I've been really sick this weekend bt on the brightside I'm almost 11 chapters ahead my goal is to finish up with Godrick's arc soon because I have alot planned outside of Godrick's defeat and I'm so excited for it.
Regular text
Venom talking
[Health Bar]
Oliver POV
The world went from pure black to vibrant shades as I opened my eyes. My head throbbed, the rhythm an reminder of yet another time spent unconscious. Seriously, one day I'll stop waking up from being knocked out. It can't be healthy to black out this often. My body oddly didn;t have any of the pain I've grown accustomed to.
The cheap padding did little to ease my discomfort. And was it just me, or was this bed becoming more uncomfortable by the second? Was that even possible? I wonder how long I've been knocked out this time. With no windows it's hard to tell what time of day it is.
"Ah, the sleeping beauty finally decided to grace us with his presence," Venom drawled, his voice a sarcastic purr in my head. The tone was laced with playful disdain as he continued, "You've been out for well over a day, which, might I add, was agonizingly dull." Near the ending practically whining.
I groaned, pushing myself up despite the protest of every muscle. "Well, sorry for being unconscious. Last time I checked, killing a dragon was kind of tiring. We deserve a day or…three of rest. Plus we've been fighting or training daily for almost a month.."
Venom scoffed, the sound echoing through my mind like an exasperated sigh. "Sure, sure, a nap. Your new 'Goddess,' by the way, was practically vibrating with worry. Kept checking on you every few minutes, even setting up camp right next to you."
"Really? She managed to tear herself away from her Bell for a few seconds?" I asked, my voice laced with disbelief as I finally sat up, the throbbing in my head slowly subsiding.
"Oh, she did more than check. She was practically camping out on the floor next to you, looking like a lost puppy. Apparently, you had a bit of an energy overload – had to adapt to all your latent powers.Venom added, his tone shifting slightly, intrigued.
"Great, having to retrain my abilities again.," I sighed, rubbing my temples. The thought of training again was as thrilling as a trip to the dentist. "Nicole is gonna be thrilled about this." I muttered under my breath.
"Right before you go on about training again , I would like to share, your system has been returned," Venom said, attempting to sound nonchalant.
I jolted, rolling over to face the ceiling, ignoring the groan of my muscles. The system! Not having it for a day was painstakingly terrible. "Thank god, I thought I lost connection to it. The way the system worked now was interesting.
A translucent blue screen materialized in front of me, flickering slightly as the information began to show.
[Elden Ring Gacha 2.0]
[Companions]: 2/6
Nicole (Can't Reach)
Clone 1 (Can't Reach)
"Look at that, Venom, you're not even a Companion," I said, a smirk spreading across my face as I studied the screen. "What, planning to betray me and join the enemy?"
"Please, 'Companion' is child's play. Just wait until you see the stat screen. You'll see where I actually rank." Venom practically purred in my head, his tone leaving a sinister undertone that caused me to sigh internally. I dismissed it and went back to the screen.
[Journal]: 3 Missions Active
[Emergency Mission activated - Save Bell][Competed][Reward -Gacha Spin]
[Main Mission - Win Against Apollo]
[Main Mission - Defeat Godrick]
[Side Mission - Taking Back Castle Morne][Completed][Reward - Water Rock Smashing Fist]
[Side Mission - Join Hestia's Familia][Completed][ Reward - Updated System]
[Side Mission - Reach Level 2]
"So, Venom," I began, my brows furrowed as I read through the journal entries, "Want to enlighten me on how we apparently took over Castle Morne?"
"Your guess is as good as mine," Venom snickered, a playful malice in his voice. "Probably that clone of yours, maybe with a little help from Nicole. I know some of your skills have changed, I don't know how much though.
[Gacha] [Spins - 0]
Huh. No more level-up screen. And no snarky system voice anymore. I guess I really did lose connection with the old one." I muttered, a hint of disappointment threading through my voice. I moved my legs to hang off the side of the bed. The cold stone floor felt amazing in contrast to the stifling heat that had been building up within the small room.
