
Chapter 10 - The Ghost Bride

"You know what? You are actually trying to be heard like the others. But not every loud person is heard. You can't embrace the love more than hatred. You just took the easy way. Hated everyone. You went to that witch for what? What does she propose to you exchange for selling your soul? Was it worth it to be captured here for all this year alone?"

If she wanted to make her angry she was definitely getting there. So much using secret card visely. But the ghost didn't answer that. She looked at that creepy figure which had been floating in the air since it appeared in that tunnel. Yolanda didn't want to assign her any gender even, really. But she had to, at least she had to consider that once the ghost was human and Yolanda had to reach out to the humanity beneath this creature. Of course If there any part of her left... Yolanda kept going, "Why don't you answer me? Are you never going to talk anymore or what?" She was getting curious the reason of her silent treat. The ghost said, "What do you think that How many years I had been living in this world? Can you guess? How many people was stood at that exact point you stood? It's always annoying. Some smart aleck came here and trying to make me feel bad about my choices. Like no one could know better than. You little noisy rat. Why do I have to repeat myself everytime? Just quit it. There is no possibility that I let all of you go. Be make peace with that. Embrace the death." Yolanda who was thinking that she can crack on her ice heart, she losing her hope. That resolve posture of her sank. Nothing makes her believe or love anything again, Yolanda thought. She must surrender to the witch, that's way at least she can save loved ones. She didn't see any other choice but surrender. She thought she was clever than this. Maybe, if she give herself more time she could find the solution. Last year on her life which is not passed in the real life was spent her energy. "Okay" all her said..

Sudden light bomb at the cave. The center of light couldn't pinpointed by them. What was the source is another conundrum. The blinding radiance emit all over the tunnel. Andy and Yolanda got blind for a while. After gainin their sight, they saw a girl. Yolanda couldn't inspect her only because Faelan started to wakening on her lap. Pure of joy through her, like she had a warm bath after a long day. Or stepping with bare foot on fresh greeneries. However this amusement didn't last. Someone called a name, "Chris" was there anyone there beside them she thought. That was the girl, she was running towards them. Yolanda could swear there was some tears on her eyes, but why? She kneeled on the ground beside Yolanda and took Faelan's head from Yolanda's lap. Yolanda was stunned, clueless what was going on, just let her to take Faelan. That girl took him and hugged, started crying loudly like Yolanda after Faelan saved Andy's life. But as a woman instinct kicked in she felt some darkness in her chest. It didn't belong her she thought. Was the bride capture her again? That wasn't the case of course. Yolanda, who had never fall in love with anyone, was filled with jealousy and loathing towards her. Yolanda started to fighting a strong desire of taking him from her lap. Even she could break this clingy girl's arms...

"Really Yolanda?" Yolanda whispered herself with strong disbelief. If it's really the witch again, she would gone crazy. Even how it was unrational, she would fight putting every strength of her, like it is a matter life or death. It was in fact, if she really possessed by the ghost.

"What?" Andy was asking her to understand what she was murmured. "Nothing. It just... I was talking myself." She replied without took her glance from the girl. Even Andy was surprised to ask about the girl. And afraid to make Yolanda upset with the answers may they get from the girl. That hesitately waiting last for a few moments. After that Faelan started to sat up from laying on the girl's lap. "Hey. Amanda!" called her. Yolanda's heart sank. Some needles were on her chest. That's make her nauseous. She felt strong emotions that raised her heartbeats. Drumming on her ears the blood pressure she was about to faint or throw up.She got up and staggered out from the tunnels that part. After long dawding to the find a silent corner to regain her conscious and regulate her heart beats, she threw up. What was wrong with her? She wasn't weak that much. But then she thought everything happened last two week, including spending one year at another dimension even she really didn't know how much time passed at this world though. Andy, who was chase after silently her miserable lurch, come to help when she threw up. "Thank you Andy." She said fearfully that talking about her emotions. It was the last thing she wants. But Andy was know her better even herself. Of course he didn't mention anything about the girl or Yolanda's feelings when he talked, "Yolanda, what is going on? You gave yourself the witch. Because of that you feeling nausea? And what happened after that? Did you see anything? Maybe the light was too hard for you ?" He was trying his best to change the unspoken subject and take her interest to another one. She didn't need to feel heartbroken for now at least, he thought. He decided to put some efforts to delaying the news about the girl. Andy clearly thought about the girl was attached to Faelan with intense feelings. Maybe a fiancé or lover. It makes sense everyghing actually at Andy's perspective. He never approved really this Faelan guy's behaves to Yolanda. He couldn't more careless, so having a girlfriend was the only reason to mistreating Yolanda. Coz how much he denies Andy could see how beautiful Yolanda was. But it didn't make her desirable for him. It make her like vulnerable little child that need protection. Something was innocent about her and Andy thought always the cause of her naive nature.

On the other hand Yolanda didn't respond the question, not only because she didn't have the answer, but because she felt that she would definetely threw up again if she opened her mouth. So she gave him silent treat. Tried to weigh Andy's words, that's way maybe she could forget the nausea. Unfortunately the main character of her nausea was showed up with Faelan. She had to deal with them now. "What happened?" Faelan asked when he saw her ghostly face. He seemed too concerned, that makes Andy turned up his nose at them. "If you have a girlfriend you shouldn't give false hope the other girls" he thought. "Nothing. We don't know. I feel dizzy a bit. Maybe because of the ghost." Yolanda replied him quickly hoping that they didn't understand her mood. "It could be though... How are you feeling know?" He just easily bought. Yolanda was surprised how he could be clueless that much. But that's work for her. She didn't like to seen weak. Even it is about affections. "Well... I am getting better, I need a few more seconds before to move." Andy hand it some water after her speech. It was precious, she needed indeed she was dried like leaves at autumn. She hardly stopped herself to drink greedily before rinse her mouth. After drinking water she prayed for some sweet. Her mouth felt dry as dust. Of course she couldn't ask for sweet. This was not vacation at all. Bitter taste on her mouth, she stood up and gestured to the way which was opposite the way they came. She wanted to get out this cave-ish tunnel right away. They all started up and moved the direction she pointed out. None wanted to be here. Plus the torches Andy lighted up, was almost die out. She couldn't see spare one. They don't have enough time to get out this labyrinth, she thought. That idea fueled her up she speed her pace up. Everyone followed her with accelerate their steps. After a few curves they saw a light point. God! How long this tunnel was. They felt urge to ran to the light. After reaching exit they were all breathless. Thanking God for save them. Yolanda and Andy congratulated each other and hugged. They are covered by warm light of sun now. That was actually enough to be grateful she thought. After the prison on the bride she felt herself first time. Being grateful. It was the most beautiful emotion she missed to feel.

After catching their breathe, Faelan "Now since we are at save place. Someone is gonna tell me. What the he'll happened there?" asked with anxiety. "We don't know either. There was lightening like a bomb. And then you woke up and we escaped. That's all we know." Yolanda replied. "No one know what happened" Faelan insisted to cover the time he lost when he went unconscious. "No really we don't have clue. What was the light or why it did you wake up." Andy replied this time.

"It was me, I suppose." The girl talked first time since she get in the shot.