Other men's lovers may be ordinary mortals, yet his beloved stands apart as a zombie. Despite her unique condition, his unwavering goal remains to nourish and care for her until she regains vitality, regardless of the fact that she is a zombie. To him, this distinction holds no significance.
The zombie finds herself both content and resigned to the doting attentions lavished upon her. She can feed herself, quench her own thirst, and even eliminate those who dare to obstruct her path. Yet, should her companion choose to act, she would not stand in his way, a silent acknowledgment of his devotion.
"No one shall stand between us," he declares with a gentlemanly smile, standing atop a hillside, hand-in-hand with his undead love. "If there are any who dare oppose us... then we shall eradicate them all."
Ultimately, this tale unfolds around a man whose obsession and steadfast love for his woman transcends even the boundaries of life and death.