Trisha walks around the high-tech level for a while and enters the war room, where she discovers James working on one of his armored suits.

James: Hello, Trisha.

Trisha: Working on your suits, Mr. Parker?

James: Mr. Parker you can call my father, you can just call me James. Primary technician of the team. I build the gadgets.

Trisha: So your power? Is it too unstable?

James: In a manner of speaking; yes, but the armor that's build around my body, Ultimanatis, holds the energy of the power in....preventing it from doing any serious damage.

Trisha: and that armor the same metal made of that other guy armor, right?

James: Red Dragon, yes.

Trisha: What happened? How did he get like that?

James: Axel Xiang was in a nuclear accident in Guitar....as a result, he was badly crippled. His Enhuman power is the blood of the Red Dragon, which grants him powers such as fire breathing and flying. The fire also protects him from being incinerated. He also has the power to create projectile weapons such as shuriken's and blades from his own body...

Trisha: Wow...

James: When you put it like that...yeah...anyways, I'd better get back to work. Nice chattin with you, Trisha.

Trisha: You too, Mr. Parker, I mean James.

Trisha enters the science room, where she looks around at the scientific tubes and chemicals, along plates of eaten vegetables.

Trisha: Wow.....these chemicals are really something.

Trisha turns her head to notice a giant feather-like object.

Trisha: Huh....

Trisha approaches and touches the cocoon like object, taking a feather.

Trisha: What is this?

Trisha examines the cocoon more, realizing it almost looks like a giant owl.

Trisha: Wait, is this a...?

Suddenly, the giant cocoon opens its wings and flips over, revealing a giant owl-like human creature, much to Trisha's surprise. The owl-like human hybrid yawns and approaches Trisha, who is fearful.

Trisha: Please don't eat me or drink my blood.

Suddenly, the human owl-like hybrid laughs.

Charles: You're funny. I'm not like a carnivore owl, plus I'm vegetarians. I do apologize if I frightened you, young lady. Anyway, now that I've had my long afternoon nap....time to get to work.

Charles walks over to the lab coat rack and puts on a coat.

Trisha: Now, where's my....ah, there they are. Young lady, would you hand me my glasses? Just behind you.

Trisha looks behind her to notice glasses on the table and shakily hands them to Charles.

Charles: Thank you kindly.

Trisha: Are you....Charles McGregor?

Charles: Indeed. My codename is Dr. Owl for obvious reasons. I wasn't always like this. My owl-like appearance are due to my Enhuman DNA....Aren't you Trisha Campbell? The young lady they saved in New York today?

Trisha: Yeah, that's me...I'm the freak who can suck the energy of a neon sign and turn it into a soccer ball.

Charles: Trisha, you are certainly not a freak. You're an Enhuman just like me and everyone else around you.

Trisha: Hey, since you're a scientist, can you explain to me what exactly an Enhuman is?

Charles: Of course. You see, Enhumans have existed since the Stone Ages and though I'm a scientist, I believe in theories. I also believe in God, and I believe that he had also has a way of changing life forms, experimenting with them to see what would be better help for a species to push forward into its environment.

Trisha: That would be evolution. Like what Professor Darwin had wrote about in the 19thcentury. He had four other theories, Common Descent, Species Multiply, Gradualism, and Natural Selection.

Charles: hmm....I'm impressed. You seem to know your book.... the thing is evolution divided into various humans knowing an Y and E gene, which gives us and other Enhumans our powers and special abilities. So Enhumans are really just the next phase in Common Descent and Species Multiply as well as human evolution and The Supers thrust to be the conscience of this new breed, teaching them how to use their powers. Humans have only twenty-three chromosomes, but Enhumans have an extra twenty four. The extra chromosome activates our powers. It's quiet cool.

Trisha: I thought it was scary to be shooting neon beams out of my hands.....I don't know about this....especially after what I did in New York...I bet my friend Christie will never talk to me again.

Charles: You never know what the future holds for you. In the meantime, you have plenty of new friends, Trisha. A whole mansion full of Enhumans who understand exactly what you're going through.

Trisha: Thanks for the talk, Dr. McGregor.

Charles: My pleasure, Trisha. Feel free to drop by any time, just to talk. Perhaps we can talk about Darwinism in greater time.

Trisha uses the elevator to access the penthouse halls. Trisha looks around as she notices Arianna Belling, who is wearing a green Supers uniform representing nature in her room watering her plants, before Trisha knocks on the door as Arianna turns.

Arianna: (Australian accent) why you must be Trisha Campbell. You're even more beautiful than Eva said you were.

