldız." (Bright Star)

Apollo body turns into a bright illumination.

"What the F-" Taiyo said before getting hit with the most brightest attack he has ever seen so far.

Taiyo opens his eyes and realizes that he is nearly about to touch the ground of the outskirts of the arena.

"Bat słoneczny" (Solar whip)

Taiyo uses the whip to wrap Apollo's body and propels himself onto Apollo.

Taiyo kicked Apollo's face and then went for three punches on the body.

"Explosive Fingers Combat."

*Every attack I make will explode.* Taiyo said

Taiyo threw 5 explosive hits and then palms him.

Taiyo threw up two fingers in the air.

"Promień słoneczny: 100 percent."(Solar Beam)

A big ball of solar energy appears on top of Taiyo.

*I may be over doing but... ahhh what the hell! He's doing it as well!* Apollo said.

"Yüz milyon Işık mızrağından oluşan bir baraj." (A barrage of a hundred million spears of Light)

Both attacks clash with a bright and burning white flame explosion.

Taiyo and Apollo pressed on with the clash.

As soon as Taiyo realized that 1 million Light Spears had collided with his beam, he smiled, stopped his attack, and went for a full on, ki filled, punch.

Taiyo runs on the side as the light spears are pulled towards his direction.

The light spears are unable to touch Taiyo due to his dodging skills.

Taiyo jumped towards Apollo.

Taiyo continued to dodge the spears while mid-air.

Taiyo just almost reached Apollo but then ten light spears pierce through Taiyo's body.

Taiyo's head goes down for a sec then it goes up and Taiyo reveals a mischievous smirk on his face as blood drips down his lips.

Apollo has reached the hundred million spear limit and cannot continue sending out spears.

*Yep, im cooked.* Apollo thought with a plain shocked face.

"I win!" Taiyo said followed with a laugh.

Taiyo's punch connects with Apollo's face.

Apollo goes crashing down on the outside of the arena.

"HE HAS DONE ITTTT. TAIYO HAS WON THE MATCH." the announcer proclaimed.

Taiyo lands on the arena and stumbles on his way out until he drops unconscious in front of the exit of the arena and starts to bleeds, almost uncontrollably, due to his past and new wounds opening