I tried to stand, and felt a sudden heaviness, almost as if I had lead weights strapped to my ankles. A strange sensation, like I was wading through honey. I moved around, stretching, feeling that the more I did the better I felt, like the weights were slowly disappearing. My body was adapting to the changes, and I felt like I was finally getting back to myself.
Only my pants were on; someone had stripped me of my shoes and socks. I sent a tendril to absorb them into Venom, figuring I'd put them on later. I sluggishly swung my legs off the side of the bed and slowly stood, feeling a little dizzy but stable. I took a deep breath as the cool, dusty air entered my lungs.
With a slight push, the door gave way, creaking on its hinges as I made my way into the living room. The once-vibrant colors of the church now seemed dull and muted, the dust clinging to every surface.
"Any changes with Oliver?" I overheard Bell ask The Goddess, their voices tight with worry.
"He doesn't have a fever anymore. Just worried about when he'll wake up," she replied, her voice hushed, laced with concern.
"Or you could just ask me," I interjected, fully entering the room. Hestia's head snapped up, her expression shifting from concern to relief as she rushed over to me. Bell also looked up from the couch, his eyes wide with a mix of relief and awe. Sunlight streamed through the broken stained-glass windows, illuminating the dust motes dancing in the air, a stark contrast to the shadows that lingered in the corners.
"Oliver, how are you feeling?" she asked, her gaze darting over my body, moving my arms in different directions as if she was doing an inspection. "And why aren't you wearing shoes?"
"Honestly? I didn't feel like it," I replied, the words dripping with sarcasm. I picked her up with ridiculous ease and moved her to the side, a slight smirk forming on my lips. "And yeah, I feel fine. Actually, better than I have in the last month."
The Goddess pouted as she practically floated to the side. "Hey, I can walk!"
Man, I can really pick up people like this now. Even with Venom equipped, I usually wouldn't have been able to move someone with such ease. I wonder how much power this falna was giving me. The system was still calling itself 'Elden Ring', which made me wonder if I was somehow still connected to the Golden Order, and if there was a way to reach back home.
I finished walking towards where Bell was sitting and stuck my hand out for a greeting. "Hi, Bell, I'm Oliver Kanto."
"It's nice to meet you, Oliver," Bell said, shaking my hand firmly, a genuine smile spreading across his face. "I heard you helped save Lily, Welf, and me from those guys at the pub."
I just shrugged, trying to act nonchalant, though a smirk couldn't be hidden. "Yeah, it was no biggie. Honestly, if I wasn't so weak from my ordeal I probably would have taken them all out with ease." I moved to sit on the wall, the same spot I occupied previously. The rough texture of the stone wall was a welcome sensation compared to the constant anxiety and discomfort of the past few days. The feeling of relaxation was slowly overwhelming. "I just hope the owner of the pub isn't too pissed at me for ruining the floor."
"No..no..no, don't worry, they blamed those guys for the damage. Apparently, they're from the Apollo Familia and honestly, they have been causing us a lot of trouble recently," Bell stammered out quickly, his voice still tinged with nervousness.
"See, Oliver? I told you, mindless violence has its perks," Venom said smugly, his voice dripping with amusement. I just rolled my eyes internally, the usual response.
"Right, Apollo is another one of these gods, right?" I asked, my gaze shifting between Bell and The Goddess. "So what is the name of the familia we are part of?"
"Oh, how rude of me! I never gave my name." The Goddess quickly said, she puffed out her chest with pride and continued, "My name is Hestia, and welcome to the Hestia Familia. It's not much at the moment, but yeah, haha." Her enthusiasm was almost overwhelming, a stark contrast to the somber atmosphere of the room.
"Well, it's nice to meet you both. I'm honestly glad to be part of your familia," I replied, a genuine smile forming on my lips, trying my best to hide the sarcastic undertone.
