Taking A Castle


Regular text

Venom talking


[Health Bar]


Clone Tarnished Pov.

It felt like drums were banging inside my skull. My eyes snapped open, the dim light of the church sanctuary to pierce right through. The rough wool of a blanket scratched at my cheek. Wait, the last thing I remembered was leaning over that map-strewn table with Gwentan. Then... nothing but a wave of pain. I guess Gwentan had dragged me to bed . As I tried to sit up, a flood of system messages flashed before my eyes.

[System Restored]

[Emergency Mission Activated]

[Connection to the Original] [N/A]

I panicked as I quickly scrambled to my feet. My movements were notably quicker, sharper. As if an invisible weight had been lifted. I rushed toward the front of the church, my shoes thudding on the stone floor. I need to tell Nicole, now. Each breath I took felt deeper, like my senses had been amped up.

"We have a huge problem!," I shouted, my voice echoing in the distance.

Nicole's head snapped towards me, her face a mask of concern as she turned from her post near the shattered entrance. She rushed to meet me, her eyes scanning my face. "What's wrong?" she asked, her voice tight with worry.

I halted in front of her, slightly out of breath. "So… uh, I think I lost the link," I said. "The Connection to the original me… it's gone." I had to hold myself back from freaking out

Nicole looked at me confused, "Wait are you not the real kiddo"

"Um, no", I nervously stated.

"Oh no!"Nicole yelled "We have to go look for him! What if something happened to him?"

"Haha see that's where it gets worse right, so he's not in this world at the moment", I murmured 

Nicole's eyes widened, her gaze searching mine, as if she could somehow see the broken connection. She reached out, her fingers brushing my forehead, as though checking for a fever. "What do you mean?" she asked, her voice low and steady, but with an underlying tremor of concern. 

I moved back from her touch, a new urgency settling in my chest. "I don't know how, but I'm still here. I can't feel him anymore. It's like... a radio signal cut off. And," I paused, my brow furrowing as I tried to articulate the strange shift, "I feel different. Honestly if it wasn't for the system saying he went on an emergency quest I'd be more worried." I rubbed my temples, the new clarity is a strange mix of exhilarating and frightening.

Nicole's hand tightened around her bow, her knuckles going white. She looked out to the church windows as she asked, "What does this mean for us? Do we just wait"

"I... I don't know. That's part of what's scaring me. All I know is, he was sent on emergency and you and I weren't forced to go. It's actually strange you can't notice he's not around.. " I looked at her. 

Nicole hesitated a moment before replying, "Because you're a clone I feel the same connection between both. Just when he's around I have a stronger connection so I listen to him. I also don't have access to the same system you guys do". Her ears flopped down as if she's in trouble.

"I see, I guess never really thought to ask if you could see our hud." I said, looking up at her, the uncertainty clear in my voice, "Listen instead of sitting waiting, I feel like we should at least go capture Castle Morne. You should be able to easily handle the fighting yourself, and I come along to touch any Sites of Grace along the way" 

Nicole was already moving, her focus shifting into action mode. "Are you sure we should do that," she said, her gaze sharp as she looked out the doorway at the grassy landscape

I nodded my head, "Yes, it's better than waiting around who knows how long it'll take for the original to return. On top of that we can also start recruiting other tarnished and left over soldiers to start building our armies.", I'm stealing my heart for the upcoming conflict. 

"Are you sure you can handle this? " she asked with a raised eyebrow. "Even if you aren't the original kiddo, I'm still bound to protect you as well."

"I know", Nodding my head to her reply. "You guys have been planning this for days, and now since this area is clear we should go take out his secondary forces so we don't end up fighting a war on two fronts. Also if we get lucky we might be able to recruit a few to our cause like Gwentan and Arwent.

"Kiddo", Nicole sighed. "If you're confident then I agree."

I stared at her for a split second, feeling the urgency and shot of nervousness. "Right, let's do this" I answered as I took off running to the back of the church to grab my gear.

My place to sleep was in the back left corner of the church(the same spot as the original). Only thing I needed to grab was my staff. Since I didn't have an inventory, or venom for that matter. I was also forced to carry it strapped to my back. My hands moved with a newfound efficiency,tying the rope to both sides of the staff before putting on. 

