At the Parker Tower, James and Charles are in the labs, inspecting the stolen Xenon.

Charles: What do you think the humans can do with this sort of thing? Controlling Enhumans?

James: The doctor said it was a life form.....what do you see?

Charles: V.O.X?

V.O.X scans the Xenon.

V.O.X: I detect a life form in the machine...whether it is from this planet or not....I do not know....perhaps another dimension....

James: Another dimension? Impossible...out of this world? Probably...uh...sorry, V.O.X, don't mean to insult Charle's created intelligence.

V.O.X: Apology accepted. I sometimes make fun of how your rear end looks too tight in your armor.

James: You've taught her sarcasm now?

Charles: Hey, man, some of you call her "a robot".

James: that was a joke.....you know those "I am not a robot" things you do when you have to re-put your password in?

Meanwhile, in the Chronicle, Parker is using the machine, before opening his eyes in shock.

John: (quietly) Shit.

Suddenly, a crash alerts everyone in the Tower, causing damage to V.O.X.

Josh: Jesus!

Trisha: What the hell?!

Charles: V.O.X?! V.O.X?! Damn it!

Genesis speaks to John through the intercom of the building.

Genesis: John Parker...you can hear me, can't you? I need to have a talk with you...now...

John walks out of the Chronicle and meets with James, Eva, Charles and Arianna.

James: What was that?

John: It's Adrian...he needs to talk, but I cannot...this would be a great opportunity to read his mind and see what his true plans are....

Eva: Okay....we'll go outside and talk with Genesis....the kids will stay and guard you.

Charles: I will stay and try to help repair V.O.X

Trisha: What can I do?

Eva: You go with Charles. See if you can help get V.O.X's up and back online...hopefully getting the defenses working if we can't keep Tombs out...give my Dad as much time as possible.....

On the roof of Parker Tower, Dragonfly, Sun Sorceress and Mother Nature walk outside and are greeted by Genesis, Scarlett and a few other Purifiers.

Genesis: I don't think I called for the kids....I want John now!

Dragonfly: He's busy.

Genesis: Bullshit....where is he?

Sun Sorceress: He can't come out right now, but we'll speak for him.

Genesis: Okay then...

In the high-tech level, Quantum continues to try and use the Chronicle to read Genesis' mind as Power Surge, Neon Crane and Ember outside the door keeping guard. The Owl is attempting to power up V.O.X's defenses.

The Owl: Come on, girl.

On the rooftop of Parker Tower, Genesis speaks to Dragonfly, Sun Sorceress, Blizzard Mother Nature.

Genesis: no doubt that you have found out about the torture chambers my daughter here found in New Jersey. This should be enough proof that humanity is nothing, but dogs without leashes. Filthy animals that see us as roaches.

Sun Sorceress: We know that a few mislead kids would follow you for.

Genesis: (scoffs) John has poisoned you all...and now you all have poisoned the young mind of children who don't even know how to control their abilities....I was told of the neon girl...what she did in her hometown....in New York....in Chicago...

Dragonfly: Chicago?

Genesis: You haven't heard? W.R.E.X operatives are on the hunt for an Enhuman in Chicago and a few W.R.E.X soldiers were killed by a Enhuman possessing neon powers...figured it was one of yours seeing as how you recently recruited a Enhuman possessing neon powers.

Sun Sorceress: Our students and our team don't kill, so it couldn't have been one of ours.

Genesis: Of course not...you don't believe in killing...there's also two other matters; the machine that controls Enhumans and the prisoner you've taken...I want them both.

Dragonfly: We'll give you back Snake Bite, but we're keeping the Xenon....you don't what this thing can do....

Mother Nature: Cut to the chase and quit pissin in our lawn...what are you doing here?

Genesis: I came to offer you a chance in redeeming yourselves as Enhumans....as the superior species. Join me. The battle lines are drawn, my friends and it's time to pick a side.

Scarlett: Think about this, guys. He's right. This is a chance for true peace. He can make life better for Enhumans.

Dragonfly: He has the power to make war...war that will result in many humans and Enhumans dying in the process.

Genesis: From my restored headquarters, I will restore balance and order to the world. That is where Enhumans will take their place as gods over little beings...why do you defend them? The humans are a stupid and violent species who do nothing, but cause war upon themselves with their politics and ethnics...

Dragonfly: Yeah, but so do you...

