Showdown! Taiyo vs Aika

Taiyo walks through the stadium and towards challenging board.

The tension is high and all eyes are on all of the challengers, but mostly Taiyo.

Taiyo arrives at the board and reads the list.

The line-ups are of the following:

1st match: Aika vs Kinishi

2nd match: Apollo vs Taiyo

3rd match: Dobutsu-Senshi vs Kyusoku

4th match: Hitsugaya vs Hirumi

*So I'm up against Apollo.* Taiyo thought to himself. *In order to beat, I must focus on timing and my attack potency.*

When Taiyo was 10 years old, He had the battle experience of a person who is quadruple his age.

But current Taiyo has forced himself to forget this occurrence and, in the midst of trying to forget, he forgot all of his training since he was 5. This is why he struggled fighting Laptuas, even though he was two leagues ahead of Laptuas.

"So my fighting style should be mostly defence and counters." Taiyo said in a low voice to himself.

"That's a good idea," Chemosh said behind Taiyo, breaking Taiyo's entire train of thought. "but you should still remember that Apollo has yet to reach the speed of light."

"I know dad, we've been best friends since we were 5, which is also the time that we started our training." Taiyo said.

"And that is exactly why I am bringing up his speed limit again."

Taiyo looks at Chemosh confused.

"Just because he hasn't reached the speed of light, doesn't mean that he couldn't, potentially, have reached supersonic speed." Chemosh said "You don't know one's true power until you force it out of them."

"True, but for now my play will be a close range fighting style." Taiyo said.

"You should switch to mid-range once Apollo starts to get faster." Chemosh said.

"Good idea."

Meanwhile with Kinishi

Kinishi is in his changing room,alone, and is preparing for the fight with Aika, which he only has 20 minutes to do.

"I'm fighting Aika??! what should I do?!!" Kinishi said panicking in his changing room.

"Okay, calm down me, I have 19 minutes to think this through."

(Side note: Taiyo is wiser than Kinishi but Kinishi is smarter than Taiyo. It's what makes them balance out as the two strongest elemental users, at the time.)

"So Aika has time power capabilities, she can stop time for 2 milliseconds, she can form afterimages, she move any body part she wants to, except for her brain, and, the deadliest move in her arsenal, she can time blitz." Kinishi said to himself.

"She can only do time blitz 7 times though,... but either way I should probably try to end it quickly before she has time to activate it." Kinishi thought to herself.

Ding Ding Ding~

*10 minutes remaining* came out of the announcer.

Chemosh came into the room.

"Oh, hey dad." Kinishi said while sitting still sitting on the bench in his prep room.

"So, what type of fighting style have you concluded with?" Chemosh said.

"I don't know man, probably long range or close range. Just as long as I can finish the fight as fast as I can before I get defeated." Kinishi said.

"Well that's not a but hey if you think that's the best option, which it probably is, then go for it." Chemosh said with a nonchalant voice.

"You makin' me feel unsure now." Kinishi said.

"How?" Chemosh asked

"Just 'cause like... nevermind." Kinishi said with a sigh inbetween.

"Imma leave now, good luck on your fight. I'll be watching." Chemosh said with his back turned.

"Thanks." Kinishi said.

Kinishi stands up and starts to stretches his body in the last 5 minutes remaining.

*It takes around 10-15 minutes before she can unleash all seven of her blitz's* Kinishi thought to himself.

*Please proceed to the main arena.*

Kinishi gets out of the prep room and into the arena.

In the arena, there are loud cheers and bright lights.

Kinishi and Aika step up to the arena center.

They both lock eyes onto each other as Kinishi smirks with confidence.

"No use of metallic weapons or any form of enhancement through unnatural means is allowed." The referee said. "They match ends when: 1: the fighter step out of the arena. 2: the fighter destroys a large fraction of the arena. 3: the fighter is knocked. Or 4: the timer runs out."

*The match begins in three seconds* blared the announcer


Kinishi and Aika gets into a fighting stance.


Kinishi covers his hands in ki.


Kinishi adjusts his foot to move in full capacity.