I turned back to Nicole, who stood near the entrance, her eyes scanning the street."Nicole," I said, my voice calmer than I felt. "We should bring Arwent with us. Gwentan should be strong enough to protect these guys on their own without us.

She turned, her gaze sharpening on me. "Why, Arwent?," she retorted, her voice edged with impatience. "We can move way faster without him."

"Welp if you're fighting, then I'll need protection. Arwent is strong enough, and could use the extra training." I countered, my mind racing.

Nicole's brow furrowed, her posture becoming less rigid."If you're sure about this, then go grab him." she gestured to me with a nod of her head, 

"Sure, give me a few seconds.," I said, my gaze locking with hers. "I'll grab Arwent, tell him to bring his gear and make sure Gwentan knows she's on her own for a while.

The tension around her shoulders finally eased a fraction. "Fine, but if he can't keep up I'm blaming you.," she said, a hint of a smile playing on her lips.

I grinned. "Now let's go, the clock is ticking." I gestured towards the door, humming in anticipation. "It'll be one hell of an adventure". I ran off to go grab Arwent.

Nicole took one last look at the street, assessing the risk one final time before nodding. "Let's see how fast we can take a castle"


I swear, if Arwent keeps this up, he's going to make me question my entire combat strategy. The guy's a walking, whirlwind of combat. I wonder how much training they are being put through, or maybe he's just a natural. Whatever the case, every time we stumble across some straggler looking for a fight, Arwent dispatches them before I can even fully grasp the situation. It's less a skirmish, and more a swift brutal ballet.

At the beginning of our march, while walking near the lake. We ended up being attacked by some dragon worshipers. It was very disturbing how quickly they tried to attack us. Arwent swiftly to take care of them. They're only being mentioned because of how strange the encounter was. 

We ended up stopping by some crumbling ruins nestled in the middle of the lake, which is shallow, mind you. Not your typical lake, just weird why it's considered one. The ruins, naturally, had their share of more cultists. They also had giant rats and dogs we took care of as well. We also found some pretty decent weapons around the ruins. Honestly, it was a nice quick treasure hunt. Though one of the chest gave off an ominous feel, that I deemed not worthy to open.

I know Gwentan's probably still upset that she's not on the adventure with us, especially with all the good loot we have. It's not her fault, I just value her insights as a leader. If something happened on the trip at least we could still have a commander for our forces. When we secure Castle Morne I'm sending her out with Nicole and a clone. 

My idea is to bring the Weeping Peninsula under control before the original gets back. That is if the Original doesn't have any other plans. Though, I think unifying the lands before charging straight into Godrick's castle is probably the smarter move.

With the lake behind us, we marched south, the sun high in the sky. Although, some dark clouds were beginning to move in. So we might expect rain later tonight. Oddly, it never really gets cold here. It feels 60-70 degree temperature wise. So not too hot or cold, nice decent weather. Sometimes it can rain pretty heavily but that's just nature.

A couple of miles from the lake, we spotted a ruin shaped like an upside-down 'U,' but we ignored it as we headed towards Castle Morne. I was hoping to make it by nightfall. As we marched, each foe fell to Arwent, sword dancing with his shield as a deadly partner. He really does remind me of someone, I just can't seem to place it.

Another hour of marching, and a golden line materialized in the air. A Site of Grace, I thought. Like a neon sign pointing to salvation for weary travellers. To the right, a hill; to the left, a valley full of crumbling structures. Without a word, I activated the Site of Grace, and we turned left towards the ruins.

 The valley sloped downward, the path opening up and we could see The bridge ahead, called The Bridge of Sacrifice. Yet no soldiers could be seen. All equipment laid broken, the bridge filled with blood. Where were the soldiers? According to our info, they should be guarding this bridge, as Godrick had an encampment located around here. 

"Nicole, am I losing my mind or was there an outpost supposed to be here?" I said, eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, I'm honestly lost." she said, her voice laced with confusion. "Maybe some battle broke out around here? Though that wouldn't make sense until we came all of LimeGrave was controlled by Godrick"

Arwent, who'd been silent until now, offered a different take. "Perhaps the issue is not with your intel, Sir. Godrick was using the castle to tame some of the local beasts. Maybe the creatures revolted?" he suggested, his voice almost monotone. "They may have been forced to defend themselves."

