The video game, Humantity's Mistakes, might seem like a simple rpg when one first looks at it. The world is fantasy, and the story is similar to the hundreds that came before it. A group of heroes rally against the demon king in an attempt to save a world.
But summarizing it that way would be doing it a disservice. It would be disregarding the nuances that linger throughout the entirety of the game.
And one such nuance, was how people could learn magic in the first place.
On the surface it was basic, people could hold mana in their bodies that they take in from the atmosphere and turn into power. Spells of their own design and creation if they have the ability. It is simple and straightforward. An intuitive practice.
But that didn't mean it was an easy process.
Even if everyone could theoretically turn the mana in their bodies into something more, whether it be a match's worth or an ocean's, it wasn't free. To do so a person had to activate their mana core; to open the gates and allow the mana inside to flow to the rest of the body and escape. They had to learn, and even if they did, their talent usually dictated whether the amount they got was worth anything.
A lot of people who started learning magic never ended up making a return on their investment.
Activating one's mana core safely took years of study. It took time, effort, and guidance. Meditation and training. People had to learn how to locate their dormant mama cores, coax the mana stored inside, guide it safely through their bodies, and only then, could they begin to learn and use magic. Only then could they begin to see if they had enough talent in the practice to warrant further training.
It wasn't something people could do on a whim, but that didn't mean it was impossible. As long as one could read and had a decent amount of money, they could buy books that walked one through the long and arduous process.
In Neo's case his village owned a single book they kept for communal storage, and that's how more than a few people in Neo's village had learned it. Those that wanted to anyways.
Most sought it as a way to pass time, and because it was a given that curious children would want to wield magic, even if it was a little. Some had chased dreams of becoming a knights or adventurers with that power, climbing the ranks of the world.
Only Neo sought it because he wanted to improve himself. Because he was curious and wanted to see if it would help his hunting.
He wanted to see what the best version of himself was, and he was the only one in the village that had the minimum amount of mana available to apply to Blight Academy. Neo became the first person in his village to ever be accepted into Blight Academy.
He was also the first and only student that Zero personally sponsored. Waiving Blight Academy's usual fees in order to get Neo a full ride.
Although with Neo's one of a kind magic, Zero would've been insane to let something as simple as money prevent Neo from joining.
Regardless, that was how Neo learned magic in the game.
Staring down the loaded bow of an angry archer, Mako wished he could've learned magic the same way, suppose he'd been born in this world instead of thrust into it. He would've gladly spent a few years studying a damn book if it meant he could've avoided this situation in its entirety.
Because for the elves, who were written to have a natural instinct for sensing mana, finding someone without magic was probably a cake walk.
And Mako sure as shit didn't have any magic.
"There's been a misunderstanding." Mako chuckled nervously, flinching as the girl's grip tightened and her eyes narrowed. "Misunderstanding?"
"Yes!" Mako nodded, sweating a little as the wind kicked up at the worst time possible. Its presence making the girl's grip on her bow a little tighter as Mako sputtered, "Wait! That's not me! It's not my magic. I don't have magic! You know that!"
"How do you know I know that?"
"Cuz you just said it!" Mako shouted, watching as the girl blinked, somehow confusing herself in the whole ordeal before she plastered on that glare she had perfected and repeated, "Answer my question."
"Okay, look, it isn't me." Mako said, moving slightly out of the way as he gestured behind him, "It's him. His name is Zero. He's the one with the magic."
Mako watched as the girl glanced behind him, furrowing her brows as she scoffed, "Is this what you humans refer to as a practical joke?"
"Practical joke?" Mako questioned, glancing back, "No, why would I-"
Mako froze, his voice caught in his throat as he witnessed the grand total of nothing behind him. No Zero or his cloud. The only thing left was a message carved lightly into the side of a tree, so finely tuned it would be hard to guess that a child wrote it with wind magic and probably out of boredom.
Hey Mako, you're loud so I couldn't sleep, and I got bored listening to you and the girl yell. So I went to go talk to the strange lady that the wind found. Follow her when you and the girl are done, she'll guide you over here. Don't take too long.
P.S. The wind says try not to die.
Mako paled as he read the message, turning back to the very angry elf girl with the very pointy arrow aimed at his chest. He chuckled.
