
Chapter 7 - Escaping

She felt disappointed. He didn't know that like her. "I don't know where you are. Do you know where you are. I mean... What is this place? Can you show yourself? I am in the owner's body." The voice of responded person was puzzled, "what do you mean by 'the owner'?" She thought she sounded like an idiot. Describing herself as being trapped in someone else's body in that way felt clumsy, and she doubted anyone could understand her. But she didn't want to reveal too much to him. "It doesn't matter. What happened to you? Where are you? How did you come here." She still felt stupid, but if he ended up here like she did; he could possibly mentioning about this body not the place she supposed. "I don't know why I am here and how. I don't know where these old places are or who these people are. I don't know even should I trust you or not. This is awkward I think I've lost my mind." It could be the same situation that brought him to this old place. She started immediately, "You are out of your body right?" He wasn't able to say it before because if someone heard this, they would think that he was crazy person. It was hard for her either but what could she actually lose? She was at that point only because she was in a torment of this mean girl behaves. "Yes do you feel that way too?" He asked without hesitation he could talk everything right now. "Yes not only feeling I know that I am at wrong body. This girl is out of her mind. She is evil." She wondered if she made up this man from loneliness. "Yes exactly. She is pure evil. I am living partly, sometimes like; I am waking up in the middle of discussion that she made with her family, her sister especially. And then going to nothing; as I never lived, as my only existence purpose is hearing of this nonsense. It was horrible when you come back from nothing." He replied his voice filled with sorrow. She felt him, they were the same, "I am here now. I felt the same way everytime. I heard you before but, I couldn't answer you, I was trying to stop this evil girl to fool her sister to fell. It didn't work. I can't move, I can't do anything. Could you move yourself from this body?" She wondered. But he was negative. "I can move neither my limbs nor even a single eye." After his reply she wondered when it started and who was he, "I don't know who I am or what is my name. Do you know yours? And when it started? Do you remember anything before this girl?" he felt hopeless brief moment she didn't know who she was either. "No I don't know who I am or who I was before this shit. And It started arguing with her sister a long time ago. If I say it could be a year; only because of the seasons past. Not that I lived it all year." She felt him, they must have been captured at the same time. Maybe they were relative, they went some sort of journey and ended up in this body... She bubbled, "That makes two of us. We have been stuck here for almost a year. I think we arrived here at the same time. Could we be related?" She was looking for approval. She needed a friend. She needed someone. "Yes it could be. If you saw the all seasons like me in this body. Maybe we are close. Since I don't remember anything, sometimes I felt if I am that girl. But I know I can't that much mean. Most important thing is I am a man, I feel like a man, not a girl. But sometimes I forget who I am, you know?" He was really through all of things like her. She felt warm about him but it didn't mean like loving a man; it was more friendly. "I lost myself either occasionally. The convincing myself that I am delusional, was way easier to go against to the tide. Sometimes I let myself because I couldn't change anything at all. I think it was necessary to let go sometimes for not to gone crazy. So that's okay. But now we are together. We can accompany to each other." He added immediately, "yes, I am glad to find you. Even if I don't know who you are, it is still good have a company to talk. And I feel that, as if we were closed, maybe we were siblings?" She thought about it. She knew he was close like a friend but brother? It could be actually. She felt the same warmth in her heart. "Yes we could, I am associating you more a friend than a brother, but it could be." Different feelings born only because she had siblings but he hadn't. But they wouldn't understand until this nightmare over. "Okay friend. How about now? What should we do?" But before she answer that question, blank take them both. After a while, they both opened their eyes it was metaphorically of course their existence persists only as an idea or a soul, they didn't have eye to woke up. And she demanded to feel his presence immediately, "Hey brother are you there?" He was feeling that horrible coming back to life but when he heard her voice he fulfilled with hope, "Yes my friend. Hearing you here like sun coming up from behind the mountains. Thank you for being here." He felt grateful to have her for real. "I feel the same way that's why I called you immediately. By the way I was thinking about something before we went blank. Do you remember that witch who we visited? The cottage of witch, which the walls of it were made it by leather and looked horrible like the leather walls bleed and blood dried on it" He was disgusted as he visualized this in his mind. "I didn't need to hear that much detail about that cottage but no I don't remember any of this." She felt disappointed, she wanted him to remember like her. That witch did something to them she didn't know but somehow felt. "I don't remember much either but there was something about it." He was getting curious about this witch. "Why is that?" He replied. "I don't know but somehow that witch know that I am with her. She looks into her eyes but it feels like looking my eyes. And witch asked; why did she bring someone with her? And asked again, it feels like was directly pointed me then; what was I wanted to see in there." She stopped after explanation. "That's sound awful. I hope you didn't afraid too much. A witch questioning the host which currently we in it, why did she bring someone with her and yet there was no one actually there like a person, visible one. It has to be one of us who she was referring. How did she mention about you; girl or boy? Do you remember what exactly she said? Otherwise why would she talks like that. I heard those witches could see of your past and read your mind. And especially could make you forget things." He replied hesitately. She wondered how could he remember things but she actually remembers things like him, only people and places they both forgot; she supposed. "I remember she mentioned that person as a her; that means is me, right? I shouldn't fool myself. That witch noticed me. Why don't you remember that? Didn't you wake up at then then?" He wondered after her question, if they couldn't wake every time together at same timeline. "Maybe I didn't or that witch made me forget completely everything about that trip? Who knows, I don't get it yet what is the trigger to make us wake even." She thought about that before. "I think it was all about fight. Every time she feels bitter or have bad feeling, ripples out this feelings to the around like spores of flowers spread out. Maybe this awful feeling waves hit us and causing us woke." He admit she was clever. "Yes it could be. I could never think that way." She felt pleased by this compliment. "I think I read about that something that's why I assumed it." He answered, "You are still smart enough to pull it together. Take the compliment." He felt something familiar about this humble behavior but he couldn't describe it. She started to thinking what they could do get out of this body. "I was thinking about escape. At past I tried to push myself to get out from this body like literally pushing something but it wasn't worked. Maybe we could work together so we could make difference..." He replied with enthusiasm. "Yes it is a wonderful idea. You are genius. Let's start to push it. I am ready." She replied, "Then I am starting to count from 3 when I say; start. We begin to push. Okay?" She waited for response, "Yes I will start. It is more like when we at toilet right. Just to be clear. Just pushing differently, this time pushing from every inch of our existence. Right?" He replied immediately to not losing any second here. She was stunned, she couldn't describe it that way and politely, no matter how hard she thinks, "Yes exactly that way actually. Here we go nothing; 3, 2, 1... Start." They both pushed it to get out for a while, until they went blank again..