I considered it, the idea wasn't half bad. "That's...actually a pretty good idea," I admitted, turning to Nicole. She simply grunted, clearly still deep in thought. 

We crossed the destroyed bridge, the air thick with the coppery scent of blood and something else, something wild and untamed. It was a tense silence until we reached the other side where I quickly activated the next Site of Grace.

A couple miles further into the valley and we stumbled across a blonde girl with a ribbon over her eyes and a dress that was filthy. The blood around her was worrying. I walked towards her. I accidentally stepped on a stick, the loud snap making her head snap up.

"Hello? Is someone there? Might I trouble you for a moment?" she asked, her voice surprisingly gentle.

"Sure," I replied. "We can lend an ear, as long as you're willing to share."

"My name is Irina. I escaped from Castle Morne to the south," she explained, her voice trembling ever so slightly. "The servants there...they've turned. They've rebelled."

"Wait, Castle Morne?" I exchanged a look with Arwent. So his intel is correct after all. When this is over I'll have to talk to Gwentan and Arwent about relative information they know.

"Yes," Irina continued. "I can't see too well, haven't since I was born but I heard horrible howling, everywhere. My good father snuck me out but refused to leave. He's the commander you see. I'm worried sick."

"Well, you are in luck actually, my companions and I are heading that way," I said. "Maybe we can assist your father."

"Would you consider carrying a letter to him?" Irina asked, her voice pleading. "My only wish is that he gets out, even if it costs him his honor."

"How about we do you one better, and you come with us," I stated, before she could get a word in.

"The servants," she interrupted, "they are filled with rage, hatred for everyone. They came for all my companions. They spared no one."

"You either come with us, and we keep you safe, or your letter doesn't go anywhere, plain and simple." I countered, not trying to be heartless, but it's the truth. "You are currently defenseless, and we have no idea what these creatures are capable of."

"You speak true words, if you offer me protection I'll allow you to escort me to Castle Morne" she responded.


Nicole Pov.

After the kiddo finally got the young girl moving (it sucks everyone is taller than me), we continued on our way. Honestly, it's been really boring. I held onto Irina during the march south. All we saw was blood splatter and yet oddly no bodies. Wagons were torn apart, as if they tried to evacuate as many people as they could but were too late.

I wonder what in their right minds made them think they could control monsters like that. It reminds me of the time my children had that evil snapping turtle that almost ended the town. I can't help but let out a sigh; how much I miss my family. It's a dull ache in my chest, but it was worth it for a chance at a second life for all of us.

"Gumball, Darwin, Anais... I miss you all so much." The ache in my chest was a constant companion, but the hope of seeing my family again fueled my determination.

Finding out we were a cartoon show and got canceled, which in turn means we died, changed some things for me. It was like I was in a black void until I was offered a choice. Wukong also made me much more aware of the task at hand. I even know the kiddo's backstory, well, most of it. If the kiddo wants to save the lands, he needs to find out who he is.

The kid (I have to help him pick a name) is truly becoming one of my own. It sucks. Being tough on him was necessary, a harsh reality in this unforgiving realm. But it was also a way to protect him, to ensure he could survive and fulfill his destiny. I think about how if one of my kids were put in his shoes, would they be as brave? It's why I listen to him, just to see if I can take some burden off his hands.

The only thing of note during the march to the castle was that we passed the body of a dead merchant. It was sad, even though it's a clone; the kiddo was still torn. I know he's been going out of his way to protect everyone and save the merchants. After hearing their story, I want to save as many of them as we can as well. Close to the remains of the merchant was another bonfire, though the kid says they're Sites of Grace.

Apparently, they're supposed to be special, but I don't see it. we emerged from what could only be described as a death valley. The landscape began to open up, revealing a land dominated by the imposing silhouette of Castle Morne. The final stretch awaited, and with it, the promise of answers and perhaps, a glimmer of hope.

Honestly, it was downright eerie how quiet everything was. With every step, the stench of blood grew stronger, painting a grim picture of the chaos that had swept through. Bodies were strewn about, but oddly, there wasn't a single dismembered limb in sight. 

"What were these people thinking?" I muttered under my breath, my grip on Irina tightening instinctively. "Trying to tame monsters like that... It's insane. 

