Naruto : Venom : Chapter 62

"I figure I'll match their number. So far Cat is the ringleader and has recruited Monkey for assistance. They're trying to restrain us so we can't get Tora. I figure they win if I'm presented to the Hokage in chains, and we win if we get Tora to the Hokage. Simple enough really."

"Why haven't they slapped a chakra suppression seal on you yet? That would make it child's play."


That is a great question. Why haven't they done that yet?

"Maybe they're having fun? Besides it wouldn't work on me. I think. The Jiongu isn't chakra so it can just remove the seal for me."

"Sweet. We can use that to our advantage." Sasuke plans ahead. "If you're slapped with a seal play caught if it is advantageous. Now the real question is why haven't they come inside yet?"

"Probably setting up an ambush for when we leave. Or they just respect the Last Uchiha that much."

"You should be more like them. Just barging into my home without a warning? How rude."

"Please, you were bored out of your mind. You were reading! You don't read books."

Sasuke actually looks offended. "Of course I read books! I just usually have better things to do." I stare at him. "Fine, I was bored. Come on, let's go play with some ANBU."

We boldly walk out his front door. We don't falter, we stride forward like nothing can touch us. Nothing does touch us, in fact there is no ANBU here at all.

"Well that's not right. I know they followed me here. Oh crap, I bet they went for more reinforcements."

"If you lied about this just to get me out of the house, I will hurt you." Sasuke draws a kunai menacingly and points it in my direction.

"He didn't lie." Cat is back! Good, Sasuke was about to go stab crazy. "He was right, I got backup."

Suddenly eight more ANBU join Cat for a total of nine. Cat, Monkey, Boar, Hawk, Wolf, Panther, Zebra, Hare and Bear.

"Oh come on!" I cry to the Heavens. "Three ANBU teams? THREE? This is overkill!"

Sasuke and I are standing back to back, surrounded by some of the best shinobi Konoha has to offer. Wonderful.

"How are there this many of you free? I thought Tsunade is running you all ragged."

"There has to be a minimum number of ANBU in the village at all times. We're just a fraction of that number." Cat tells Sasuke and me. "Now, will you surrender or do I need to start stabbing you?"

"How about no?" I reply with as much sassiness as I can. I toss all of my kunai in the air and start whirling them around us using my chakra strings. "Metal Tornado!"

"Really?" Sasuke tosses his kunai in the air for me to use too. Good teammate! "You're calling this Metal Tornado? Lame."

I give him a stink eye. "What would you call it?"

"Whirling Death." He didn't even have to think it over.

"You've thought about this before haven't you?"

"No!" He denies. "...Maybe. Okay this move is actually really cool. One of the few I wish I could do. Do you have any idea how complex this is? Chakra is everywhere, if my Sharingan was on I couldn't see out of this."

"Really? I wonder if I can use that against a Byakugan. We can talk about how awesome I am later, this isn't getting us anywhere. It's just keeping them from us."

The ANBU aren't even phased, they're just waiting. Probably for me to run out of chakra.

"Any idea on how to get away?"

"Remember what you and Gamabunta did?" Sasuke smirks.

"Oh, that's a brilliant idea! You'll need to do the fire, I'll do the wind." Suddenly the ANBU become tense. "Hurry, they heard us."

"GRAND FIREBALL!" Sasuke spits out a huge fireball towards Cat.

"Wind Release: PRESSURE DAMAGE!" A gale of wind rips from my mouth.

Sasuke's fire spreads wider and burns hotter than ever before.

"It's beautiful." I say to Sasuke. "We have to do this in battle sometime."

Sasuke thwacks me in the head. "Less talking more running. Douse us in water and we'll run through the flames." I do as asked and soak us both. Even with our bodies covered in water, the flames still gave us minor burns.

"What's your plan?" Sasuke asks me once we're a ways away from the bonfire we made. "Please say you have a plan."

"Cat got more people involved. I will too. How does the Rookie Nine sound? Me, you, Naruto, Shikamaru, Choji, Ino, Kiba, Hinata and Shino. It'll make it nine vs nine."

"Deal." Sasuke and I share an evil grin. "Who first?"