"Well, you see," Mako made a mad dash into the woods, and the wind snapping the hail of arrows aimed at his back never sounded louder.
Zero heard panicked yells in the distance as he relaxed stop his cloud. Floating casually through the forest as he listened to the wind in his ears.
'Are you sure you don't want to help him? Mako sounds like he's in trouble.'
"I'm already helping him." Zero yawned, "I left a protection spell on him. As long as he doesn't get attacked with anything too powerful he'll be fine."
'His hunter knows magic. She could utilize it.'
"You think it would be strong enough to beat mine?"
'Your spell is decent,' the wind admitted, 'but we both know you're better at destroying things than protecting. The only reason it's holding up is because of the mana difference. It'll run out of juice before she does. And then Mako will be in trouble.'
"Then we'll just have to hurry back before he gets caught." Zero snickered lightly, using his good arm, get it, to pat the cloud he lay upon. It quickly sped up, weaving through the giant trees as Zero steered it in conjunction with the wind's directions.
'She's four hundred meters ahead, meditating. She seems to be in the middle of a deep spell.'
"She's sitting still? Out here? What spell is she using?"
'A detection spell most likely.'
"Can she see us?" Zero asked, hiding into his cloud as they hovered higher among the tree tops. Missing branches by mere inches as the clearing the woman was in came into view. She sat on the ground, eyes closed and guarded by two metal wolves of sorts.
One was silver, one was gold, both had a red jewel on their head, and both were dutifully watching over the woman like gaurd dogs.
'I can't tell.' The wind said as a dog whipped its head up, looking around as Zero hastily moved his cloud into the cover of the leaves. Listening to the wind's light chuckle, 'But her companions definitely will.'
"Yeah, I figured. A warning would've been nice." Zero muttered, ignoring the winds gentle laughter and peaking out of his cloud. He used a hint of magic to make it so the dogs were upwind, masking his scent so they didn't notice him before he could get a good look at the woman the wind spotted.
'She seems to be related to Mako's hunter.'
Zero was compelled to agree. She was definitely an elf, he'd never met one but according to the lessons the wind taught him, her pointed ears were a dead giveaway. She also had the same dark brown skin that the girl had, same light freckles, and brown hair tied in a top bun instead of the girl's ponytail.
The only other major difference were the golden tattoos that lined her exposed skin. Her neck and face mostly, crawling up from beneath the black hunter robes she wore. The wind said once that most elves wore those types of clothes in combat. Prioritizing movement above all else.
'You should be careful, Zero. She's experienced.' The wind said, and Zero spotted the twin swords at the woman's waist. They looked sharper than usual.
"I think I'm going to say hi."
He wondered if they could cut some wood for the fire Mako was struggling with earlier.
Mako was struggling to breathe.
Fucking Zero! I hope you die! Mako gasped as he stumbled over an exposed root, the whizz of an arrow flying over his head pushing him to continue running. How long and it been? And hour? Two hours? He felt like his lungs were about to burst.
Dammit, I'm so out of shape!
It sucked, running this long sucked. How'd he ever used to do this shit? Why'd he ever used to do this shit? For abs? Abs were overrated, sleep was better, and right now Mako wanted nothing more than to pass the fuck out and sleep. He was tired.
Fuck, why did I quit surfing...
Mall was so tired he was thinking ridiculous thoughts he never would have otherwise.
If I didn't maybe I'd be able to run-
He got his wish when an arrow arced past his shoulder, the wind that had been protecting Mako attacking it out of reflex. The arrow shattered right next to Mako's face as the wood chips splattered through the air. Blinding him as his limp legs got tied up underneath him and he crashed to the ground. His chin smacking against the dirt.
"Ow," mako grumbled as he tried to push himself up, his thin arms struggling to do half a push up before a boot slammed into the back of his head. Smashing his chin into the dirt again as Mako tasted iron.
"Last chance human." Mako heard above him as the girl moved her foot and the sharp, cold metal tip of an arrowhead replaced it. Pressing against the back of his skull as he spit out a wad of blood and roared, "Last chance for what! What did I even do!?"
"Don't play dumb, human! You ran!"
"Cuz you were shooting at me! Who wouldn't!"
"You!" The girl sputtered as Mako had a staring contest with the ground. Fidgeting uncomfortably as the girl dug the arrow tip deeper into the back of his skill, the warm prickle of blood clouding his judgement as she growled, "You lied."