Genesis: (laughs)...Boy, you and your family will never learn.

Genesis blasts Dragonfly back, causing him to crash into the tower hall.

Sun Sorceress: James!

Scarlett blasts at Sun Sorceress with an energy beam, who blocks the shot with an sun shield, before engaging Sun Sorceress in a fight. Mother Nature fights the other Purifiers, before Genesis makes his way into the tower. However, as he makes his way around the corner, Dragonfly kicks Genesis, causing him to stumble back.

Genesis: Get out of my way, boy.

Dragonfly: You plan on making me?

Genesis levitates up as he blasts at Dragonfly, who dodges and shoots at Genesis with his blaster, who blocks the shot, causing the laser vision to destroy a part of the tower. The explosion is felt by the Power Surge, Neon Crane and Ember in the high-tech attic.

Neon Crane: Damn it....

Power Surge: Let's hope that they can hold him off.

In the holding cells, Snake Bite is cheering on Genesis.

Snake-Bite: Waa-hoo! Yeah, baby! Come on! Told you Genesis was coming! Hey, Neon-bitch! Bet you wish you hadn't played now, huh?!

Power Surge: Shut up!

Power Surge shoots an electric bolt down the holding cells, causing a electric blast that knocks back Snake-Bite. Back in the halls, Dragonfly continues to dodge Genesis' attacks, before grabbing the chandler and swinging it into Genesis. With Genesis on the ground, Dragonfly uses his opportunity to physical fight Genesis, who grabs Dragonfly's third punch.

Genesis: Your father's trained you well.....but he didn't teach you enough.

Genesis punches Dragonfly in the stomach, before flipping him over and punching him in the face. Genesis uses his powers to grab Dragonfly, before punching him into the kitchen. Outside, Mother Nature continues to fight off the Purifiers while Sun Sorceress fighting Scarlett, blocking a punch and punching Scarlett. Sun Sorceress then backhands Scarlett, knocking her across the yard. Genesis shoots at Dragonfly, who flies around and dodges the shots, causing more destruction to the upper floor of the Tower. Dragonfly blasts Genesis back, but Genesis uses his powers to lift Dragonfly and throw him, before Genesis uses his energy blasts to compete with Dragonfly's blaster energy. After a brief struggle, Dragonfly kneels, before Genesis blasts Dragonfly back, before grabbing him and throwing him up into the high-tech level. Dragonfly recovers, before Power Surge, Neon Crane, and Ember prepare themselves for a fight. Genesis erupts and floats in front of the young students. Dragonfly attempts to punch Genesis, who grabs Dragonfly's hand, before throwing him into the labs. Genesis then faces the young students.

Genesis: (taking off his mask) Hello, there. My name is Adrian Tombs, but most of you know me as Dr. Genesis.

As he is walking towards the students, Genesis uses his powers to break off Snake-Bite's cell, freeing him.

Snake-Bite: Oh, yeah! I knew you were coming! I just knew! See that's why I like you! That's why-

Genesis gives Snake-Bite a look.

Snake-Bite: Right....I'm going to be outside. Kick their asses good.

Snake-Bite stands by Genesis's before Genesis resumes talking to the students.

Genesis: My friends. There's a war coming. Humanity is against what we are and what we're capable of. Each of us has a choice. Live as a blind slave or rise up to rule over them. The choice is yours; but know that we will win....with or without you...so you can choose to stay and obey a man, who is protecting those who hate and want to kill you.....or you all can join me....and live like gods.

After a few moments of hesitation, Power Surge looks back at the other young students.

Power Surge: What do you say, guys?

Neon Crane nods as Power Surge nods back.

Power Surge: Right.

Power Surge prepares to shoot electricity at Genesis, but suddenly, Ember smoke dashes to Genesis's side and shoots Power Surge to the ground.

Neon Crane: Dominic?!

Power Surge sits his head up.

Power Surge: Dude, what the hell are you doing?!

Ember: Choosing the right side. Truth is; Genesis is right. Humanity is nothing, but filthy, cruel and bloodthirsty savages who want to kill our people. There is a war happening and when that happens, I'd rather be a king amongst cockroaches. With that being said...

Ember turns and bows to Genesis.

Ember: I pledge my allegiance.

Snake-Bite laughs, hissing.

Genesis: Welcome to the Purifiers, my boy.

