Back To Where it All Began

A tragedy, that Taiyo so desperately wanted to forget and kept in the back of his mind, had reappeared to haunt him once again.

A 10 year old Taiyo gets up from bed.

"Ughh, what head hurts like hell." Taiyo said groaning.

11 year old Kinishi looks at Taiyo and says "Maybe you could have avoided this by sleeping on time instead of late night training."

"Oh, Shut up." Taiyo said rubbing his head. "I need something to show off in front of the whole class for tomorrow's showdown league."

"You're wasting your time. You've never won before the closest you've gotten to is 3rd place." Kinishi taunted.

"YOU WANNA FIGHT!!" Taiyo said aggressively

"YOUR NOT GONNA WIN ANYWAYS." Kinishi said back laughing.

Just then an older man with the same hair color as Kinishi and same hairstyle as Taiyo came in and punched both of their heads.


"The next time we fight each other, we have to clean the whole academy." Taiyo and Kinishi said in unison.

"Now come downstairs, breakfast is ready."

"Yes, Father." They both said.

Taiyo and Kinishi ran down the stairs.

Taiyo and Kinishi sit down at the table as their father hands out their breakfast: buttered toast with hazelnut spread on top.

"I made your favorite breakfast today." Their father said.

"Yayy." Taiyo and Kinishi exclaimed.

"Hurry up and eat, we have to get to school early today." their Father said.

"We will." Taiyo said.

At the Rotasucheri Academy.

Taiyo and Kinishi meets everyone else in their class.

Hanage sits in the back of the class next to Aika and a yellow haired boy named Apollo.

"Hey guys." Taiyo smiled and waved.

"Hey Taiyo." Hanage, Aika, and Apollo said

It was summer time and just about a week before tragedy took Taiyo's happy life away.

Class begins and they start learning about flow of ki and where it comes from.

"Ki comes from the soul. It exits the body through any available exits like the hands, feet, and even your mouth." Taiyo's father said.

Taiyo's father, Chemosh of the Moon Clan,-his last name is unknown- Proceeded to go on with the lesson but Taiyo zones out in class and looks outside as the rose petals fall.

"Their pretty, aren't they?" Aika whispered behind his back.

Taiyo flinches.

"Taiyo, are you ok?" Chemosh said.

"Yes, teacher, i just felt a little chill, that's all." Taiyo said smiling.

"Ok." Chemosh said before continuing with the class.

"You scared me." Taiyo whispered harshly.

"Sorry." Aika whispered back.

"Whatever." Taiyo whispers and grumbles. "But they are really pretty."

"Are you going to compete in the tournament today?" Aika asked.

"Yea, I will." Taiyo replied.


Taiyo and Aika were caught talking and now they have to clean the class.

"This sucksss." Taiyo said out loud.

"Well I mean, it's not like we're supposed to like doing this. It's a punishment, dummy." Aika said in return.

"Oh, shut up." Taiyo pouts. "I'm gonna be late if I don't hurry up."

"At least there's two people for the job." Aika said.

"I guess so." Taiyo said looking at Aika.

Aika smiles and starts to clean the classroom faster.

"Come on, hurry up." Aika said will scrubbing the blackboard in the back of the class. "Don't you wanna make it in time?"

"Yea." Taiyo responded.

"Then hurry." Aika yelled.

Taiyo took the scrub and started to clean the class faster as well.

When they finished ten minutes later, they get ready and runs to the arena.

"Only 5 minutes left." Taiyo said while running.

"We gotta hurry up." Aika responded.

"I'm the first match too." Taiyo complained.

"STOP COMPLAINING AND RUN FASTER." Aika yelled aggressively.

"Yes, ma'am." Taiyo said crying and saluting.

Taiyo and Aika runs in full sprint.

With just one minute on the clock, Taiyo and Aika arrives on time.

"Alright folks, who's ready for some action." Taiyo said nearly out of breath and smiling.