"About fucking what?" Mako snarled, his breath picking up as he tried to move. He couldn't move, she had his arms pinned with her legs and she was sitting on his back. The weight keeping his chest pressed into the ground and hiding air from his lungs, making it harder for him to breathe.
"The wind magic, human!"
Shit, Mako couldn't breathe.
"Not tell me! How did you- human?" The elf girl's confused words fell on deaf ears as Mako's vision swam. His breath was coming in short gasps and his heartbeat sounded like thunder in his own ears. Fuck this was bad, his calf was burning.
"Human! Why are you breathing funny?"
Mako was pretty sure he was having a panic attack.
"Are you trying to summon more wind, don't try it. I'll kill you before you can retaliate." The girl said in a mixture of confusion and frustration. Her words barely registering as Mako continued his struggle for air, trying to form the words, "Pocket... coat..."
Mako couldn't believe it. He'd been doing so fucking well with these. Last time this happened had been a month ago, when he got blindsided by his sister's birthday. Their pool party ending up horribly when her scumbag friends wouldn't fucking listen to him that he didn't want to swim. He hated water.
"Music... please..."
He hated not being able to breathe.
"Will music help you get over this strange illness you have." The girl asked cautiously, slowly standing to relieve the weight on his torso. It helped, but he was so far into the attack that all he could do was nod. Clawing at his chest as he curled into a ball and tried to not think about it. The way his lungs had filled with water. How his calf had burned like it was stabbed by a thousand red hot knives.
It wasn't working, and when black spots danced in his vision he was certain he would faint.
"Jighan la sur, de flä cérra..."
It was only when he heard the soft sounds of a lullaby, sung in a language he didn't understand, the he started to calm himself down. Latching onto the foreign words and melodies, he counted down in his head, trying to time it with his breathing.
One two in... three four out...
It took a couple verses, of which he suspected the girl got bored of singing, for him to bring himself back from the edge of unconsciousness. His chest hurting and the phantom pains across his leg keeping him stuck to the ground, lying in a sweaty heap, as he murmured gratefully, "Thanks..."
"Don't thank me human." The girl snapped instantly, earning a groan out of Mako as she lifted him up by the back of his coat. Forcefully planting him upright so he was standing on his shaky feet, before tying his arms behind his back with a rope and enough strength to fight an ox on equal ground.
"I simply can't have you killing your self before you answer my questions." She said as she tightened the rope around his wrists. Mako winced at the force, before chuckling, "And here I thought you wanted to show off. You have such a pretty singing voice."
"I was unaware humans proffered jokes to be their last words."
"Self conscious, noted." Mako winced as the bit- elf girl tightened the rope an extra knot. Mako moving his wrists uncomfortably as the girl reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone and earbuds. Mako glanced back hurriedly, "Hey be careful! That's-"
"Would you shut up. I'm not a fool!" The girl growled, kicking Mako in the back to signal him to start walking as she started inspecting the device. Mako grunted and started walking forward, through the giant forest. He could practically hear her confusion.
"What is this human? This was supposed to play music?" She asked, probably inspecting the phone as she simultaneously directed his travel with a few unwarranted nudges, "Is... is this an artifact?"
"You could say that." Mako responded bitterly. It's not like he was gonna be telling Ms. 'Shoot first ask later' he was from a different world, so an artifact was the best alternative. They were usually beyond understanding anyways, found deep in dungeons and guarded by the worst of monsters. They were rare and powerful.
Compared to those artifacts, that could change the color of the air or create a shield lasting centuries, a device that could play music and take pictures was far from special. It would blend in fine, and justify why Mako had technology that didn't exist in Elaria's fantasy setting, where oil didn't exist and electric power was replaced with magic.
If anything, a smartphone would seem weak in comparison to some of the other artifacts.
The girl seemed inclined to agree.
"This looks like a very useless artifact human." The girl said, her tapping and repeated grunts indicating that she was stuck on the Lock Screen. Eventually giving up as he heard her pocket the device, and grumble, "Where did you find such a waste?"
"I bought it."
"You bought it? From who?"
"Wandering merchant." Mako said, doing his best to sound smug, "Said it would soothe my heart and whisper to my soul. Sold it for 1000 gold coins. That dumbass."