Neon Crane helps Power Surge on his feet.

Genesis: Your friend has made his choice, children. Now, it's time to make yours. Our kind or theirs.

Power Surge and Neon Crane share a look, before Power Surge shoots Genesis with electricity, but he absorbs it.

Genesis: (tsk) (tsk) (tsk) I understand...protecting your fellow humans....brave....noble...

Genesis shoots the electricity back, hitting and stunning Neon Crane.

Genesis: But stupid.

Suddenly, the Owl flies in, towards Genesis, kicking him. Power Surge then bolt speeds into Ember, before punching him in the jaw. Snake-Bite lunges at Neon Crane, who light speed dodges and punches him, before engaging him in the fight. The Owl claws at Genesis, who blocks the attacks with his energy shield, before blasting back the Owl, who uses his sonic screech to briefly incapacitate Genesis. The Owl then kicks and punches Genesis, who blocks the other attack and punches the Owl back.

Genesis: You're fighting for the wrong side, Charles.

Power Surge uses the electric grid to bolt speed and shoot electricity at Ember, who smoke dashes and then punches Power Surge back.

Power Surge: You're betraying your own friends for this scum. He just wants to use you for his stupid cause.

Ember: A stupid cause is the one you're fighting for. Humans and Enhumans intertwined. I call that abomination.

Power Surge shoots electricity at Ember, stunning him, before Power Surge back fists him with an electrifying punch. Snake Bite shoots venom at Neon Crane, before he uses his snake like abilities to extend his neck and attempt to bite Neon Crane, who dodges the attacks and then punches Snake-Bite back. Snake-Bite attempts to bite again, before she uses her neon powers to wrap a neon rope around his neck and hold off the attack. She then tosses Snake-Bite into the wall, subduing him along enough to shoot neon ropes around his body. Neon Crane then turns to see Genesis throwing the Owl around.

Neon Crane: Charles!

Neon Crane lights speeds at Genesis, who then holds back Neon Crane's attack.

Genesis: Why follow John? He is blinded thinking humans and Enhumans can co-exist. (laughs) You should consider joining me, child.....after all you've proven you're willing to take an human life to survive....

Neon Crane: What are you talking about?

Genesis: That wasn't you killing W.R.E.X soldiers in Chicago?

Neon Crane: No....I'm not a killer....

Genesis: huh....shame...John's already brainwashed your young mind.

Neon Crane: Yeah, well....he's shown me there's more to putting fear in humans....and that you are crazy...

Genesis scoffs, before he grabs Neon Crane by the throat.

Genesis: Terrible tactics.....It's obvious John hasn't trained you well....any of you...you would've made a fine addition to my army...

Quantum: Adrian!

Genesis smiles, before turning and noticing Quantum.

Quantum: Let her go.

Genesis releases Neon Crane, before walking towards Quantum.

Genesis: Hello, old friend.

Quantum: Adrian, stop this....

Genesis: Hell, it's about time you quit jerkin off with your telekinesis in your private room, instead of pittin your kids against me.

Quantum: Damn it, Adrian! They are just children! Leave them be! This is my home!

Genesis enters the center of the Chronicle with Quantum as the two walk around in a circle. Neon Crane recovers and attempts to enter, but the Chronicle door slams shut.

Neon Crane: No! John! Mr. Parker!

Genesis: Children you've brainwashed....all those years ago, you imprisoned me.....your students would've made excellent soldiers in my army....shame I may have to kill them.

Quantum: You will not lay a hand on my children.

Genesis: (laughs) Your children? You think you and I are any different.

Genesis attacks as Quantum blocks his attack, before elbowing and kicking Genesis in the ribs.

Genesis: You've still got it...for an old timer...

