Chapter 115 - Dragonstone Island (IV)

"I want to see who will dare refuse my orders." - Queen Daenerys I Targaryen, after sending ravens to all the Noble Houses of Blackwater Bay.


Looking at the black throne, which seemed to protrude from the ground, Daenerys walked with her head held high and sat down. She observed the throne room, filled with Sardaukar, with an amused look. She could see that everyone was protecting her zealously, even gently.

Her lilac eyes fell on her cousin, little Shireen Baratheon. Honestly, there was no indication that they were related. Pretty? Although Daenerys didn't want to criticize her, she definitely didn't think she was pretty, but her innocent blue eyes made her look adorable.

"Hello, cousin." Daenerys ignored Selyse and greeted Shireen with a sweet, gentle smile.

"Hello, Queen Daenerys." Unlike Daenerys, who could call her casually, Shireen knew she couldn't do the same. Her mother had taught her to be respectful to royalty.

"You two needn't worry. Your safety will not be violated and, unlike my cousin, your father, I will not kill my relatives." Perhaps noticing that they were both still slightly tense with so many soldiers around, Daenerys spoke in a comfortable, unhurried tone.

The feeling of conquest in her heart made her extremely satisfied and full of vanity for having taken Dragonstone so easily. Even if reinforcements arrived from King's Landing, she was confident of holding the ancestral castle of House Targaryen until Aenar arrived with Caraxes.

Selyse's body relaxed at Daenerys' words and, although she didn't want to, she felt it appropriate to call Robert a kinslayer. After all, Robert and Rhaegar were very close cousins. Robert's own father, Lord Steffon Baratheon, had been a close friend of Aerys II.

"Thank you for your kindness, Queen." Selyse bowed and ordered Shireen to do the same. Even though they had become hostages, she could see that Daenerys was keeping her promise not to hurt them.

Daenerys nodded and spoke with a regal tone, worthy of a queen.

"Call the Maester of Dragonstone."

About ten minutes later, an old man wearing a gray tunic and a large metal necklace appeared in the throne room. He walked slowly and with a slight limp. Beside him, there was a young man wearing a similar robe, with a metal necklace just like the old man.

"Maester Cressen and my successor, Maester Pylos, Your Grace." Cressen looked first at Selyse and Shireen. When he saw that they were both safe and in good condition, without any injuries, he turned to Daenerys and spoke in a respectful tone.

"Send ravens to all the noble houses of Blackwater Bay. Summon them to kneel before me and retake their oaths to House Targaryen." Daenerys looked at them both and spoke with an indifferent tone. Her voice was stern and slightly cold, demonstrating her clear dislike of the Maesters.

As essentially the Master of the Whisperers of Aenar, she knew secrets that many would never know. Her husband had told her of countless events, from the Conquest of Aegon to the present day.

Suspicious fires have destroyed books on blood and fire magic over the centuries, as well as the deaths of countless babies, including all of Daenerys' brothers and sisters who were born and died in the Red Keep.

All orchestrated by the Order of the Maesters and the Faith of the Seven.

Just the thought of her brothers and sisters dying without being able to know the beauty of the world made Daenerys want to kill them both at that very moment.

As for the claim that it was normal for incestuous babies to die, Daenerys laughed scornfully.

Valyria had existed for five thousand years. If incest really was such a problem, the most powerful empire the world had ever known wouldn't have lasted a hundred years. But it lasted for five millennia and, instead of wasting away due to blood defects, its children gained powers through blood magic and could even live longer than any normal human.

The death of hundreds of babies from House Targaryen was unnatural, let alone inevitable.

Perhaps sensing her coldness and antipathy, Cressen was confused, but he knew that the Queen in front of him probably didn't like Maesters. He feared for the fate of Oldtown, although he didn't understand why the Targaryen Queen harbored this aversion.

If Daenerys knew of Cressen's thoughts, she wouldn't be surprised. With such a grand and cruel plan, neither the church nor the Order of Maesters would share such information with many people. This kind of conspiracy could crumble the foundations of the Faith and the Order itself in the eyes of all commoners and noble houses.

"Yes, Your Grace. I will send the ravens immediately." Despite his confusion, Cressen did not hesitate to obey Daenerys' orders.

Daenerys, however, would not let the Maester act unsupervised. She gestured for two Sardaukar to remain at Cressen and his successor's side at all times.

As soon as Cressen left the throne room, he didn't care to be overheard and, looking at Pylos with a semblance of regret, muttered:

"The Order sent you at a very bad time, child."

"It's all right, Brother Cressen. I'll show you that not all Maesters are bad."

Pylos, a young man of just over twenty, spoke in a gentle tone, remembering the image of Daenerys sitting on the stone throne. Honestly, his heart beat faster as he contemplated how beautiful she was.

How could Cressen, almost eighty years old, not have noticed that look on Pylos' face? He knew how to recognize admiration and fascination, after all, he had once been young himself. But to harbor such feelings for someone like Daenerys was something a Maester shouldn't even dare to consider.

However, Cressen said nothing to alert Pylos. Not while they were constantly watched by the queen's guards. He just prayed that the gods would grant Pylos' young mind a little clarity and that he would forget this feeling.

Unrequited love was one of the worst pains a man could suffer, and when it came to a beautiful queen, this feeling could drive Pylos to his death.

Cressen had heard and read reports about Aenar Targaryen and his dragon, Caraxes. It wasn't just him who read these reports, practically every Maester did and they were curious what method Aenar had used to hatch the dragon egg, which was apparently supposed to be petrified after hundreds of years.

After all, there were no living dragons in the world and the dragon egg could only have come from one of the dragons during the Dance of the Dragons.

Along with his report, there was some information about King Targaryen's personality, and they knew that he was not a merciful man, which could be seen when Aenar Targaryen had burned tens of thousands of people alive.

What would such a man think when he discovered the admiration Pylos felt for his wife?

Cressen assumed that Pylos would die in a very painful way, so he prayed that Pylos would forget that feeling and focus on staying alive.

Driftmark - Home of House Velaryon.

Looking at the letter that had arrived at the castle, Monford Velaryon smiled with satisfaction. "Aurane, summon our vassals and fleets. We are going to Dragonstone to kneel before Queen Daenerys I Targaryen, wife of King Aenar I Targaryen."

"Brother, what about Lord Stannis?" Aurane couldn't help asking with a curious tone.

"May he burn in dragon fire along with all of House Baratheon." Monford spoke with a cold tone. In those fourteen years, if there was one House that had become poorer and poorer, it was House Velaryon. Whether it was Robert or Stannis, both had suppressed House Velaryon with all their might.

Not only did House Velaryon have to pay heavy taxes to the Crown and to Stannis at Dragonstone, it couldn't build any more ships than necessary. It had few ships for trade and even fewer warships, especially when Queen Rhaella was fleeing to Essos. The fleet escorting the queen and the princesses had sunk in the terrible storm.

Leaving House Velaryon with even fewer ships.

With the Rise of Aenar, Monford saw that House Velaryon could rise again. Just so you understand, in almost every Targaryen court, there was a Master of Ships from House Velaryon. The position of Master of Ships had practically become a hereditary position of House Velaryon.

"I'll summon our vassals and fleets, we can reach Dragonstone in a few hours." Aurane spoke with a smile, he felt that this was the chance for him to be legitimized by the king and with his brother's help, he could create a Noble House vassal to House Velaryon.


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