In Owego, Shane is looking at an old video clip of his wife, Carol, and Trisha and Maria when they were children.

Carol: Maria! Go get your sister! Look at the camera!

Shane: Say hi! Say hi, girls! Girls!

Young Trisha: Daddy!

Shane: Trisha wants to play by the pool with the birds, Carol.

Carol: I know....she loves those birds....

Young Trisha: Daddy, when I get big, I want to be a birdie!

Maria walks in and notices Shane, watching the old videos of her childhood, before shedding a tear. Meanwhile, in the abandoned W.R.E.X Facility, John, James and Dominic step down into the facility, before searching the area, finding old gurneys with stained blood on the table and surgery machines.

James: God almighty....

Suddenly, a W.R.E.X Drone prepares to attack James, before being shot by a energy beam by Scarlett.

James: (scoffs)

Scarlett: Well, son of a bitch....you actually showed up.....and without your uniforms.

John: Just a business inspection trip for the Parkers along with one of our associates to the public.

Scarlett: I see....speaking of which; you bring your Super students?

James: We came by ourselves like you asked.

Scarlett: Holy shit. There's a surprise. I thought you guys were so tight singing kumbaya, holding hands at the table and praying.

John: You should know; you were one of us.

Dominic: Cut the bullshit, Scarlett. What is this place?

Scarlett: It's an old facility from Department B-New Jersey's Defense Ministry. We got word that they were running a facility here, working on Enhumans. Our people.

James: who's "we"?

Scarlett: The Purifiers...

A short pause.

James: Jesus Christ....

Scarlett: Yeah, so?

John: Scarlett...I get Adrian is your father...but you must see that his ways of war with the humans is just foley...that path will lead to chaos, destruction and so much death on both sides.

Scarlett: (laughs) You know; I knew you were going to say that. This is why I arranged this meeting...so you can see for yourself that humans are nothing but scum...lowlife animals....this is what they do to our kind.

Dominic gives a look

John: Your mother was a human. Was she a lowlife animal?

Scarlett: Mom was a drunk human whore and she wasn't even in my life...she was too busy licking humanity's boot....just like you all are.

James: Go to hell, Scarlett.

Scarlett: You first.

Scarlett shoots an energy ray as James deflects it, before preparing to fight Scarlett. John steps in between the two.

John: Hey! This isn't what we're here for! We're not here to fight!

John: What?! She started it!

Scarlett: and I plan on finishing it, dickhead!

Before James and Scarlett can go at it again, Josh suddenly uses his bolt speed to burst into the room between the two.

Josh: You two finished yet? (to Scarlett) Scarlett....nice to see you.

Scarlett: what the hell, man? I thought you said it was just you three!

James: We did!

John: Josh, did you follow us here?

Josh: No, I am here on my own...you know, Mr. Parker, for a rich guy, you've got some screwed up siblings. (to Dominic) No offense.

James: Why, man?!

Josh: Because Scarlett's right. They used to experiment on Enhumans here at this place. Really nasty shit...and I'll be damned if I let what happened to me happen to someone else!

John, Dominic and Josh travel throughout the facility, where James notices electric burns in the walls.

James: Jeez, looks like a bull-herd tore through this place. What happened?

Josh: Me.....kinda surprised half this crap is still here.

Suddenly, a group of armed W.R.E.X Soldiers burst into the room, searching for John, Josh, Scarlett and Dominic.

Paxton: (over radio) Remember, men. We have conformation that four Enhumans are here.... Keep your eyes open.

John: Damn it...now would be a great time for uniform.

Scarlett: Don't worry, boys.

Scarlett pulls out a couple of ski masks and hands them to Josh, Dominic and James.

Scarlett: figured you'd want to keep this quiet just in case...

Josh: still lookin out for us, huh?

Scarlett: Just shut up and put the damn masks on.

John, Dominic, James and Josh put ski masks on to cover their faces, before Dominic throws a smoke bomb that blinds the soldiers sight. Josh uses his bolt speed to knock the soldiers out, while Scarlett subdues the soldiers with her physical combat before John uses his physical strength to take care of the rest. Meanwhile, in a lab, a Russian scientist is working on a machine known as the Xenon, before two soldiers are thrown into the room with the doors being knocked down. John, James, Josh, Dominic and Scarlet walk into the room.

Krum: I don't care what you do to me. Just don't harm the Xenon. It's my life's work.

Josh: What's the Xenon?

Krum: I will go to hell and back before I tell you freaks anything! (spits)

John: You know; we could get one of our Enhuman technology to extract the information from your brain....it would hurt a lot....probably put you in a coma.

Krum: You are bluffing....

Josh: Try me....

Krum: Okay...I think you would....the Xenon is a machine...that can control synthetic beings...Enhumans...use it to control...it is a life form...

John: Hmmm...could be useful...we'll take it.

