In Owego, Maria and Shane are interrogating the students of Trisha's high school on her disappearance.

Brad: Look, I swear after these soldiers burst in and grabbed Trisha, there was this explosion! Some kind of explosion of energy! Neon energy.....I don't know what happened to Trisha...but if she's alive...I hope she's okay.

Shane: Okay, thank you, Brad.

After the interrogation, Shane and Maria talk.

Maria: Well...

Shane: Nothing...what about you?

Maria: All the other kids say the same damn thing.....what the hell gave W.R.E.X the idea to interrupt a field trip at New York's most richest business center.

Shane: I don't know...but your sisters' scaring the shit out of everyone.

Suddenly, a cop calls out.

Bailey: Commissioner! You're going to want to hear this!

Shane and Maria walk into the room where Christie is being held.

Christie: Uh...

Shane: Christie, relax...you're not in trouble...Officer Bailey told us you may know about what happened to Trisha...

Christie: Uh...yeah...it all happened so fast, but.....I think she was kidnapped...

Maria: Kidnapped? By who? The W.R.E.X Soldiers?

Christie: No...uh...it was after that explosion....I think I saw her get carried off by this guy in red armor similar....like a samurai and a woman with pink hair...afterwards, I thought I saw a guy in a spandex suit chase after them....I'm sorry if this doesn't make any sense, but...it all just happened so fast.

Maria and Shane share a look of concern.

Maria: Thank you, Christie.

Christie: I hope you find Trisha...please....

Maria: Don't worry. We will.

Shane and Maria then hold a meeting with the other Owego officers.

Shane: Everyone listen up! As you all know, at 09:34 this morning, there was an incident at Parker Industries.....my youngest daughter, Trisha....is missing....and the suspects are from what one of the kids described them....a red samurai and a pink haired woman..

Howard: Uh...Commissioner? It sounds like you're describing Enhumans...

Cole: Yeah and now disrespect, sir, but a red ninja in New York?

Shane: Well, that's how the kids described them...I want lookouts twenty-four seven and missing posters of my daughter on every goddamn street corner. We don't rest until we found the son of a bitch who kidnapped my daughter....

In the Parker Tower, John is checking surveillance in his office as James walks in.

James: Just check V.O.X and the Chronicle. Nothing on the W.R.E.X forces tracing this back to us.

John: Good....and the Purifiers?

James: Still nothing on them....Dad, about the girl.

John: What about her?

James: Not to question your judgement or your decision, but her powers....neon...we've never had an Enhuman with the powers of neon before. Plus, her father and sister are policemen.

John: Her father and sister are all the way in another small town.

James: but they're gonna be looking for her....do you think it's wise to keep her here?

John: You're making it sound like she's a prisoner, James.

James: No, I know she's not. It's just....

James: I know, son...what do you think Scarlett wanted with her?

John: I'm still trying to figure that out. Her powers really are amazing. To harness the energy of neon. What could the Purifiers possibly want with neon?

Trisha is talking with Eva.

Eva: (laughing) so you're finding your way around the tower all right?

Trisha: Yeah, I was exploring....so in all this time, do you have any time for like a social life? Uh...sorry, didn't mean to come off like that.

Eva: I understood what you're saying; do I have enough time to actually date? No, no time on our hands. Neither does James.

Trisha: What about your Dad?

Eva: No...I mean it does get to him, but....

Trisha: I think I get it.....my mom passed, so in a way, I get it....so this tower; it's got a big penthouse so few people live here.

Eva: Well, Dad wanted to start a school here, but it would've drawn too much attention.

Trisha: So your Dad is a what? Rich guy by day? Bad-ass superhero day and night?

Eva: Something like that.....the Tower in the city provides for our eyes and ears....it's provided by an artificial intelligence...which reminds me...you haven't met V.O.X yet, have you?

Trisha: V.O.X?

Eva: Follow me.

Eva leads Trisha to James' lab.

James: Eva, can you please knock before entering my room?

Eva: The science lab is considered your room?

James: Yes, it's my toys your playing with sometimes so it's considered my room.

Eva: Big brothers. Always claiming things are theirs.

Trisha: I know the feeling. I have a big sister and she gets on my nerves most times.

James: So seeing as how you brought Trisha, I assume you want to show her something.

Eva: You can introduce our new recruit to V.O.X.

James: Oh....of course...how rude of me....(to V.O.X) V.O.X, introduce yourself.

V.O.X, the artificial intelligence of the mansion, presents a hologram of a female body that startles Trisha.

Trisha: Wow....that's awesome.

V.O.X: Hello, Trisha Campbell. I am V.O.X, the artificial intelligence that provides for the Supers.

Trisha passes her hands through V.O.X's holographic body.

Trisha: Whoa...now that's cool.

James: Neat, huh? Watch this. (to V.O.X) V.O.X, scan Trisha.

V.O.X scans Trisha.

V.O.X: Your neural transmitter vitals are elevated. You appear to be confused.

Trisha: It can tell what you're feeling?

James: "She", girl. "She". V.O.X is also what helps me control the armored AI in my suits. Tells me when the power of the suits' low...you know; the cool stuff.

Trisha: Oh, so she's like Alfred from Batman, but in artificial intelligence form.

Trisha examines the gadgets and armor.

Trisha: This technology is incredible, James.

Eva: So if you don't mind my asking, your mother.....

Trisha: Yeah....

Eva: I'm sorry....how did it happen?

Trisha: Car accident. Drunk driver collided with her, causing her to hit a tree.

James: Damn.....uh...sorry....it's just-damn.

Trisha: part of me wanted to forgive that guy, but part of me wanted to hurt him and have him face justice.

Eva: Trisha.....you were young at the time....there was nothing you couldn't have done and revenge is not worth it in the end...

Trisha: It's all I think about...Hopefully, that woman, Kala, did lend me a gift...maybe these powers are a sign of that.

An alarm rings as John speaks on the intercom.

John: Attention, Supers. Meet me in the war room immediately.

Trisha walks out the hallway. The Supers suit up as the team in their super suits walk towards the war room.

Trisha: Wow! Those suits are cool.

Power Surge: I know, right?

Quantum: These suits were designed with a liquid fluid armor.....helps with the flexibility.

Trisha: "liquid fluid armor"?

Dragonfly: Especially mine made up of Enhuman steel from the 12th century.

Trisha: When do I get one of those?

Mother Nature: You have to earn it first....you need training...don't worry, you'll get the suit in time.

Trisha: Ah, man....well, when I do "earn" a suit, you got anything close to....I guess neon?

Mother Nature: We'll think of something for you, honey.

The Supers have a meeting with a holographic orb.

Quantum: With the aid of the Chronicle, I've learned the Purifiers is on route to Antarctica, It appears their destination is the base of a high frequency active gene research program also known for short as S.P.E.A.R.

Ember: What would the Purifiers want at S.P.E.A.R? All that facility does is study the atmosphere of Enhuman research.

Quantum: That, Dominic, is what we must discover. The Purifiers have become extremely active since their attack on Trisha, which can only mean something very sinister, is being plotted and whatever their plan is we must stop it before they reverse the relations of Human and Enhuman relations.

The Owl: The S.P.E.A.R facility, eh? This would be a great opportunity to test the cloaking device I've installed on the Eagle. It should make us completely undetectable to their radar.

Quantum: Excellent, Charles. Okay, team! Let's move!