"Shino. He's probably at his clan compound and he will know where both Kiba and Hinata will be. Then we have a team that specializes in tracking to find the other three." With my logic explained we take off towards the Aburame Compound.

"Hello Aburame-san." I warmly greet the gate guard. "Is Shino in? Sasuke and I have a request for him."

"He is. Do you remember the way?" The Aburame asks. He's the same one I met before apparently, I couldn't tell. I don't spend enough time around them to tell them apart.

"I do, thank you." I lead Sasuke through the compound to Shino's house.

I knock on the door. "Hey Shino! You have a couple hours I need some help!"

Shino opens the door. "What do you need this time Alvarcus?"

"The idiot pissed off the Hokage." Sasuke bluntly informs Shino of what's going on. "She gave him a Tora mission in revenge. Then he made her more mad so she assigned ANBU to try and stop him. Basically we're evening the numbers. ANBU has nine people."

"What are the mission parameters?" Shino professionally asks.

I talk this time before Sasuke can. "I need to get Tora to Tsunade before ANBU gets me to Tsunade. Only lethal force is forbidden at this point."

"I'm in." Shino says quickly, almost eagerly.

"Huh. That was way easier than I thought it would be. Do you know where the rest of your team is? I'm recruiting the Rookie Nine."

"Yes. Kiba will be closer, follow me." Shino takes off towards Kiba. Hopefully. I trust him to know where Kiba is, he probably has a bug on each of this teammates.

We find Kiba without running into the ANBU members at all. I don't doubt that they know what I'm doing, I think they want me to get more people involved.

We enter an Inuzuka run vet shop at Shino's prompting. "Oi! Kiba you in here?"

Kiba walks out of the back room. "Alvarcus? How ya been? I haven't seen you in a while."

"Same old same old." I warmly reply. "Pissed off the Hokage and she forced a Tora mission on me while ANBU try and stop me. I need help, you in?"

"You mean I can fight against ANBU and not get in trouble? Hell ya I'm in!" Good old Kiba, always ready for a brawl.

"Awesome!" I turn to include Shino in the next part of my plan. "We're going after Hinata next. Either of you two know where she is?"

Shino answers my question. "Her clan compound."

"Lead the way." Sasuke says.

Again, we aren't interrupted by ANBU members on our run. "Shino, Kiba, can either of you tell if ANBU is tracking us?"

"They are." Kiba assures me. How concerning. "Nine different scents have been following us. If I didn't have Akamaru here I would have never noticed. His nose is better than mine."

"I can support his number. My beetles have noticed nine chakra signals tailing us." Shino adds in.

"Great." I groan out. "They're planning something."

"We'll be fine. They're just letting us get all of the Rookie Nine together before we fight. They must want to test us in their own way." Sasuke hypothesizes. It isn't a bad idea, in fact it could very well happen.

We walk up to the gate guard of the Hyuuga clan. "Hyuuga-san, we would like to talk with Hinata. Is she in?" I diplomatically ask. This clan is sticklers for formality.

"Yes, I will see if she wants to speak with you all. Remain here, I will return." The Hyuuga disappears into the compound.

"Wow, I can feel my fun being killed just by standing outside." I crack joke. I get a few chuckles.

"Here is Hinata-sama." The Hyuuga guard returns with Hinata and Hiashi. Uh-oh, Daddy came to see who wanted to talk to his daughter.

"You wished to speak with me, Alvarcus-san?" Hinata timidly asks.

"Yep!" I merrily reply. "I've found myself in a unique situation and I want your help."

"Ah, so it is you who has ANBU running around the village." Hiashi cuts into our conversation. "How goes the search for Tora?"

I sheepishly rub the back of my head. "Not well, you see it was supposed to be just Cat trying to stop me, but Cat went and involved more ANBU. Three teams worth, so I figure I'll match them person for person. 

Pretty much it is going to be a showdown between them and the Rookie Nine, will ANBU get me to Tsunade before I can get Tora to Tsunade." I turn to Hinata. "What do you say? Want to help us kick some ANBU ass? Or fail horribly. Either way it promises to be fun!"


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