"Mostly glad to have those abilities back, aye, Oliver?" Venom murmured, the sarcasm almost tangible.
I let Venom's comment slide as I watched Hestia and Bell talk for a bit. The interaction was innocent enough that it almost made me feel at ease. While I didn't exactly love being under the thumb of another god, this place was starting to feel more like a home than the Lands Between ever had.
Still, I needed to return at some point, even if only to unite the merchants and Nicole under a flag, just to bring them to a safe place. And I definitely couldn't forget about Arwent and Gwentan. The two loyal soldiers I'm glad stuck with us.
"Hey, you up to walking to the guild?" Bell asked, his voice shaking nervously. "We need to register you before we can think about going to the dungeon." His hands were clasped tightly in front of him, the anxiety obvious in his stance.
"Sure, it'll be good to stretch my legs," I replied, standing. Venom manifested my shoes and socks on my feet, the familiar feeling a comfort in the chaos.
"How did you do that?" Bell stared at my feet in shock, his eyes wide with disbelief. I ignored him and walked up the stairs, heading towards the exit.
Bell and Hestia quickly caught up. The church looked worse in the daylight, the damage far more extensive than the night before. Honestly, it might be better to burn it down than try to fix it, I thought, a hint of morbid humor coloring my thoughts.
Suddenly, my senses flared, a dangerous prickling sensation across my skin. I felt fourteen distinct presences surrounding the church. I summoned Rika, two fairies coiling around the three of us quickly created a barrier that shimmered with power, encompassing us all.
On cue, a volley of fireballs rained down, striking the already decaying church. Dust and debris flew everywhere, the already compromised structure collapsing around us as the foundation began to give way under the relentless assault. My shield, however, held strong, deflecting the fire as if it was gentle rain.
Venom growling in my mind, "Rip them apart, show these bastards no mercy!"
"Bell, stay with Hestia. I'll take care of these guys quickly, then we can get to a safe place," I commanded, my voice laced with authority that brooked no argument.
Before Bell could reply I left the barrier, Venom's symbiote coating my hands. Forming boxing hand wraps (Usually I wear fingerless gloves). I burst through the rubble, the broken masonry scattering around me like leaves in a storm. I found the fourteen invaders, ten of them in bulky metal armor, their faces hidden behind visors, their weapons drawn.
The sunlight glinted off the metal, making them almost appear menacing. I crushed the armored men with a wave of metallic force, the metal contorting and bending under my power. I hurled their bodies, blood and all, onto the street. The sickening thud of their impacts echoing in the air. The remaining four never saw me coming, I webbed them with swiftness. Swinging them around like rag dolls, before sending them flying into the distance. Their screams were swallowed by the wind.
I quickly returned to Hestia and Bell, the barrier dropping as I formed tendrils to grab each of them, before running in the opposite direction of the church, moving at an incredible speed. The world became a blur of colors and sounds as I leaped and sprinted down the street, the wind whipping past my face.
"Where is a place we can go that's safe?" I asked as I sprinted, my voice barely audible above the whooshing air.
"The Guild! They can't touch us there!" Hestia yelled above the loud wind, her voice strained but filled with urgency.
"And where is the Guild located?" I yelled back, my breath coming in short gasps.
"From here, it's like a mile down the road. It's a giant golden building with a bridge next to it!" Bell yelled in response, his voice filled with panic.
I didn't reply as I launched webs, swinging between buildings, making quick progress through the narrow streets. The city became a maze of stone and wood, the buildings blurring together into a continuous stretch. Suddenly, a fireball hit my web line, sending me crashing to the ground, the impact causing the wind to leave my lungs, momentarily.
Bell and Hestia screamed as I landed, somehow keeping my footing. I quickly pulled them along to keep running through the one-way alley. The air was thick with the smell of smoke and fear. I sensed a person was already waiting at the end, the energy heavy in the air. Ready for our escape.