Meanwhile, more Purifiers enter the high-tech attic, before Power Surge, Neon Crane, The Owl and Dragonfly recover. Power Surge touches the walls with the electricity surging through the walls. Power Surge is grazed in the shoulder by Sharp-Spike, before another Purifier, Rhyolite, arrives and punches the ground, causing a pillar to upper cute the Owl, before bolt speeding and ramming the Purifier into a pillar, causing a part of the high-tech attic to collapse on top of Power Surge. Quantum and Genesis continue their fight with Quantum attacking as Genesis dodges and maneuvers, before palming and punching Quantum. Genesis shoots red energy shards at Quantum, who blocks the shots before Genesis attempts to smash at Quantum. Genesis swings at Quantum, who dodges and backhands Quantum, who flips back up and shoots at Genesis. In slow motion, Quantum flips backwards and jumps to the upper area of the Chronicle. Quantum then shoots laser vision at Genesis, who then absorbs the laser beam energy and shoots it back at Quantum. In slow motion, Quantum flies around, dodging the debris and lands onto the platform of the Chronicle, before Quantum swings at first missing, but then punches Genesis and throws him to the ground. Genesis and Quantum have a power struggle with Genesis winning and throwing Quantum to the ground. Outside, Power Surge is blown back by Ember, who smoke dashes Power Surge into the wall. Ember punches Power Surge, who punches Ember back, before attempting to shock him. Ember grabs Power Surge's hand as it shoots electricity aimlessly. Power Surge punches Ember in the ribs, before electrocuting and subduing him. In the labs, Dragonfly throws Purifier # 3 into the ground, before backhanding Purifier # 2. Purifier # 1 punches Dragonfly, only to groan at the pain of his indestructible helmet. After a few moments, Dragonfly punches Purifier # 1. Neon Crane knocks out a Purifier with a punch, before turning to the Chronicle, hearing a loud boom and Osmosis' groan.

Neon Crane: John!

Neon Crane sprints to Genesis' aid, but is attacked by Purifiers with multiple powers.

Neon Crane: Damn it!

Sun Sorceress and Mother Nature are holding off attacking Purifiers.

Mother Nature: They just keep coming, man!

Sun Sorceress: We have to hold them back!

Ember recovers and enters using the vents via smoke dash. Ember notices the Xenon device and walks towards, but is stunned by a shot from Dragonfly. Ember turns as Dragonfly attacks again, hitting Ember, but Ember dodges the third strike and traps Dragonfly in the field of smoke. Ember walks over to the Xenon.

Dragonfly: Dominic....you're betraying us....the humans aren't as bad as you think....my father has a better vision for the world.

Ember looks conflicted, but then suddenly, he takes the Xenon.

Ember: Fuck your vision for the world.

Ember smoke dashes through the vents, carrying the Xenon. Neon Crane runs into the Chronicle, before Genesis uppercuts Quantum. Neon Crane sneaks up on Genesis, who is preparing to finish off Quantum.

Genesis: Forgive me, my friend.

Genesis is suddenly shot in the back by Neon Crane. Genesis advances at Neon Crane as he blocks her shots.

Quantum: Trisha!

Genesis: Stupid little girl!

Genesis throws off Neon Cranes' last shot, before backhanding her into the wall.

Quantum: No!

Sun Sorceress shoots at the reflective walls, hitting his attackers and stunning them. Neon Crane is attempting to gather up her strength as Genesis tosses Quantum. Sun Sorceress, Power Surge, Dragonfly and the Owl arrive, running to Genesis' aid.

Dragonfly: Dad!

Quantum: No, James!

Quantum removes his mask.

Quantum: Go! Now! He's too strong!

Genesis uses his powers to grab Quantum.

Dragonfly: No! No!

Genesis throws Quantum out into the center as Neon Crane watches gathering up her strength.

Dragonfly: (echoing) Everyone use your powers! We have to break this field!

Dragonfly, Sun Sorceress, Mother Nature, the Owl, Power Surge, and Neon Crane use their powers to attempt to break the Chronicle door while Genesis throws Quantum into a pipe, before using his powers to lasso around his neck and cross line him. After a brief struggle, the team finally manages to break through the Chronicle door, before Genesis grabs Quantum by the throat as the team prepare themselves in a fighting pose.

Genesis: Young Enhumans. Depower or your mentor will die.

A short pause with a tense moment, before the team shuts off their powers.

Genesis: Good.....I promise I will not kill your mentor.....I just need him to witness....

Genesis punches Quantum into the wall, before he unleashes a blast of red energy that subdues the Supers, destroying the Chronicle in the process. Genesis flies out of Parker Tower along with his Purifiers following in their own jet. Scarlett, Snake-Bite, Rhyolite and now Ember are in tow. In the aftermath, the Supers help Quantum out of the debris.

Sun Sorceress: Dad....

Quantum: I'm fine. I'm fine.

Dragonfly: No! Damn it! What do we do?

Quantum: We need to regroup and think of a plan.