"Well. I can tell you we talked about it actually after escaped the tunnel. But then you seemed drifted off. I am his ex girlfriend, we had been date for two months last year. That was beautiful days. And we decided to be stay as friend." Amanda replied without hesitation. By the end of her speech she looked at Faelan with hopes, maybe he could add something this conversation and maybe it would flare the love between them. But Faelan wasn't looking anywhere he was poking ground with little steak in his hands. As if he afraid to eye contact with anyone. On the other hand Yolanda was somehow revealed and had know lump in her throat at the same time. She was his past. Yet somehow she still didn't satisfy with this new information, Actually she was getting more emotional unexpectedly. But managed to speak reasonably, "So, you knew each other well. Staying friends after dating must mean your friendship is strong. That's... reassuring." She was emphasized "friendship" to convey sense of her ending relationship. But she was feeling hypocrite. But what can she do unless to make a fuss and try to explain this unrational possessive behavior? "That sounds great. Is there anything else, I have to know? I can explain anything." Amanda chirped but this joy didn't reflect on her eyes. "Well I really doesn't understand, please let us clear that where did you come at the tunnel? Why did you there Amanda?" It was Andy's first talk with her, felt a little bit shy when he asked her. "Well, that's a rational question. Faelan knows me, how curious I am. My curiosity is the earth. I always wander around to sightseeing. Especially historical or ancient relics captures my interests. Actually I were begging for a year to my father to let me go to travel here. He was overprotective, so three days ago I just ran away to come here. How lucky you are that I was there to save you." Amanda replied to Andy. Yolanda take the subtle remark that she wasn't rational, but stay silent she was right at the end. "But I know you for one and half years, you are human. How could you pull this off?" Faelan baffled. Still he was thinking something odd about Yolanda. He was right but it wasn't about the witch possesing her, actually it was Amanda's presence. "I don't know Faelan, my mother's mother side, well we don't know before my grandma's mom and grandma has dementia. Even if we wanted to learn my bloodline it's death end." Her replies was make this story more reliable. "I wasn't finished." Andy snapped after Amanda, he was waiting her replies only because he wondered this topic too. "I am sorry bro. She answered you and I thought it cleared things up." Faelan seemed honest. Andy continued, "By a chance to come here to save us. But how is the odd of it? Anyway. Did you cross the bridge?"
"No ofcourse. Despite how much I desire, how could I?" Yolanda sensed something like it was some vibration in the air from her like Amanda was sending strong emotions with this reply. It felt dark. Andy, "And you came from this side at first, right?"
"Yes I came from this side of the mountain."
"Where is your horse? Don't you say you came here by walking ?"
"No of course not. How could I? I came here with a horse-drawn cart, hired to bring me here. But the carter denied to climbing up here so he left me at foothill, he will return in a couple days to give me some time to investigate the bridge and the tunnel." Amanda was either excellent liar or she was telling the truth. Andy was convinced enough to didn't ask any further questions, unlike Yolanda.
"Thank you for explaining. And I am sorry to query, it was you know it was a hard year. Yolanda and I were trapped in some realm. It was awful." Andy was talking too much, Yolanda thought. And she didn't let Amanda to reply or ask anything, "That's enough for tonight I believe. We should call the night. Tomorrow, a long way waiting us. Right Andy?" She didn't include Faelan purposely, but only because she didn't know if he stay with them or go with Amanda. She sound really adventures unlike me, Yolanda pondered. Maybe he could chose her over Yolanda. But Faelan interpreted this as a cue to leave them alone. His shoulders sank. He didn't want to leave her. They called the night and wished each other good night and everyone slept, except the only one person easily slept at that night. It was Andy of course, they could hear his subtle snoring. Last two week Yolanda recognized his sleeping sounds. On the other hand, who was still up, had thoughts in their mind to chase. Like Faelan, he couldn't decide that if he should go or stay. Staying feel like shameless but leaving her with this unknown condition was as if failing her. Both way was disturbing that he couldn't decide easily. Amanda's thought was focus on Yolanda and Faelan's connection what was happening between them and try to find a plan to convinced him seperate with them. Woman instinct or jealousy she didn't want her to close to him. And Yolanda who was relieved by the classifying her as a exgirlfriend still have anxiety and more then before. Are they star-crossed lovers? She considered herself as a dump. If they are, they could send a signal. She wouldn't know actually if there was any signal or not, since she didn't make eye contact or looked ever Faelan's face at all. If there was something between them she needed to learn. She felt urge to wake up Andy and talked to him about what they talked when she drifted out. But actually she couldn't do it, unless she admit that she had feelings to Faelan to her childhood friend. Not now. It was lost cause. Not yet. It was too soon for her to admit. Even she didn't admit to herself that she like Faelan. She needed to figure it out by herself, if there was any remain feelings between them. Once she decided to what she would do next, she was easily drifted off to the dreamland again. Faelan was tossing and turning in his leaves bed. Finally he decided to make his mind tomorrow and then fell asleep with watching clear starry summer sky. Amanda was restless but somehow she just doze off occasionally. It was hard night for her. The sheeps must escaped that was why she couldn't count it.
At dawn, Andy shook Yolanda roughly to wake her up. There again. Flowers. "What's going on? Is there an earthquake?" Yolanda spoke sleepily. Andy was trying to be quiet,
"Did you dreamed again?" whispered. "What?" Yolanda couldn't remember instantly neither understand what he was talking about. But as a mirror effect she was whispering too. "Look!" Andy pointed out the circle placed outside of her bed. She was about to scream, but Andy quickly covered her mouth to stifle the noise. She was shocked again, and a little bit annoyed. "Why is that happening?" They had to deal with this flower bed first and then they could wake the others. It felt like she was under five-years-old, and still peeing on her bed. Shamefully she started to pluck the flowers, gestured to Andy help her. Both finished plucking in a few minutes. Andy collected all flowers to thrown out somewhere far. After Andy's leaves Faelan rouse gently. Looked around for to recall his memory. She could swear that she saw some sparkle in his eyes after their eye contact. She didn't let it last this time take her eyes to the ground and hushed, "Good morning." She rouse her gaze at him again when she didn't get any reply. He was smiling now. She frowned, "Good morning to me too?"
"Yes, of course. I didn't wake up yet." He said still smiling at her. She remembered that the last morning started to blushing again. But she didn't let herself down her guard this time. "Maybe you need some nudge again?" There was some sinister look on her face. She was reminding him his fault. But Faelan wasn't at the same page. "Well you could do. But I have to warn you. I could act same way, like the last time." When he finished his sentence her eyes widened in astonishment. How could he be shameless that much. She was regretted to bring this subject the table. He kept going after even he couldn't get any response from her. " Is that a no it's not happening or yes I like to be under your body?" He was unabashed. She felt miserable. But before she answer, someone did "What the hell does it mean?"