
Chapter 6 - Captured

She rushed toward the bridge before Andy could catch and pull her back to safety. As she ran to the bridge, her scarf came undone from its knot under her chin, flapped like a flag as the wind carried it toward the river. She hesitated for a brief moment, but there was nothing she could do, and no time to cover her head. Wearing a scarf was a tradition in this world. Women always kept their hair covered to avoid drawing the attention of men. She had begun covering her hair after reaching puberty. For almost two years, she had been wearing the scarf. And she loved wearing it. It felt more herself. Now it had fallen, leaving her hair exposed. But she hurried once more. Finally, she stepped onto the bridge. That was it. After stepping onto the bridge, she found herself in a completely unfamiliar place. Where was she? What had happened? Or where was she before? How did she come here? Only she knew that she was indeed enchanted. A brief moment later she understood, that she was doing things that she didn't intent to do. But she couldn't figure out what was happening in the first few days. She was in a house that she had never seen before. And it felt like she was at past, people wore different clothes; slightly more plain and speaking more politely. And those tools that used at agriculture was more old fashioned like that was from her grandparents times. She thought that she might be in the past, perhaps 100 years ago. She couldn't be sure; history had never captured her interest. But she could judge clearly that she was wearing some old fashion dress. At first day she waked up in this place, she was arguing her sister -assumed-. That girl was really her sister she didn't sure. But somehow there was something familiar with her attitude. She was kind and thoughtful for her sister. Her father, the elderly person in the house, she had been calling him as father, came to middle of the argument. He gave them look that he was tired of hearing this. He said, "Fannie you should stop. You are big sister. She is the youngest but she is still trying to accommodating. Why are you always making a fuss?" She felt anger rising inside of her, it consumed her thoughts like dry branches burning in the fire. It was something in her vein. Yolanda couldn't control herself, yes, but there was something different. Something dark as night without stars and moon, thin like tar, mixing with her blood, poisoning her. The furry was as like a heart; beating in her, it was alive in her body. She had never felt that such strong emotions before in her life. That anger was heavy than she could bear. She needed to drink gallons of daisy tea so she could've been settled down. That girl was breathing hatred not air. Yolanda's eyes widened opened, this person was a predator, prepared herself to attack her prey. And started arguing and yelling to her father who always blamed her. Yolanda slowly understood and accepted that she was in a body, yet she couldn't control any part of it. It seemed they were calling her as Fannie, which didn't sound familiar and this Fannie person was definitely not her. She couldn't yell at her father, nor could she hurt him the way this person did. A couple of days passed like that. It felt like torture. She missed her freedom and right to talk. She was like invaded by something out of her world. But actually she was the intruder, she was at someone's body and this realm wasn't her world. Yolanda didn't assume that body owner -she liked to call her as owner; not Fannie, as a reminder that was not her body and didn't want to give her a name as a human that this wicked soul didn't deserved it- was aware that she was hitchhiking to her body. If it was good thing or bad, she couldn't decide it yet; that this mean girl had no clue someone with her. She thought if it wasn't her body maybe she could move her soul. She tried to push herself to out of this body instinctively. She tried to squeeze herself to get out. Tried everything that she could think about. She tried to hug the trees or poles whenever the body owner passed by, for her escape, but she couldn't pull that off too. That way she gave up to that getting out of this body. She wondered how could she come here and ended up like that. There was nothing she remember. It was like a blank sheet, as if there was a barrier when she pushed herself to remember anything about her real life. She didn't remember who she was. Like something holding her to not recall her memories. Days always passed like this. Time to time, she was forgetting herself who was kind, had love and compassion in her heart for every single soul. That heart was turning into something dark, twisted. She was becoming her. One day, after months she captured of this body, the owner went to see someone. She spent most of the daylight by walking. She reached some sort of cottage at the afternoon. Cottage was outside of the town, middle of ominous forest and was built by some material she couldn't understand from this distance. When she was getting closer by the cottage she felt terror. That was not from the body owner. It was coming from her. She realized the walls of cottage were made of some kind of leather, like mixing human and animals leathers cover the walls. She was alarmed and remembered herself. She wanted to escape this body, she didn't want to be here. She couldn't go in there even the walls covered by leathers; what had been in there then? The bones of death people? It was wicked place she wasn't belong here. She cried a lot for save her soul. But how much she pledged, the body owner went inside of cottage after knocked by the owner and opened by a witch. Yolanda felt dizzy this cottage was too much for her, wanted to faint for the first time of her life. Or she wanted to go to sleep; like every time she did after, when the owner stopped arguing. She thought the reason of she was waking up that to be witness of this body owner's argues. But why was she arguing? Or feeling those dark emotions or why she had to be witness? What was the connection between her and the owner? Why was she captured in this body? And now, was she going to fight with witch too? While she was thinking about that witch, the witch actually started to talk, "Why did you bring her with you here? And you. What do you want to see her?" Yolanda felt like the witch saw her. That witch was vibrating an energy that was sensing pure evil by Yolanda. If she was in her body she would've get goosebumps instantly. Witch was looking the owner body's eyes yet Yolanda was feeling that the witch was watching her, her soul. Reading her. The body owner didn't answer the question