Trisha: and you are?

Arianna: My name is Arianna Belling, but here at Parker Tower, I'm usually referred to as Mother Nature.

Trisha: Where are you from?

Arianna: I'm originally from Australia, but John Parker asked me to join him here in the tower after noticing my skills.

Trisha: You're an Enhuman?

Arianna: I'm a teacher and the gardener....and yes, I'm also an Enhuman. My ability is to control the weather and I can also produce plants.

Arianna, with her powers, presents an Orchid from her hands.

Trisha: Now, that's cool!

Arianna: I can make it rain, sleet, and snow. I can also control lightning bolts as a weapon. I also control the wind which allows me to fly.

Trisha: Mr. Parker told me about the Grid. What's it like in there?

Arianna: Annoying, Stressful and Exciting. You can never exactly know what John, James or Charles is going to throw at you.

Trisha: Aren't you afraid of getting hurt....or killed?

Arianna: No. There are safety locks to protect us from serious danger....but the Grid does have a habit of letting you walk out with a few aches and pains.....or blood and cuts....

Trisha: Sheesh....well, I'll see you later. (shakes hands with Arianna, who hugs her)

Arianna: Pardon me. I'm a hugger, love. I hope to see you soon, Trisha.

Trisha walks down the hall as Josh Adams comes from the elevator and bumps into Trisha.

Josh: Oh, hey, sorry....Uh....wow...the rumors around here just proved 100%. Eva said there was a new person here, but she did not say how pretty you are.

Trisha: Josh Adams, I presume?

Josh: Nice to see my name's gotten around. Everyone tell you what an awesome guy I am?

Trisha: Sort of, but Eva told me to keep an eye on you.

Josh: Well....don't believe everything she or James says....they still haven't forgiven me for that (does hand gestures) little incident in the changing room. Man, let me tell ya, you enter one simple room without knocking when someone is changing into her sports bra and you're branded for life.

Trisha: I heard you have the Enhuman ability of electricity.

Joseph: That's right. I can pull electricity out of anything between a computer to a power grid. Use it to my advantage. I can also travel fast using bolt speed, which in some cases helps a lot. Pretty cool, huh?

Trisha: Yeah, I'll say.

Josh: But enough about me. I wanna talk about you. It's nice to meet a new student; especially one so pretty.

Trisha: Thanks, Josh, but I'm not sure if I want to be a student.

Josh: What? C'mon. It's fun. You meet new people. New friends, plus you get to learn how to control your powers.

Trisha: I don't know being able to generate neon energy kind of freaks me out.

Josh: Years will go by and you'll get used to having Enhuman powers...eventually you'll start to like them.

Dominic arrives on the scene.

Dominic: Josh, there you are. Guess you were gonna leave me to report to Mr. Parker, then?

Josh: You said you like looking good for the boss.

Dominic notices Trisha.

Dominic: Hmmm...new girl.

Trisha: Yeah, I'm Trisha. You're Dominic, right?

Dominic: and you're the neon girl that caused all that mayhem in New York? Pretty cool, your powers.

Trisha: Yeah, I'm just getting adjusted to them.

Dominic: Adjusting and getting the hang on them to show the humans that they need the Enhumans protection...no matter how much they like to think they don't.

Trisha: Okay, I'm going to go look around some more.....I hope to see you soon, Josh.

Josh: Oh, you can count on that.

Trisha walks off, blushing.

Josh: Way to scare off the new chick.

Dominic: I'm just making her feel welcome to the Supers.

Josh: Well, I think she digs me.

Dominic: Uh huh....

Meanwhile, in the city of Michigan, at a W.R.E.X checkpoint with cameras and security guards, many cars and pedestrians are seen passing by. At W.R.E.X headquarters, two men are looking at the surveillance footage.

Surveillance Man # 1: TR1, Status?

TR1: All clear.

Surveillance Man # 2: TR2, Status?

TR2: All clear.

Surveillance # 1: TR3, Status?.....TR3, Status Report? TR-

On one of the cameras, a energetic explosion is in an alleyway as a squad of W.R.E.X Soldiers investigate. Suddenly, a dash of energetic moves through the rooftops and takes out one of the soldiers. Tarmac investigates the footage of the attack as the soldiers are overpowered by Scarlett.

Tarmac: I want that Enhuman alive. Do you hear me?

An armored truck arrives and opens fire on the assailant, who uses a energetic fist pound to destroy the armored truck. Afterwards, Scarlett grabs one of the dead soldiers' helmets.

Scarlett: The time of Enhumans....is coming.

Scarlett drops the camera, before sprinting off.