"Bell, Hestia this is going to feel weird but I'm going to send you guys ahead with a Clone", I hardly explained.
Bell with a look of shock screamed,"WAIT YOU CAN CLONE YOURSELF!",
"Yes, yes, I can, but there's not really a lot to say at the moment," I replied, activating the skill. Instead of the usual drain on my magic and stamina, one of my dreads fell to the ground, shimmering and solidifying into a perfect replica of myself.
Right, introductions are in order, I suppose. Since getting yanked into this Elden Ring world, I haven't exactly had time for proper grooming. Between losing my memory and constantly training, appearances I haven't been worried about looks. I'm 5'4" now (de-aging is a hell of a side effect), with dreads in the middle of the sides shaved. Half my hair is black, the other half white sadly it's not dyed. My skin's a bit lighter than it used to be, but still brown. Overall, I look similar enough to my old self, but with enough differences to raise an eyebrow or two.
[Companion Summoned]
[Clone 2] [HP - 500/500]
"Huh, neat," I mused, "I guess with this new system, I'm becoming more like Wukong." The thought of wielding shapeshifting hair and ki blasts brought a grin to my face. "Hey, Venom, think I'll be shooting energy beams out of my palms anytime soon?"
"I wouldn't hold your breath, partner. Though if you keep pushing your limits, who knows?" Venom's voice rumbled with a hint of amusement.
Before more questions could be asked, I handed Bell and Hestia to the clone. "Get them to safety," I ordered, the clone nodding before vaulting onto the rooftops, its movements a near-perfect echo of my own.
With them out of harm's way, I could focus on the impending fight. Two people on the roof, one lurking in the shadows. A prickling sensation on my skin that screamed danger. Honestly excited to see who is behind these attacks, taking out the church was a very risky move.
I strolled deeper into the alley, feigning nonchalance. The air thrummed with tension, thick enough to cut with a knife. A figure emerged from the shadows—Man-bun, now clad in shoddy armor that looked like it was held together with hope and duct tape.
"So, you're the one who helped those brats," he sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "Thought you were brave, staying behind? I'm a Level 3, you know—"
"Yeah, yeah," I interrupted, stifling a yawn. "You're about as threatening as a child running around with a stick."
"Oooh, burn," Venom chuckled in my mind.
"Honestly, do we have to fight this clown?" I asked Venom, already bored.
"We could always turn invisible and ditch him," Venom suggested.
"Wait, you can turn invisible?" I exclaimed, "And you're just now mentioning this?"
"You're always so focused on rushing in fights, so it never came up," Venom replied with a shrug in his tone.
"ARE YOU IGNORING ME?!" Man-bun roared, his voice cracking with anger.
"Venom, how do I—"
My question was cut short as my body instinctively dodged a wild swing from Man-bun's sword. The ensuing flurry of attacks was slow, predictable. With a feint and a twist, I slipped under his guard, my fist connecting with his gut in a satisfying blow. He doubled over, gasping for air. I followed up with a swift kick that sent him sprawling.
He cried out, clutching his stomach, but scrambled back to his feet with surprising speed. "You little brat!" he roared, his face contorted with rage.
His swordsmanship was sloppy, fueled by anger rather than skill. I countered each attack with ease, my movements fluid and precise. A palm strike to the chest sent him stumbling, and a well-placed kick knocked the sword from his hand.
"Not even warmed up yet," I quipped, bouncing on the balls of my feet, my movements light and unpredictable.
Man-bun lunged again, but I was a blur, weaving and bobbing, my strikes landing with the precision of a seasoned martial artist. Each block and counter was infused with an almost playful energy, a chaotic dance that left my opponent reeling.
"Honestly Oliver this guy is pretty shit", Venom muttered
"Yeah, I don't even have you summoned which makes it even funnier.", I retorted, landing a final blow that sent Man-bun crashing into a stack of crates. He lay there, groaning, his armor dented and his pride shattered.