of the witch. Yolanda wondered if she even heard it. If the witch compelled her from very beginning she could probably talk only when the witch allowed. After a while the body owner banished from the witch's house. After stepped the exit of this door, Yolanda felt herself again. Did witch enchanted both of them? The owner felt silly and distracted. What was happened at the cottage was mystery, it was another blank sheet. She was getting sick of it. She wanted to go there and kick that witch's ass. It was a violation of her... soul? thoughts? It was something but it was violation. She didn't give her permission to make anything. She had forgotten her fear of this place and the witch. She really pissed off. Not she could do anything at all, but she could punch her in the face. She wouldn't do anything, on the contrary, higly possible she would get that punch. She only woke up randomly in this body, nothing she could changed it for now, no matter how much she tried hard. She was merely observing the events inside of this body. Being passenger at someone else's body wasn't comfortable actually. She wanted to call herself that way. As a passenger. Wanted to be a passenger who was going to finish that trip and about to go back home. It gave her hope that she could get out. Also word of passenger felt more innocent to thought of hitchhiking someone's body. This sick travel had to end now. She had to save herself from this. It was pure terror feeling everything what the owner felt. This person was twisted. Seeking a witch was showing that clearly. There was nothing happened after that. She felt herself again. Standard days; she was woke up for the owner's speech to someone and then blank. She thought a lots of weird thing. That was like; she was the another personality of the owner so she didn't have priority in this body. Only woke up when she fight. But it couldn't be true. She felt always from the beginning that she had a life before. She felt good things that was not coming from this body owner. She'd been loved and protected. She had people who she loves, even she couldn't remember them. She definitely knew what is love, compassion, gratitude and being humble. So there had to be something happened that's why she was here. She had to remember. So maybe she could save herself from this nightmare. But here's she went to nothing again. Maybe a year spent like this. She was getting used to be bad and mad. It was her new normality. But something changed. This was felt wrong and absurd. The owner was started to feel different things about a man. Who was actually seem to keen on her sister. Sometime she came from blank, finding the owner was spying on her sister who had been dating with that man. Yolanda felt her resentment deeply. Something was totally wrong about that girl. She didn't met him but still jealous him even she could feel resentment. It was ridiculous she has to be put in some jail to not hurt anyone. The owner was planning something bad that it was clearly shows how sick she was. Yolanda understood that the owner was going to kill her sister. That was something she couldn't bear of. It was unhuman that was how she was came back to herself. It was her boundaries, killing something. She tried to escape and wanted to make the sister safe. But there was still no power for it. She had to be glad she was herself again. But she felt so lonely more than glad. She couldn't even ask anyone what she was supposed to do to get out. It was friendless and familyless year for her. It was hard every time she was opening her eyes in this wicked person's body with rage. No one could hear her for a year except that witch who was done something that she couldn't remember. After a while she woke up again with the feeling that the owner was up to something. Sister and the owner was at barn. The owner was convincing her to go upstairs for some haystack so they could feed the horses. They climbed the two-legged wooden ladder. After Yolanda understood what was the owner aimed to; she tried to shut her mouth. She fought with all her strength but it didn't work, nothing was happened at the other side. The owner even didn't spilled one single drop of sweat while Yolanda was running out of her all strenght. Her effort was seems to be in vain. But she couldn't just stand by and let the owner kill her sister. While she was try non-stop pushing, someone started to calling out for somebody. "Hey! Is there anyone can hear me?" She wanted to answer but what if it was that witch again? She couldn't deal with this, not right now. She ignored it the voice and continued to trying to stop the owner. Nothings was helped. The sister fell onto bare concrete ground. The owner watched the sister's falls to the ground and bleedings from second floor of the barn. Yolanda felt the owner amusement. She wanted to throw up. The owner of this body was pure evil. Even she couldn't read all of her thoughts, she still could feel of her joy. This was not only about that man. It was more personal. She hated her too much actually didn't want sister be happy. So that's why the owner made this scheme. She could poison her so the sister could die once for all. But she wanted to torture her. Hoping that the sister wouldn't die but had some serious injuries so she could suffer for all life. After watching the sister losing blood the owner started to crying, yelling and screaming as if she didn't make this happen. And the stage curtains fell, she goes to nothing. She woke up after a while. Now it seems the sister was disabled to walk. And accusing by the owner that the sister was being ungrateful creature and didn't deserve of that man. Yolanda understood what was going on. Tried to fight again maybe she could save herself from this body this time. Because she was getting deep sorrow about everything. She felt depressed that was only because of the owner. She wanted to fix everything even the owner. Those feeling was excessive. The owner opened a door to darkness, now darkness flooding to the owner. There was no room without jealousy or hate inside of her. The owner didn't possess any love or simple admire, compassion to anything. So Yolanda had to get out before she lost herself inside of the darkness. She heard that person again, "Hey! Is there anyone to hear me? Please help me, I am loosing myself please stop this." Who was this, she thought. She weighed short time to if it was a trick. But there was nothing to lost actually. She doesn't even have a body at all. So she answered it, "Hey! I am here. Can you hear me?" She didn't think that she could be heard. But there was response, "Yes! Who are you? Where I am?"