He was about to cross the river when he saw some fabric. He thought it was a dress. Maybe a person was in it or nearby, and waiting for help. This stream was fast-flowing. It would be easy for someone to get caught in the current. He didn't hesitate for a second. He immediately ran into the water and pulled the cloth out. It was as soaked, heavy as a sponge. But he could identify that was the scarf but not an ordinary one. It was belong to her. A surge of joy flooded through him at the sight of it. They could meet again by chance but why were they there? There was only... he couldn't finish his thoughts and his gaze shifted to the bridge. He noticed some movement there. He couldn't say for sure if it was them, but considering their first meeting, it seemed highly possible that she might have tried this malicious bridge. He felt terror and fear for her. He dug in his spurs, and the horse bolted uphill as he let the reins loose. The horse was extremely fast, as it was at race. Climbing uphill left Yolanda and her companion exhausted; it took most of their day, but the man was riding a racehorse in full gallop. It only took two or three hours to climb up there for him. Once he climbed, he almost ran onto the bridge. But he knew all bad reputation of the bridge so he forced himself to stop. The urge of burst forth and save her it was nothing similar he felt before. He like to help people, yet it was different. Helping her was more personal - It felt as if she was meant to be saved by him, only him. He couldn't think clearly when things about to her. He simply surrendered to those ruffians at first their meeting without any precaution. He could've died, yet it hadn't seem to matter then. Now she was definitely out of her league. And the man was craving to make her safe. He tried to be rational and evaluate the whole situation. That was hard. No one had ever survived from this bridge or returned from it. He had to improvise. He called out them, "Hey! Andy." What was her name... He murmured like he forgot her name. Hah, "Yolanda!" He was fooling himself. He knew in fact it was the only thing in his mind after their first met. He screamed aloud again, calling their name, but they had no response. It was pointless. He peered through his narrowed eyes as he could see some details. There was it, they couldn't respond him because they were in some kind of possession he thought, their eyes was completely white there was no eyeball in it. They appeared to be under some compulsion. He didn't understand why they were walking slowly to guardrails. That was the reason he could manage to see their eyes actually from side profile while they were approaching to the guardrails. They were moving awkwardly, as puppets, went straight before until they came into the middle, then turned to the edges of the bridge. He realized they were moving toward the guardrails, as if preparing to jump. He had to stop them immediately otherwise they could end up like the all other people. They could be shifting in slow motion, but that didn't mean he had much time. He had to think fast. He remembered his mentor's words, "If things seemed too complicated to solve, simplify it first. Break the struggle down and assess it step by step. And say out loud what you know or what is the mystery. Once you done you could come across with answer literally. Most of problems had always simple solution." He said loudly, "What I know that they are under some spell or poison. But it is about this bridge, they have to be under spell it sounds more rational. They can not hear me. They don't see their surroundings and they don't know that they are about the fell from that bridge. They are blind and deaf at the moment. That means they could possibly hearing and seeing different things, possibly they could be dreaming. Dreams that we don't know about it. Maybe the spell effecting ear and eyes? Were they stuck only because hearing and seeing things differently? Maybe the covering ears and eyes could be the solution to not get enchanted?" He had to try. But he couldn't risk it, it wasn't like escaping from ruffians. That's something serious. This magic was most forbidden magic, it makes people kill. But no one was survived to tell the story about it, until now. He walked around, pondering how he could try. He thought if anyone were here, he could cover their eyes and ears, tie them with a string to him, and let them try crossing the bridge. If it didn't work, he could at least pull them back. He saw trees it was worth the shot; he thought. He could tie one end of the rope to the tree and belt the other end around his waist. He couldn't wait to execute his plan. He found soft clothes for use them as earplugs. And then slapped the horse make it sound if he could hear it. He was still hearing it. He looked around again maybe he could simply seal his ears with candle wax as envelopes. But where he could find candle wax now? He saw mud in the ground he thought maybe he could cover his ears with this, this was airproof either. And put some mud onto soft clothes. He tried again, his hearing was muffled, much like being underwater. It would work. He made a belt with the string which was tied up the tree. Now he took the scarf, and tied his eyes with it. He was ready to step up this bridge. "Here we go nothing" he was talking with himself but who cares, it could be his last breath. After that thought he immediately regretted it to not leaving any note behind him. He suppose to let them now that three of them were here, in case if he couldn't make it. But he realized he was already at the bridge, and he realized that he was conscious. That magic didn't work on him, he silently thanked his master for the wisdom that had prepared him. Now he could move fast at there with his free will. He hurried up towards them; how much he could fast with his blind eyes. But he managed to get near. He could sense the ground; he sensed vibration on it when they moved. Now time was for search, he searched every where with his hands. Sometimes he kneeled down to if he missed any points. After a brief time he finally could touch one of them. He immediately held it and tried to go back with it. When he touched the long braided hair, he knew it had to be her. He hold her more tightly like he afraid of losing her. After long agony to going back to beginning of the bridge. He opened his eyes and looked at her, she was coming herself. He was watching her; she seemed to have completely forgotten about anything, including Andy as if she woke up a long dream and then suddenly she went forward to go back there to save him. He blocked her, pinning her the ground wasn't easy, she was fighting against with full her strength but he explained that she couldn't save him. As some wheel in her mind started to turning, she stopped fighting let him to save Andy. He tied up his eyes and went for to pull Andy off the bridge. She was looking only Andy at all time.