"…It was 1000 coins? Gold?"
"That's what I said."
"And you bought it?"
"I got the chance to carry a library of music wherever I want. How could I not buy it." Mako smirked, hearing the girl scoff and mutter something along the lines of 'utter foolishness.' That was good, he'd rather her think he got scammed by a trader than keep asking questions about his phone. There were only so many lies he could get away with before he was caught.
Thankfully the girl was all too eager to write him off as an idiot that got duped into buying garbage. He could practically hear her roll her eyes as she jabbed him in the back to keep him walking, "Whatever human. Enough about the artifact. How did you utilize wind magic. I want an answer."
"I told you it wasn't me."
"Yes, you said it was your friend." The girl mocked, "But I couldn't sense anyone else around you when I attacked you. So unless your friend is somehow weaker than you, I don't see they are responsible.
"Weaker than me? Zero? Are you insane?" Mako asked, "And what do you mean you couldn't sense him? He might've left but he was behind me for a while."
"I didn't sense anything." The girl repeated, and Mako actually looked back a little stunned. He didn't know how sensing mana worked for elves, but if there was anyone in the world the girl should've noticed it was Zero. He had an ocean of it.
"Are you sure?"
"Maybe you had an off day?" Mako asked, earning the kick to his back side as he stumbled. Narrowly avoiding another root as the girl yanked the rope attached to his arms, he was being walked like a prisoner of war at the moment, "I tire of these jokes human. If you don't want to tell me, then so be it. I'll figure out what you did after the hunt."
"Figure out my ass." Mako grumbled, gritting his teeth as the rope around his wrists tightened harshly.
He hid the pain and asked, "And what hunt?"
"That's none of your business."
"You chased me for hours. I feel like that makes it my business."
"…I chased you for 10 minutes." The girl said, absolute disappointment laced in her voice as Mako died internally, "Ten minutes?"
"That was really only ten minutes?"
"That is what I said," the girl chuckled, "What? Are all humans as flabby and unathletic as you? Or is it your breathing that makes you this way?"
"I'm out of shape, alright. That has nothing to do with earlier." Mako snapped, "And since I'm being held prisoner apparently, I'd like to know where I'm being hauled off to."
"I wouldn't be holding you prisoner if you hadn't trespassed in our territory." The girl returned ruthlessly, "You should be thanking me human. Most other elves would kill any human that dare step foot in our forests. We made it clear 7 decades ago that we wanted no part with your kind's affairs."
"Oh yeah, when you ran away-" Mako felt a searing pain, and had to bite his lip to stop from screaming. The pluck of an arrowhead being pried from the back of his right shoulder left a warm trail as he felt his bindings tighten to an uncomfortable degree.
"Elves did not run. We left because of you backstabbing cowards." The girl snarled, absolutely furious, "Next time you insinuate otherwise, I'll hang you by your throat."
"…noted." Mako growled, the warmth of blood staining his coat as he walked forward. Hoping the wound wouldn't become a problem, although with how much blood he was losing it probably would. He felt a little dizzy already.
"You know." Mako tried not to sound worried, "If I pass out it'll be hard for me to walk to… wherever we're going. You got bandages at all?"
"…wanna treat my wound, oh great, kind, elf?"
"Don't patronize me human." The girl scoffed, and Mako really wasn't having a good day. His request was met with a kick to the back of his knees as he fell to the ground, the girl slipping a knife beneath his throat as she dressed his wound. As quick and sloppily as she could manage.
"I did not spare you out of kindness." She said once she was done, hauling him back up without a hint of effort and continuing the march to wherever.
"Then why did you spare me?" Mako laughed humorlessly, "You felt bad for me?"
"I pitied a creature as pathetic as you. Who struggles to do what babes do: Breathe." She replied easily, and the bitterness and shamefu Mako felt was quickly replaced with fear as he heard her following statement.
"But beyond that I'm hunting a monster," she said confidently, "and burying you would take too long. So would interrogations. So for now, you are going to lead it to me. If you survive I'll get all the answers I need out of you on the way back home."
Mako glanced back, paling as he saw the girl gain a hint of a smile on her lips.
"You are what I believe you humans call, bait."
Mako was really going to kill Zero later.