
Chapter 11- Camping with Amanda

"What do you mean?" Faelan asked. Everyone suprised except Yolanda. Yolanda was suspicious, her guts were telling another story to her. There was some stinky things, at least Yolanda felt that way. "I... I don't know... I am not a witch or anything but somehow... somehow I wanted to save you guys and that sudden light ball appeared and you two released."

That was a total lie, Yolanda pondered. Andy was the same, only he used more slang words deep down, like; That's a load of crap, bullshit etc. But Faelan seemed to buy it. "If it is you, I mean -he turned on his circle a tour to see everyone- let me clear, who did save us is a witch or... fairy." After his speech he cleared his throat, like he spoke something unpleasant. Well it's fair. Witches were not near pleasant at all. But The Fairies was rare and unlike the magical cousins; the witches, people thought that they all possess heavenly power. As if they were chosen to be fairy. No one could be fairy, they wanted it though. It only happens seldom, even people normally think that's a myth. To forming collective mind, for sense of justice. To establish balance in the nature. Develop as sense of everything exist with their opposites, all evil creature has to be balance with The Fairies, Angels etc. They need goodness. But most of the people don't believe justice, that's why common sense is the Fairies aren't exist or vanished long time ago. And the lack of evidence was the proof for them. Even Yolanda couldn't find any proper documents about them, against her hard work to research. But she never supposed that was a myth, always thought some people was hiding the truth about the Fairies purposely. To make people to believe that this place is Godless. It was unacceptable for her. Their creations couldn't be random atomic composed. In that case, why the animals or plants are not speaking then? In her opinion, there was a high power beyond them. See everything and everyone, recording -even He didn't record or someone record for him he would remember anything- and will judge humans at afterlife. That's what she taught actually but her family was open minded. So they let her to research for herself to find truth. Even after her research she believed that way, because that's how everything was make sense for her. There was lot's of things going on in this planet and most of them hadn't scientific explanation.

This deep diving was interrupted by Andy's nudge. She was lost in her thoughts. It's almost became a habit. Even she couldn't hear anything what they talked. But the crew seemed to be preparing. "What's going on?" Yolanda whispered Andy's ear. "Come on, stop stalling. I don't want to spend any second in this place anymore. Pull your bag." Andy wasn't let them understand she drifted off. After Amanda's arrive, he didn't think that's the good idea to play around with her. He thought let her for a while to digest this new situation. Otherwise he could mock with her all the time. Even she couldn't pull herself together after the reversed possession. Yolanda didn't ask further. Obeyed and they went down the mountain. When they were reached to the flatness they revealed from their hidden fears. It was almost sundowns all of them agreed to camping there. Unfortunately they didn't have any tents, even Amanda hadn't, so they formed a circle around fire again. At least the weather wasn't cold thanks to the late summer night. Not too much after a month they couldn't stay at night without tent, she thought. Faelan and Andy got up suddenly, she was distracted again what they were talking? And she saw Faelan's face, he looks concerned about her. She smiled them and wait them to go. After their departure she gaze at fire, wanted to think more about everything. But this annoying girl was stay behind to accompanying Yolanda. "Hey, you are so quiet. Is there anything in your mind? By the way I am Amanda, yours Yolanda, I suppose. I heard that they were calling you that way." She was like a fly, Yolanda thought, buzzing near her ear. She have to talk with her. "Yeah, that's me." Maybe Amanda could sense that she didn't into the talk. But not fortune. "Nice to meet you. How did you came across with Faelan?" Amanda asked continously. But something triggered Yolanda, she was like a lion who was sleeping all the time after bridge incident. Her suspicious instinct kicked in. When things about Faelan she was coming back to life. "Yes Faelan... At the tunnel, you were calling him as Chris, if I am wrong?" Yolanda asked finally the question without preparing herself to hear. But she wanted whatever would happen to happen quickly. And absence of Faelan could be good thing right now. She didn't know how she react after hearing the truth. These feelings and conflicts were too new for her to identify. "Yes he likes Faelan more. But his name Chris. Faelan is his middle name." Amanda answered quickly and added. "And? How did you met actually?" Yolanda didn't want to tell her their story. It was a special moment for her but there is no excuse to holding back. "We were..." "Hey" Andy called them. How they came quickly? Or why they leaved at first place? She didn't know since she was pondering at that time. So she let Amanda lead the conversation. "Hey. That was quick. Faelan you still in shape. Is that a rabbit?" She was looking at him absolute admire mixed with joy. Yolanda felt like that Amanda was more deeply love him. Like she felt intruder. She had to step aside. Her heart started to pounding in her chest. The idea of letting him go make her angry. But she couldn't dare to look Faelan's face. She wouldn't handle to read affection on his face to someone else. She didn't ready for it yet. "No it is squirrel. You like rabbits don't you?" Faelan answered with teasing time in his voice. "You bet. I am fall in love with the rabbits." She chirped.

Yolanda felt disappointed. "Hey. You are quiet." Andy was holding bunch of dry branches in his arms, called her with questioner tone. "Yes I feel off, I think I am tired but that's okay. Amanda and I were trying to know each other." Yolanda understood to assignment so she answered him, that he could get it that girl didn't make a problem. Being a childhood friend was precious, they could understand each other with only tonations. "Well. I was trying to learn about how did you all come across at that wicked place." Amanda said observing eyes on Faelan. It was a question to him. And somehow this question make Yolanda upset. That was there again. The connection between them. "It's a long story actually. Maybe talk later. I need eat and sleep. It is a quite day for three of us. I think we appreciate some sleep." Amanda felt dissatisfied but she could wait. They cooked squirrel at camp fire. "I wish we had a minstrel among us. You are quite boring guys." Andy wanted to some entertainment for the ripped off this silence. "We have one. Haven't we Amanda?" Replied Faelan with clear fun in his tone. "I don't feel that way now Faelan." Amanda was sulking that's only because she couldn't satisfied her curiosity. Faelan was know that. "Come on. I am tired. We all want to listen your pure voice to fall asleep. Don't make me beg to you." Yolanda felt disgust of his insist. He was alike to her but if the subject Amanda he could even beg? That was it. This was the last drop. "Why are you talking behalf of us? Do I wanted to listen anything? How do you know? Do you mind reading now?" Faelan was shocked. What was the wrong? Did he do something to offend her. Or the witch made her something he thought anxiously. She was so quiet after the tunnel. It could be. "I am sorry. I couldn't think that you would offend to speaking on the account of you. Since you were silent after that place. I thought, we could listen something to cheer up and then sleep to restore our strength.... That ghost was something else." Faelan clueless still want to make up for her. But she get angrier than before. " We all suffered but we don't speak for anyone. And how about this girl. Who is she even? How could we know that She won't do anything while we sleep? Even we don't know you properly. How could we trust her? You didn't even introduce us." That was it. She spilled out her anxiety, covering her fury to couldn't be comprehend her jealousy, she hoped. Now she has to be prepare herself to hear what she was afraid of. She felt anxiety waiting him to answer. But he was so dumbfounded, he started eventually without knowing what he suppose to say, "Well. That's... I am sorry. I didn't mean any harm especially you, Yolanda. I was trying to save constantly. And she is my...