The imposing silhouette of Castle Morne loomed over the horizon, a stark contrast against the twilight sky. It was a sight that sent a shiver down my spine, not from fear, but from the sheer weight of what it represented. This wasn't just a castle; it was a symbol of a shattered kingdom. A testament to the cruelty of a mad ruler.

I turned to Arwent and Irina, my voice firm but laced with concern. "Stay here. At the bonfire." My gaze shifted to the kid, a silent plea in my eyes.

He met my gaze, his expression resolute. "Don't worry, Nicole. We'll stay here as you go look for her father and bring him back." 

My voice was steady, a reassurance that echoed through the gathering darkness. "Arwent, keep them safe. I'll be back before you know it."

Arwent nodded, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. "As you command."

With a final glance at the trio, I vanished into the shadows, my movements swift and silent. The weight of responsibility settled heavily on my shoulders as they closed the door behind me. This would be best for all of us if I decided to go alone.

Once I got on the elevator, the roars of those monstrous creatures grew louder. A constant reminder of the danger lurking around every corner. The stench of blood and decay clung to the air, suffocating me. Yet, with every step, my resolve hardened. No child should be without a parent. I'll keep my promise to find her father. The hardest part was trying to make my way without being seen by these creatures. 

Though short, lucky my search led me through chambers that have seen better days. The hallways well lit by torches depicted what once could've been. The battle waged around me as soldiers tried to hold back these monsters. FInally seeing a man by himself setting down, I believe he is who I'm looking for.

Commander Edgar, Irina's father,was alone sitting by himself. His back against a crumbling wall, his sword drawn across his lap.His eyes though was weary from conflict. The monsters they had once thought they controlled were now out for their blood, their roars a chilling rival to the commander's ragged breaths.

"Commander Edgar!" My voice was quiet as I appeared in front of him.

The commander turned, his eyes widening in surprise. "Who are you?" he demanded, his voice hoarse but unwavering.

"I came because of a Request from Irina,"I replied, my voice firm. "She's safe, but she's been sick with worry."

Relief washed over his face, the tenison in his shoulders gone. "Thank the gods," he murmured. 

"Now" I said, my gaze sweeping over the surrounding monsters. "We need to get you out of here."

"My men" the commander began, his voice heavy with guilt. "I can't leave them"

"Then Let's save them," I said, agreeing with him. "But first, we need to deal with the big guy." I gestured towards the gigantic creature that was rapidly approaching, its roars shaking the very foundations of the castle.

The commander's eyes hardened. "We were once part of Godrick's forces," he explained, his voice laced with bitterness. "NOW WE LAY FORGOTTEN,LEFT TO BE A FEAST FOR HIS EXPERIMENTS.NOW NO MORE, WE WILL FIGHT BACK"

A grim determination settled over my features. "Then let's get to work," I said, my voice a battle cry amidst the chaos. "We'll take back this castle, and you'll have your revenge."

The monstrous creature, a ugly fusion of flesh and bone, charged towards us, its roars echoing through the castle's crumbling halls. The ground trembled beneath its weight, and the air crackled with the energy of its impending attack. The commander's men, though sacred, refused to back down. Raising their weapons in defiance of this deadly beast.

"Stay close," I barked, my voice barely audible above the din. "And for the love of god, don't get eaten!"

The battle was a brutal dance filled with steel and fury. The creature's blows were powerful enough to send tremors through the stone floor. Dodging a swipe from its massive claws, I retaliated with a swift kick to its stomach. The monster roared in pain, as it backed away. Taking the opportunity, the commander and his men pressed their attack, their swords finally piercing through the creature's thick hide.

The beast, though weakened, still fought back. It lashed out with its tail, sending soldiers sprawling. A young boy who shouldn't be in this fight was thrown against a wall. Rage surged through me, a mother's fury lit by the sight of a child in danger. With a roar of my own, I charged, my fists and feet a blur as I unleashed blows upon the creature.

The commander, his face grim but determined, rallied his men, their swords flashing in unison as they struck at the creature's vulnerable spots. I dodged and weaved, using my agility and speed to land blows where they would hurt the most.

 Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the creature's roars subsided, replaced by a gurgling wheeze. It stumbled, its massive body collapsing to the ground with a thunderous crash that shook the very foundations of the castle.

Silence descended upon the hall, broken only by the heavy's breaths of the survivors and the groans of the wounded. The sight of dead bodies served as a stark reminder of the cost of victory. Yet I still as if we conquered a quest taking down such monsters. Hopefully give hope to whatever mean that is left over.

"It's done," I panted, leaning against a pillar. My body healed, and ready for the next fight

The commander approached, his face etched with gratitude and newfound hope. "You have my thanks," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "And my sword. We will follow you, Cat Tarnished.. Lead us to victory, and allows to reclaim our home."

A wave of exhaustion washed over me, but I couldn't help but smile. "My name is Nicole Waterson," I said, my voice filled with a renewed sense of purpose. "I'll lead you all in defense of your home"

With a grim determination settling over my features, I turned to face the monstrous horde that infested Castle Morne. "Commander Edgar," I declared, my voice ringing with newfound authority, "rally your men. It's time to take back what's rightfully yours!"

Edgar, his eyes alight with a fire I hadn't seen before, barked orders to his remaining soldiers. They emerged from the shadows, battered but unbroken, their swords thirsting for vengeance. Together, we carved a path through the castle's entrails, a whirlwind of righteous fury against the monstrous tide.

Each chamber, each corridor, became a battleground. We faced these gross abominations, their forms twisted and warped as made by evil intent.

"Those... those are the Misbegotten," Edgar explained between clashes, his voice laced with disgust. "Godrick's experiments, failures discarded yet we were forced to house."

I gritted my teeth, my heart burning with a righteous fury. Even if they used to be regular people, they have killed many. Not just in this castle but around these lands. A sense of purpose surged through me, a promise to not only reclaim the castle but to also liberate these tortured souls.

As we pushed deeper into the castle's heart, Edgar revealed the grim truth of their abandonment. "Godrick saw no further use for us," he spat, his voice filled with bitterness. "They say he went mad with his experiments and wants the wars broken, and the tarnished returned. He once gave us purpose in these hellish lands. The only place not touched by war, until Godrick turned against us."

The castle's halls echoed with the clash of steel, the roars of monsters, and the battle cries of soldiers fueled by hope. As we fought, I saw a transformation in Edgar's men. The despair that had once clouded their eyes was replaced by a steely determination, a newfound belief in their own strength.

The battle for Castle Morne was a symphony noise as the battle began to turn in our favor. As the soldiers cleared out the entrance to the castle I went towards a different mission.

 Edgar and I ventured deeper into the castle's heart, towards the source of the corruption that had twisted its inhabitants into abominations. The air grew heavy with a palpable sense of dread as we approached the boss's lair, the very stones seeming to tremble with anticipation of the impending clash.

We fought our way through the remaining misbegotten, their howls and grotesque forms chilling me to the bone. Edgar, however, seemed almost numb to it, his face a mask of grim determination. As we navigated the twisting corridors, he explained the layout of the castle, his voice echoing in the oppressive silence.

"The Leonine Misbegotten," he growled, his voice thick with disgust, "a wretched creature born of Godrick's twisted experiments. It lurks in the heart of the castle.

My body began to get excited for the upcoming battle. When a question came to mind" Why is this one different from the others?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

"It's the leader of these beasts roaming around.," Edgar spat, his grip tightening on his sword. "Driven by an insatiable hunger for violence. It's fast, it's strong, and it's merciless And it's bigger than the last beast we fought."

A shiver ran down my spine, but I refused to back down. I'd faced down plenty of monsters in my life, both real and imagined. This was just another one. We pushed forward, our footsteps echoing in the oppressive silence.

Finally, we reached a massive chamber, its walls adorned with grotesque tapestries depicting scenes of unimaginable horror. In the center of the chamber, bathed in the eerie glow of flickering torches, stood the Leonine Misbegotten, its monstrous form a grotesque mockery of both man and beast.

The air crackled with tension, the silence broken only by the creature's raspy breaths and the clink of our weapons. The stench of blood and decay hung heavy in the air, a grim prelude to the impending battle.

Edgar's eyes met mine, a silent understanding passing between us. There was no need for words. We both knew what had to be done. With a battle cry that echoed through the chamber, we charged forward, our weapons raised, ready to face the horror that awaited us.