After Andy was out of the bridge she pull to him to herself, hugged him for a while, poured her heart out for a long time. And then she pull herself together let him go. She remembered the savior. Looked around for him when she saw his deep blue eyes, she recognized him in a heart beat. She wanted to thank him, but she didn't have the strength for it at the moment. She had been living in a nightmare for a year. Andy didn't seem too shocked, but something had clearly worn him down, just like her. They had suffered for a while, if not for a lifetime; it is indeed for long time. The mystery guy got up and started fire at old fire pit. It was getting dark. They sat against to flames to warm up, as half moon shape akin at the cave. No one seemed to talk about anything. He reached out to saddles and took out some meat he hunted yesterday. Shared them equally. Everyone was silent especially Yolanda, after sobbing, she felt sick. Only wanted to eat not thinking anything at all. She ate while glaring at fire. It was calming her. Now she had to rest, it seemed; she spend a year in a short time and this gave a burden her shoulder. She fell a sleep after that to not worrying about things. Sweeping away her all anxiety and fear. Until the dream.
"Not again. Just leave me alone I want to live normal, like every human beings. Just let me embrace to nothing without thinking about any single thing." She screamed after that she tumbled to darkness. Are they pitying on her? She didn't care actually until she had a rest.
In the morning she felt more energetic but there was still something haunting of her smile. Recovering from trauma is not easy; it takes time, a long time. She didn't know about it yet. She felt urge suddenly she almost forgot her parents. She needed to move quickly. She woke up Andy. And it turned out our mystery guy didn't leave them this time. She nudged him either since she didn't know his name. But it was worst thing to do. He woke up on high alert, pulling her under him and squeezing her throat. She screamed, but no sound came out. He was alarmed until he saw her steely blue eyes filled with fear. He took his hand from her throat and let her speak without letting go eye contact. She was furious at first, but his curious, sleepy eyes left her unable to think clearly. She wanted to yell at him to let her go, but she couldn't break eye contact. Andy, who had been forced to awake, watched them silently. He wanted to kick this rascal's ass for touching his sister like that. But neither Yolanda nor the mystery guy were aware of they were being watched. Yolanda's throat was sore but somehow having enthusiasm about this. Of course she didn't enjoy to being choked but being close to him this much. That part was she actually liked. And it scared of her. What was wrong with her. What kind of feeling was she having for this stranger. She blinked a few times and tried to push him off her. It was for vain. If he didn't want to move away from her, she couldn't make it happen. She understood that and attempted to be moderate of her tone, "Could you please get off me?" she asked, as if she didn't want to be close. "Why? It is your fault, you shouldn't touch me while I am sleeping" he chuckled. He definitely enjoyed with all this situation and didn't have any problem to showing his emotion. Clearing her throat, she said, "This is unacceptable. What would I do? I don't know your name.Tell me your name if you don't someone to touch you. How would I know that I shouldn't touch you when you sleep? And I really have to hurry. I could've left you behind of course, but it was second time, you saved us. So I wanted to show my gratitude. I am sorry to was trying to thank you. Now please move your body?" She said it in an instant, it made her breathless. He was enchanted by her breathing, and watching her closely wasn't helping his resolve. He didn't want to be the pervert so he tried to not touch any inappropriate place. So she couldn't judge him. But he really didn't want her to go. He wasn't sure how he should act, that's why he acted like playing with her, "Hmm I don't care. You should've wait for me to wake then. Now you are waiting in my arms." At the end of his speech he bent his head to her ear and whispered her. He knew he was getting crossing boundaries but he was only seeking a few more seconds to close with her. Her eyes, her hair, her braids, her soft skin and her scent were compelling him. He didn't want to end this moment. He had this feelings from very beginning. Indeed that's why he talked about her glaze at him at the inn. He was actually trying to bring the subject in the table but he couldn't find to right words. He felt so amateur that's why he left early at cave. Even that note, he wanted to kick himself after. If his cousin who was really good on flirting saw his miserable attempts he could laugh him for forever. He would always make fun of it. But that was only because the stranger never wanted to flirt with any girl or tried to talk with any girl. It has been always girls who make this happen, the flirting. He never let them got so close anyway. So he didn't know genuinely how a man flirt with a girl. That's why he felt embarrass. But it was second time as she said. It had to be their destiny to be together. But someone was pulling him out. He didn't on guard so he removed easily on her. That was Andy he seemed pissed off. "Hey! You shouldn't intervene. It is between us." He said trying to hide of his furry. Fighting with him won't be helped, he knew. He saw her last night Andy was important to her. So he didn't punched him. "She asked you to move but you teasing of her.'" Andy yelled at him with fierce and ready to fight...