Man-Bun clambered to his feet, face full of fury. "DO YOU THINK THIS IS A GAME!", He yelled "WE ARE THE APOLLO FAMILIA WE'LL TAKE WHAT WE WANT. GIVE US BELL"
"Yeah, nah see, Bell is the captain of the Hestia Familia, and I'm part of that familia now. But how about this? Why don't you formally challenge me to fight? I'll fight you and any of your allies by myself", I retorted.
Before he could sputter a response, I focused, drawing power from within. My presence flickered, then vanished. I was gone, invisible to the naked eye, a ghost in the alleyway.
"What the—?!" Man-Bun's voice cracked as his sword sliced through the air where I'd been a moment ago. I chuckled darkly, enjoying his confusion as he spun around, his breath ragged, eyes darting frantically. "Where'd you go, you coward?!"
"Coward? I'm right here, buddy," I whispered, my disembodied voice echoing eerily through the alley. I could practically feel his shiver, the hair on the back of his neck standing on end. A cold sweat, I imagined, was probably breaking out on his forehead.
Suddenly, his foot snagged on something invisible – my outstretched leg, to be precise – and he sprawled onto the cobblestones with a grunt. A gust of wind, courtesy of me, ruffled his hair, and I let out a mocking laugh that seemed to come from all directions at once. "Need a hand getting up?"
Man-Bun scrambled to his feet, his heart pounding like a drum, I was sure. He swung his sword blindly, his movements fueled by panic and rage. "Show yourself, you damn coward!"
A soft *thump* landed on his shoulder – my fist – followed by another on his back. He whirled around, but there was nothing there. Just the empty alley and my mocking laughter that seemed to echo in his very bones.
"You think you're so clever, hiding like a rat?" he spat, his voice trembling with fury. "Come out and face me like a man!"
"Oh, I'm not hiding," I purred, a hint of menace in my tone. "I'm just everywhere."
A pebble, flicked by my invisible hand, bounced off his helmet, followed by a sharp jab to his ribs. He cried out, swinging his sword wildly, but his attacks met only air.
"Pathetic," I sneered. "You're still not even close to hitting me"
Man-Bun's frustration boiled over. He roared in anger, his sword slashing through the air in a desperate attempt to connect with me. But with every swing, he looked more and more foolish, his attacks growing wilder, his energy waning.
He was losing control, and I reveled in his despair. My laughter grew louder, more mocking, as his attacks became increasingly erratic.
Fear gnawed at his gut, a cold terror he had never known before. He was no longer the hunter; he was the prey, trapped in a nightmare where his enemy was everywhere and nowhere at once.
"Enough of this farce," Venom hissed, impatience lacing his tone. "Let's end this and get to the Guild."
I grinned, the thrill of the hunt coursing through me. "Agreed."
With a burst of speed, I materialized behind Man-Bun, my hand a blur as it chopped down on the back of his neck. He crumpled like a puppet with its strings cut, his sword clattering to the ground.
"And they call me the monster," Venom chuckled darkly.
I rolled my eyes, even as a shiver ran down my spine at the chilling truth in his words. "Let's not get carried away, Venom. We've got places to be."
With that, I melted back into invisibility, a silent specter slipping through the alley's shadows. The echoes of Man-Bun's unconscious body hitting the ground were quickly swallowed by the city's ambient noise. My clone, carrying Bell and Hestia, was already a speck on the rooftops, heading towards the Guild. I followed, my movements swift and silent, a ghost in the daylight.
As I caught up to them, I could hear Bell and Hestia's hushed conversation. "...what are we going to do now?" Bell's voice was laced with worry.
"We'll figure it out," Hestia replied, her tone determined despite the tremor in her voice. "We have Oliver now, and he's strong. We'll find a way to make this work."
"Aww, she thinks you're strong," Venom cooed, his voice dripping with amusement. "Maybe we should let her keep believing that."
