"Family... in a time of need, is there anything more important?" Aenar Targaryen, God-Emperor of Planetos.
The days in Essos were hot and the nights were even colder.
At night, in Rhaella's room, all four members of House Targaryen gathered around the fireplace, which burned with orange flames.
Aenar leaned against the side of the fireplace, holding a goblet of wine. Wine that was very weak, like almost all drinks in this world. One of the reasons people had to drink a lot to get really drunk.
Aenar was in his grandmother's room with his aunts for a very simple reason: he wanted to explain that the war wasn't just about the throne, but about the fate of humanity's survival. And he couldn't do it alone, he needed people he could trust on his side.
"First of all, what I'm about to say may shock you, but I hope you'll listen quietly and wait to ask questions when I'm done." Aenar spoke, his expression serious and dignified. All three women listened intently to his words. "To begin, I must tell you why Aegon and his wives conquered Westeros in the first place."
"Before the Conquest, Aegon had a Dragon Dream, the same kind of Dream that Daenys the Dreamer had and saved House Targaryen from Extinction, unlike the thirty-nine Houses of Dragon Lords that disappeared along with Valiria."
Aenar spoke and continued.
"A prophetic dream spoke of a winter that would devastate the world of men and that to survive such a calamity a Targaryen must rule the Seven Kingdoms. According to Aegon I, the promised prince would come from his line to fight the coming darkness.
"Winter was coming and with it death." Aenar said, looking at the shocked faces of the three women.
"He wasn't talking about just any winter, but the Second Long Night, years without sun and monsters rising from the darkness of the world. And in the North of Westeros, a being who was able to revive the dead and make them fight alongside him was coming with an army of hundreds of thousands of undead, who don't need to eat or rest and are immortal."
Aenar gripped the wine glass tighter and brought it to his lips, drinking the entire contents in one gulp. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and finished speaking. "Not only do we have to survive years without sun and years without crops, but also the monsters born of the world's darkness and an army of nearly immortal undead, all in less than a decade."
Rhaella didn't know what to say in the face of such a shocking revelation, she wanted to open her mouth and say that her grandson was exaggerating, but when she looked into his eyes, his deep purple eyes, she seemed to see a look that made her shiver with fear. The queen hugged herself to warm herself, but the cold feeling didn't seem to go away.
"The Undead Army is confirmed, Beyond the Wall, all the savages are migrating on a large scale heading south to escape the White Walkers and their leader, the Night King." Aenar spoke again. "These things only die for three things in the world. Dragon Fire, Valyrian Steel and Dragon Glass (Obsidian)."
Visenya's face couldn't have been more serious listening to the White Walker's weaknesses, they were few and worse, extremely rare, especially the first two items, Dragon Fire and Valyrian Steel, as for Dragon Glass, she had never seen any in her life.
Daenerys could be considered the most relaxed person at this moment, she didn't doubt her nephew's words for a minute. In her eyes, ever since she had learned of this nephew's existence, she had only thought that she was facing a legendary character just like the one described in the Age of Heroes books.
As for the prophecy of Aegon I, the conqueror, she only felt that she would do as her ancestors wanted, fight for the survival of humanity together with her nephew.
Seeing his serious and dignified face faintly illuminated by the flickering light of the flames, Daenerys approached him and took his hand.
"Sweet nephew, don't worry, we're family and we'll fight by your side, and even if only a little, we'll carry some of the burden on your shoulders. Aegon had his wives/sisters and you have us, your brave aunts and an old woman not very good with a sword." Daenerys spoke, looking straight into Aenar's eyes.
Aenar looked stunned at the girl, who was gazing at him with an intensity that could make anyone evaporate from the earth.
However, the serious and dignified atmosphere was broken by Rhaella Targaryen's voice.
"Daenerys Targaryen, who are you calling an old woman!!!" The words came out of Rhaella's lips as an angry snarl, causing Daenerys to laugh and start fleeing across the room while being chased by her mother.
Looking at Aenar's stunned expression, Visenya sat down next to him and rested her head on his shoulder.
"Don't worry, they've both always been like this, Daenerys can annoy our mother like no other person can." She spoke with a soft, gentle tone, hard to associate with the same young woman capable of killing men without any hesitation.
Looking at Visenya using her body as a support and her shoulder as a pillow, Aenar felt his lips lift in a smile. He took a lock of the young woman's silver hair and kissed it under her somewhat shy eyes.
"Thank you, you have no idea how much your trust in me and believing everything I've said so far means to me." He spoke with a gentle tone. Aenar didn't know how many years he hadn't been as relaxed as he was at this moment. Having someone to share his burden, even a little, was simply relaxing.
He knew how crazy it was that people believed his words, but seeing his family believe him made him realize that someone without a family was someone without a place to stand in an ocean of worries.
Suddenly, Daenerys appeared at Aenar's side and grabbed his arm as she spoke. "That's not fair, don't leave me out of the hug." Her face showed a little sweat from running.
Daenerys took a lock of her hair and gave it to Aenar, much to his confusion.
"You kissed Visenya's hair, you must kiss mine." She spoke with an unquestioning tone, as if she wouldn't allow him not to kiss her hair as well as Visenya's.
Aenar smiled and kissed her hair just as he had Visenya's, earning a satisfied look from the girl who cuddled up to him, practically pushing half of her body on top of his, using him as a pillow without any shame.
Watching the scene, Rhaella's lips curved into a gentle, tender smile, feeling that she could trust Aenar with her daughters without worry. She could see that he was a good man and worthy of being her daughters' husband.
"Uncle Aemon was right, a Targaryen alone in the world is a terrible thing." Aenar muttered to himself, surrounded by the two women, but his whisper was heard by all three.
"Uncle Aemon?" Daenerys asked curiously, looking at her nephew with a bright gaze, for the name was a typical Valyrian one.
"Maester Aemon Targaryen, son of Maekar I Targaryen. He still lives and serves as Maester of Castle Black on the Wall, though he is nearly a hundred years old." Aenar responded by stroking Daenerys' hair, who practically melted under his caresses and leaned against his body without a care in the world.
"Uncle Aemon is alive?" Rhaella said in shock. Aenar wasn't surprised by Rhaella's incredulous words; in a world like this, where it was normal to die young or not live much past forty, it was truly shocking that someone lived to almost a hundred.
Daenerys and Visenya were shocked to learn that they had another living relative, and one so old.
"When he heard what had happened to his family, he wanted to break his decades-old oath and get on a horse and wield a sword, and even though he was blind and old, he wanted to avenge everyone's death." Aenar spoke with a sigh, feeling moved by a man who would give his life for his family.
Daenerys' eyes filled with tears as she listened to Aenar's words, and she truly felt that her family was united and strong. "I want to meet him..." She muttered to herself.
"You will see him." Aenar smiled and replied by stroking her hair, trying to calm the girl down.
The next words surprised the three women even more. "Besides, he wasn't our only relative living near the Wall."
"Brynden Rivers, one of the great bastards of Westeros and son of Aegon IV the Unworthy, is also alive at nearly one hundred and twenty years of age."
The three women's mouths dropped open in shock at hearing the man's age.
"Many relatives are still alive, I like a big family." Daenerys muttered to herself with a smile on her lips.
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