The Leonine Misbegotten roared, a sound that shook the very foundations of the castle. It lunged forward, its massive claws tearing through the air. Edgar met its charge head-on, his sword a blur as he parried the creature's blows. I darted around its flanks, my agility a stark contrast to the monster's lumbering bulk, seeking an opening to strike.

The chamber became a whirlwind of chaos. The clash of steel against claws, the roars of the beast, and our own grunts of exertion filled the air. The creature was strong, its attacks ferocious. Edgar's experience and my unpredictable fighting style kept the monster off balance, creating openings for our attacks.

The battle raged on, a dance of death amidst the flickering torchlight. The creature's roars grew more desperate, its movements less coordinated. We pressed our advantage, our attacks growing fiercer, our determination unwavering.

Finally, with a roar of defiance and a final, desperate lunge, Edgar's sword found its mark, piercing the creature's heart. The Leonine Misbegotten stumbled, its roars fading into a gurgling wheeze. With a final, shuddering gasp, it collapsed, its massive body slamming against the stone floor, sending tremors through the chamber.

Silence descended, broken only by the sound of our ragged breaths and the distant cheers of victory from the castle's outer walls. We had done it. The Leonine Misbegotten was dead, and Castle Morne was finally free.

By the time we reached the castle's outer ramparts, the tide had turned. The monsters were in retreat, their numbers dwindling, their roars replaced by whimpers of fear. The castle, once a bastion of despair, now echoed with the cheers of victory.

Edgar stood beside me, his gaze sweeping over the reclaimed courtyard, his chest swelling with pride. "Castle Morneis ours once more," he declared, his voice booming through the air. "And we have you to thank, outsider."

I smiled, a genuine warmth spreading through me. "We did it together, Commander," I replied, my voice filled with respect. "And now, it's time to fulfill my promise."

With the castle secured and the immediate threat quelled, a sense of accomplishment washed over me. But there was no time to rest. The kid, Arwent, and Irina were waiting, and I had a feeling they were eager to hear about my success. With a last glance at the revitalized soldiers, their faces alight with newfound hope, I turned and made my way back towards the bonfire, my heart lighter than it had been in a long time.

Opening the door to the bonfire I could see the kid, Arwent, and Irina waiting anxiously. Relief washed over their faces as they spotted me, and though blinded Irina rushed forward, her arms outstretched. 

"Did you save him!" she cried, burying her face in my chest. 

I wrapped her in a tight hug, my heart swelling with a mix of emotions. "It's alright, sweetheart," I murmured, smoothing her hair. "Your father is safe." 

The kid and Arwent approached, their expressions a mix of curiosity and concern. "Did you find him?" the kid asked, his voice laced with hope. 

"I did," I replied, a smile gracing my lips. "And he's bringing reinforcements." 

Irina's head shot up, her eyes wide with disbelief. "Really?" 

I nodded, chuckling softly. "Commander Edgar and his men are on their way. We have already taken back the castle." 

Arwent's brow furrowed. "Misbegotten?" 

"Godrick's failed experiments," I explained, my voice hardening. "They were abandoned here, left to rot and mutate into those things." 

 The kid's eyes flashed with anger. "That's just..." He trailed off, unable to find the words to express his disgust. 

"Welp for now they're dealt," I assured him, my voice firm. 

A renewed sense of purpose filled the air as we waited for the commander and his men to arrive. The night was dark, but the promise of dawn after the deathly battle cast a glimmer of hope over the horizon. Castle Morne is free and now ours.

The sound of marching boots and the clatter of armor echoed through the valley, cutting through the stillness of the night. Emerging from the darkness, a contingent of soldiers, led by Commander Edgar, strode towards us. Their faces were once grim, but now were filled with hope. Edgar, his stern expression melting into one of paternal love upon seeing Irina. Moved faster, quickly embracing here.

As the soldiers gathered around the bonfire, Edgar approached us, his gaze unwavering. "I speak for my mine and turn for clearing out these monsters we will serve you.," he stated, his voice carrying the weight of command.

The kid shook his hand, a solemn vow passing between them. As the first rays of dawn began to peek over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the assembled forces, I couldn't help but feel a surge of hope.