I scoffed mentally. "Don't get ahead of yourself, Venom. I'm still just starting"
The Guild's imposing golden facade loomed ahead, a beacon of safety in the chaotic city. Bell and Hestia seemed to relax slightly as we approached, the tension easing from their shoulders. As we crossed the threshold, the bustling energy of the Guild washed over us, a stark contrast to the danger that lurked outside.
Hestia, ever the optimist, was the first to speak. "See? We made it!" She beamed, her smile a touch forced but genuine nonetheless. "Now we can finally get you registered, Oliver, and then we can figure out our next move."
Bell nodded, his expression still a mix of worry and determination. "We'll find a way to get through this," he declared, his voice stronger now. "Together."
I couldn't help but smirk at their unwavering faith in me. "Don't get too comfortable," I warned, my voice laced with a hint of amusement. "We're not out of the woods yet. Apollo isn't going to give up that easily."
"Oh, we'll give him something to remember us by," Venom hissed, his voice a promise of chaos and violence.
I ignored him, focusing instead on the task at hand. We made our way through the crowded Guild hall, the chatter and bustle of adventurers and merchants a stark contrast to the silence of the abandoned church. The air was thick with the scent of ale and sweat, the sounds of laughter and boisterous conversation filling the space.
We approached the registration desk, where Eina Tulle, Bell's advisor, stood with a look of sheer relief on her face. "Bell! Hestia! You're alright!" She rushed over, her eyes scanning us for injuries. "I was so worried when I heard about the attack on the church... I tried to get the Guild to intervene, but..." Her voice trailed off, frustration evident in her eyes. "They said it was a matter between Familias, and they couldn't interfere unless lives were directly threatened."
"It's okay, Eina," Bell reassured her, his voice gentle. "We're safe now, thanks to Oliver."
Eina turned her attention to me, her expression a mix of gratitude and curiosity. "Thank you for protecting them," she said, her voice sincere. "I'm Eina Tulle, Bell's advisor. And you are...?"
"Oliver Kanto," I replied, extending a hand. "And I'm officially part of the Hestia Familia now."
Eina's eyes widened slightly, but she shook my hand with a firm grip. "Welcome to the Guild, Oliver. They could certainly use more members" She glanced at the moving clothes I had wrapped around my hands , a hint of awe in her eyes.
As she began the registration process, explaining the formalities and responsibilities that came with being a member of a Familia, a sense of belonging settled over me. Despite the chaos and danger that surrounded us, I felt at peace. I can use this time to relax now I don't have to worry about taking a castle.
"Now that you're officially registered," Eina continued, her tone professional once more, "we need to discuss your next steps. Given the situation with the Apollo Familia, it might not be safe for you to venture into the dungeon just yet"
I raised an eyebrow. "And why not?"
Eina sighed, her expression troubled. "The Apollo Familia is known for its underhanded tactics. They might try to ambush you in the dungeon, or even bribe other adventurers to attack you. It's simply too risky right now."
"So, what do you suggest?" I asked, crossing my arms.
"We need to find a way to protect you and Bell," Hestia interjected, her voice firm. "We can't let Apollo get away with this."
Eina nodded thoughtfully. "Perhaps we could request a temporary bodyguard from the Guild," she suggested, "or maybe we could find a safe house for you to stay in until things calm down."
"I'm not hiding," I stated firmly, my voice laced with a hint of defiance. "I'm not going to let Apollo dictate my actions. I'm not scared of fighting them"
Bell looked at me with a mix of admiration and concern. "But Oliver, it's too dangerous," he protested. "We don't know what they might do."
"Exactly," I countered, a sly grin spreading across my face. "And that's why I suggest we offer a battle between us and them."
"Now you're talking," Venom purred, his voice a dark echo of my own thoughts. "Let's show them what happens when they mess with the wrong Tarnished."
Eina and Hestia exchanged worried glances, but I could see a spark of determination in their eyes. They knew that I was right. Hiding wouldn't solve anything. We had to face Apollo head-on, and we had to do it on our terms.