She was the first to get up and call him again. They both were witnessing her evil actions still, but started to ignore it for to push more to out of it. She suggested to one of them pull with all strength and the other push that's way maybe at least one of them could escape. He volunteered to pull. It was not only because he was a gentlemen, he was a gentlemen indeed, but somehow he knew she could manage to rescue him. And somehow he trust her deeply. They struggled with pulling and pushing this part of their wake cycle. And went blank again. But this time she could not wake up.

She woke up eventually, but the scenery had changed. Someone was pulling her, holding her from under arms. She wakes up from this endless torture. She tried to look at her surroundings and then everything was flashed through her mind. She understood that she was enchanted. She looked around again to see Andy. Where was he. She saw the bridge and then him. Who was at the edge of the bridge. She got up to run there but someone stopped her. Held her shoulders to pin her the ground. She started to fight and claim to let her be free. He said she couldn't save him. Let him to save her friend before she compelled again. She stopped immediately. She heard compelling and she understood what the stranger was talking about she was useless. But this stranger could help him like he did her. Asked him to help Andy. The stranger went after him. He walked through all the way at that bridge but he was so slow. She was going crazy why was he moving slowly like a turtle. They had to be fast if they wanted to save him. But she realized after that, he was blind, not blind but covered his eyes with scarf which it seemed that her scarf. Why was he covering his eyes? What was he doing? And how did you get her lost scarf? She didn't understand but don't have energy to think about it. Just waited to him saved by this stranger. Her heart was racing she didn't think that she could handle anything more. That sound had belonged to Andy all the time at that some sort of fragmented reality. He came after her but they both trapped so he couldn't save her. Finally he got closer to him. She tried to navigate him, "Andy is near. Please let me navigate you. Follow my voice. Please just a bit move to right side.. No. Not that right. He is on your left. Yes that's way. You almost there. Only one step all you need." She was talking with herself literally, was he deaf too? He moved towards to him. She started praying. Andy was stepped off the edge of the bridge, one foot hovering the air. He was trying to walk in the air, still unconscious, every second mattered for his life... Finally he managed to hold him and pull him back from the guardrails. And dragged him all the way back. It was long waiting for her; every steps like took eternity. Finally they returned. She threw herself at Andy, wrapped her arms around his shoulders. She was so scared that he could die. She thought it was the end. No one could survive from this place. She cried a lot; rejecting to let him go of her arms. Even she never looked up who was her savior. She buried her heads of Andy's shoulder and sobbed loudly for a while. Both men looked each other. They didn't know what they could do. They both felt sorry for her and wonder if there was anything they could do for her. They tried to seperate her from Andy, so gently pulled by stranger but she didn't let go him. Then they tried to talk with her to ease off her feelings, but they didn't get any response from her, only muffled sob they heard. Andy was sympathizing her since they both suffered from this locked up. But she didn't feel sad about that yet. It was fear of losing him. He was family of her. After weeping she came down gradually finally she stopped herself. Raised her head from his shoulder. She was still wanted to cry more and actually had more things to cry about it but she didn't want to show more weakness. Plus there was stranger. Yes the stranger she remembered the hero, she looked around to see him and saw that deep blue eyes like ocean.