Krum pulls out a revolver.

Krum: No, you will not...I will not allow it!

Scarlett projects an energetic blade at him, but John raises his hand, stopping Scarlett from committing an act.

John: From the number of Enhuman men, woman and children you've tortured to create this machine, I think we have a right more than you.....just so you know; we're bluffing too....we don't torture physically or psychically....we're not all monsters...spread the word.

Josh grabs the Xenon machine, before walking off with John, James, Scarlett as Krum continues holding the three at gunpoint, but lends down his weapon.

Scarlett: You should've just broke his hand.

John: Violence isn't always the answer to everything.

Dominic: I don't know. He's a human, who sees our people as test subjects.

John, Josh, Dominic and Scarlett continue moving through the facility, before noticing many enslaved Enhumans in cages, preparing to be tested and tortured.

John: Jesus...

Josh: (reading nearby computer) Some of these guys aren't Enhuman....they're human.

John: We have to free them.

Josh uses his electricity powers to destroy the controls, freeing the imprisoned Enhumans and humans.

Imprisoned Enhuman: Oh, thank god! Thank you! Thank you all, friends! You're heroes! I was about to be next!

John: What the hell is going on here?

Imprisoned human: They were experimenting on us.....Enhumans and humans. They treat us like dogs!

Dominic: Who's doing this?

Imprisoned Enhuman: It's a human general! He's part of something called "Operation: The Tenth Plague"

Scarlett: What General?

Imprisoned human: Tarmac. He's a ruthless son of a bitch that's in charge of this butcher house. He's calling us a plague on earth that needs to be extinct-said he'd do whatever it took to destroy our kind to keep humanity safe.

Dominic: Where is he now?

Imprisoned Enhuman: Hell if I know, but I'm glad he's not here....the things I've seen that monster do.

John: hey, don't worry...you're free...you all are...

John, Josh, James, Dominic and Scarlett reach the exit of the facility as John uses his laser vision to blast the doors open.

John: Let's head back to the tower. We have to tell the team what's going on here and this "Tenth Plague" Program.

Scarlett: I'm not going with you.

John: Why? Because you're part of Tombs' Purifier Club?

Scarlett: You really should give my father a chance, Parker. He's doing what your dad can't. He gives Enhumans the respect they deserve.

John: and we don't?! Tombs is a bad man, Scarlett. Do you know if we hadn't been there in Australia, thousands of people would've died? Humans and Enhumans? You think that Tombs would give a shit about you? Think that would've gotten you respect?

Scarlett: I didn't know the reactor had been damaged.

John: Scarlett....(putting his hands on Scarlett's shoulders) Come with us....whether you see it or not, you are one of us....this doesn't have to end with a war.

Scarlett: It already has....this is a war for Enhuman freedom....some people have to die for that freedom....I don't like killing, but if humans have to die for our peoples rights, so be it...we're never going to understand each other...goodbye, John.

Scarlett leaves.

John: Scarlett!

Josh: Let her go, boss. Let him go.

John, Josh, James, and Dominic leave with Dominic giving a conflicted look.

Later that night, Trisha is drawing a picture and listening to her music, before Arianna knocks on the door.

Trisha: Hey....

Arianna: Hey, love....just checking on you.

Trisha: Thanks. I have to admit. I'm really adjusting to the Enhuman life.....so you mentioned before you have a son?

Arianna: Yeah.....

Trisha: You want to talk about it?

Arianna: Sure. Why not?

Arianna sits on Trisha's bed.

Arianna: My boy's 16. Your age. His father is a human

Trisha: Huh?

Arianna: Did you have anyone back home?

Trisha: Oh, no....I barely had time for boys...

Arianna: Well, if you're going to be a student here, this would be a good time to get close.

Trisha: Aren't teachers supposed to tell students to watch themselves around students and keep them from getting...you know...intimate...

Arianna: Sweetheart, this isn't high school...besides....seen the way you look at the Dominic boy.

Trisha: Yeah, too be honest.....Dominic and I kinda almost kissed just a few minutes.

Arianna: Ohh...

Trisha: But then there's Josh...who I...feel sorry for after what he's been through.

Arianna: You know what they say; all is fair and love in war.

Arianna walks off.

Trisha: What exactly does that mean?

Arianna: Well, a little...he's a guy with a bad past, who's trying to do good.....you two have spent some time together, I see that....if you like him, I say you go for it...having someone to fight with you...beside you...is an remarkable feeling...to trust...to hold someone's hand that will dive into the fire with you....that's the feeling...

Trisha: Thanks for the tip, Arianna.

Arianna: Anytime, Trisha.

Arianna stands and walks to the door.

Arianna: Also....Josh's a bit of a shocker type.

Trisha: Huh?

Arianna: That was a joke, sweetheart.

Trisha: Ah....I get it.