"Alright," Hestia finally said, her voice resolute. "We can always challenge them to a war games"
A plan began to form in my mind, a strategy that would use my unique abilities and the element of surprise to our advantage. Explaining what a war game is and how we can ask for one. Which will be useful for me seeing how I can summon more members to fight us.
The Guild's bustling atmosphere faded into the background as we huddled together, our voices hushed as we plotted our next move. The stakes were high, the danger real, but we were united by a common purpose.
"This is going to be fun," Venom chuckled, his voice a dark promise.
And I couldn't help but agree. Notifications of my hud went off.
[Secret Mission- Protect Bell and Hesita]][Completed][Reward - 1 gacha spin]
[New Missions]
[Side Mission - Save Lily]
[Side Mission - Take Out The Soma Familia]
I smirked at the new missions, the prospect of a challenge and a gacha spin igniting a spark of excitement within me. "Looks like we've got some work to do," I mused, my voice a low hum as I glanced at the mission details. "Who is the Soma Familia?
Eina's expression turned grave."Why are you asking about them"
"My clone that dropped them off never left," I continued, my voice firm. "He ended up following some of the attackers after making sure we made it here safe. There was a warehouse, and something to do with Soma wine. A few of them were bragging about the attack, sad they didn't get to join in the action.
Eina's voice full of fear replied "The Soma Familia is a prominent and powerful familia known for their brewing and their specialty in stealth and deception. Messing with them is a kin to bad luck of Newbie Adventurers"
"That's the group Lily is a part of", Bell chimed in. "They're very evil and wicked, the way they treat her upsets me".
"No need to worry" I assured them, my confidence unwavering. "I don't think they'd be doing anything reckless since everyone is watching now." I tapped my temple, a knowing glint in my eye.
Hestia's eyes shone with newfound determination. "You're right" she declared, her voice ringing with authority. "Let's show them what the Hestia Familia is made of!"
Bell nodded, his resolve mirroring Hestia. "We won't let them hurt Lily or anyone else," he vowed, his fist clenching tightly.
As we discussed the plan, a new voice boomed through the Guild hall, "Hestia! What in the hell is going on here?
We turned to see a woman with short red hair and an eye patch striding towards us,with a person following close behind. The expression she wore was stern, her expression a mix of concern and anger. "I just heard about the attack on your church. Are you alright?"
Hestia rushed to her friend's side, relief washing over her face. "Hephaestus, thank goodness you're here! We're okay, thanks to Oliver." She gestured towards me, her eyes filled with gratitude.
Hephaestus's gaze shifted to me, her expression unreadable. "And who might you be?"
"Oliver Kanto, ma'am," I replied, bowing my head respectfully. "I'm the newest member of the Hestia Familia." As I spoke, my clone shimmered and dissolved into motes of light, returning to me as a stray dreadlock. The sudden display of magic caused a stir in the Guild hall, drawing gasps and whispers from the surrounding adventurers.
Hephaestus's eyes narrowed. "I see. Well, I'm glad you're safe, Hestia. I heard it was the Apollo and Soma Familias that attacked you.t
"Yep,It all happened so fast", Hestia replied
"Getting involved with Apollo and the Soma Familia is a dangerous game.", Hephaestus warned.
Hestia's expression fell. "I know, but we don't have a choice. He's after Bell, and we won't let him have him."
Hephaestus hesitated, her gaze flickering between Hestia and me. "I wish I could help, but I can't risk angering Apollo. My familia is a neutral one, we are crafters not fighters".
Hestia's expression fell. "I understand," Hestia said, her voice laced with disappointment. "But maybe could we at least stay at your place for a few days? Just until we can figure things out."
Hephaestus looked conflicted. "I..."
"I can heal any injuries you have," I interjected, stepping forward. "It's the least I can do in exchange for you sheltering us.
Hephaestus's eyes widened in surprise. "Can you heal anything?"
I nodded, a confident smile on my face. "One of my abilities is a heal, it can also clean curses too."
After a moment of talking, Hephaestus relented. "Alright," she sighed. "You can stay at my place for a few days. But keep a low profile. I don't want Apollo finding out you're there."
With a grateful nod, we followed Hephaestus and Tsubaki out of the Guild, leaving behind the bustling crowd and stepping into the uncertain future that awaited us.
The brisk walk to the Hephaestus's residence was full of fear. Every conor we were waiting for the next attack until we made it to the sound of hammering. Finally fear gave in as we finally made it to the manor.
Hephaestus gave us a huge suit that had three rooms. Afterwards we all picked rooms and got all settled in. After an hour I was finally able to pull Hestia away from Bell long enough to do an update on my falna. The shock she had as copied to a sheet of paper before passing it around was hilarious.
[Falna Status]
Name: Oliver Kanto
Level: 1
Strength: I 0
Endurance: ∞
Dexterity: H 100
Agility: D 500
Magic: ∞
Developmental Abilities:
Heir of Wukong: ( B)Venom(A)
Bullseye (A)Hone (C)- can sense people up to 50mHud - (C)Water Rock Smashing Fist(A)
Magnet Release(B)Rika(B)
Bell and Hestia gasped, their eyes wide with shock. "Infinity in Endurance and Magic?!" Bell exclaimed, his voice barely above a whisper. "And all those skills?! How is that even possible for a Level 1?!"
Hestia was equally stunned. "Oliver... you're..." she trailed off, searching for the right word. "Incredible!"
I chuckled, a hint of pride in my voice. "Just a little bit," I admitted, flexing my hand, feeling the thrum of power coursing through my veins. "Looks like this new Falna is even better than I thought."
"Told you," Venom purred smugly. "Now, let's put those stats to good use and show Apollo what happens when he messes with us."
During this time Hephaestus and her captain both came into the room. Hestia was the first to notice them right away and waved them over. "Would you like to see how strong Oliver is?"
Hephaestus looked at me and nodded to me that it was okay.
Hephaestus raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement playing on her lips. "Of course, Hestia.Lets see how strong a mere Level 1 can be. I hope his magic can handle actually healing"
I nodded solemnly. "I will try my best to help you in any way" , putting a hand over my heart.
Hestia was full of excitement and quickly passed the paper of my Falna to Hephaestus and Tsubaki. As they read through the status sheet their expressions mirrored the shock and awe that both Bell and Hestia had displayed earlier. Tsubaki's jaw dropped, while Hephaestus's eyes widened with a mix of disbelief and intrigue.
"This... this is extraordinary," Hephaestus breathed, her voice barely above a whisper. "A level one with stats like these and those skills.
Hephaestus's gaze sharpened as she turned to me. "Are you ready to try and heal me?"
I nodded, a flicker of golden light emanating from my hand as I channeled the healing magic of Rika. I placed my hand on the side of her head with the eyepatch.
The warmth of my magic flowing into her. At first nothing changed as I kept trying to heal. Luckily I can just keep pouring magic into this spell, which worked out. The scars gradually faded, replaced by smooth, unblemished skin.
Hephaestus stared at him wonder, her expression softening. "Words can't describe what you have done for me Oliver. I already feel as if the curse I've been living with is lifted." she murmured, a hint of gratitude in her voice. "I promise whatever secrets you have I shall keep. You alone will forever be an ally of my familia. Most spells can't interact with gods so be careful."
Before I could respond to her last statement, Hestia who was happy for her friend. Lunged at her, hugging Hephaestus very tightly. Hephaestus gave a look of gratitude as she was trying to push Hestia off of her. Tsubaki soon grabbed Hestia and brought her to the couch. Soon Bell and Hesphaestus joined them as they began to talk.
I began to walk back to the room I was occupying before I had a strange feeling. Looking back I notice Bell had a blank look, as if he was trying to look through me before smiling. Though odd I ignored it as I made my way to my room to sleep.