The forests of Kyra were a safe place. Once rumored to be where giants roamed, millennia before even the elves came into being, Octavia spent most her developing years wandering its depths. Hunting its prey and worshipping its trees. She loved it there.
But she also knew that there were certain parts of the forest she could never go. Not until she was older at the very least. The Valek Dungeons towards the western edge of the forest, near the far west coast that had been abandoned, she could not traverse near there. Not until she was far older and wiser.
Then there was the royal household, belonging to the center of their forest. The elders, elves that had been around for at least a millennia and ran the council, the royal family, and the three guardians, were the only ones allowed to enter that particular area.
Finally there was the eastern edge of the forest, she could go but could never cross, for past the giant's trees were humans. Settlements of some human kingdom, villages surviving off the fruit of their bountiful land. The queen had made it clear that as long as those humans kept to themselves the elves would do the same.
Most of the time, according to what Octavia had heard, there were little problems. Most trespassers were young, mere babies of 10 or so years, that get a tad too curious. When that happened the elves on guard duty were supposed to shoot a few warning shots to scare them off and dissuade future attempts.
Other times, when greedy lodgers or poachers wanted to reap more of the forest than they'd sewn, the elves on duty could be a tad more forceful.
And when there were hunters. Humans that sought for a rarer breed of trophy than regular game. The disgusting slavers that targeted young and unsuspecting elves.
They were not allowed to leave. Ever.
So when Octavia found her first human, striking a poorly made campfire far deeper in elven territory than she ever heard them crossing, she assumed the worst. Lodgers worked in groups, and though he looked young, no babe could've snuck so far.
She marked him for a slaver.
And acted accordingly.
But his illogical magic saved him, and though he ran she eventually caught him. Stopping him before she was forced to use her magic and risk wasting the last few decades of her life. She interrogated him.
And he proceeded to suffocate without reason.
Octavia had never seen anything like it, she didn't know humans could do such a thing, but she didn't want her captive to die without answering her. So she calmed him, soothed him with her voice since that was supposedly the remedy for his illness.
Now she was walking him away from the village, deeper into the sector that had been forbidden by the elders on orders of the queen herself. It wasn't the west, the east, or even the royal palace. No, she was venturing deeper into the northwest sector, searching for the beast no one else dared hunt.
She was planning to kill it, to earn her village's respect and increase her family's standing.
And this human was not making it any easier.
"I'm gonna die." He whined like a baby, the first profile was starting to suit him better by the minute, as she grew tired of his nonsense, "Quiet human."
"Woe is me, I'm gonna die."
"Could you stop lamenting so loudly." Octavia scowled, "Seriously, If I knew a little dark humor would get you so mopey I would've refrained."
"Dark humor only works if the person saying it isn't serious."
"I wasn't serious." Octavia lied. She wasn't going to outright feed him to the monster, she did still want answers, but he was going to help her lure the beast out of hiding. Monsters loved weak and feeble prey.
And this human was by far the most weak and feeble creature she'd ever encountered.
"Once the beast comes for you I'll hunt it and all will be settled."
"Oh, we're gonna die." The human changed his tune to a far more annoying one, insulting her capabilities in the process of giving away their position.
"We're deader than-"
"Do you want to alert it sooner?" Octavia asked, watching as the human stiffened and sighed, his shoulders falling. Walking like a scolded pup, he asked bitterly, "The hell are you even hunting?"
"A monster."
"No duh. What kind of monster?"
"I don't know, but the children of our village call it the doom bringer." She smirked as she caught his pale expression.
"Doom... bringer?" He gulped.
"That's what I said."
"We're so dead."
"Should I tell you more?" Octavia ignored his little jab. She found herself enjoying scaring the human a little, his reactions were funny. Right now he was shaking his head faster than a rattlesnake's tail.
"I'd rather not-"
"The village elders have been warning us for years now to avoid certain parts of the forests." Octavia recounted mischievously. Her lips twitching upward as the human's shoulder slumped and he said with an almost defeated acceptance. "Oh please tell me, wise merciful elf. Why do the elders warn you about entering certain parts of the forest."
"To avoid the path that 'thing' treks." She smiled evilly, nearly laughing as the human shivered and glanced back worriedly.
"That 'thing?'" He said.
"The doom bringer." Octavia smirked, "A beast so terrifying that only the elven queen has seen it and lived to tell the tale. A beast so horrifying even the elders are forbidden from walking the forests which it wanders. Rumors are a few years ago it fought the queen to a draw, and now we are all forbidden from entering its territory, lest we stumble upon it."
"And that's what you want to hunt?"
"You doubt my ability?"
"I doubt your sanity." The human said, and Octavia had to stop herself from jabbing his back too hard lest she re-open his wounds. She accepted the grunt he gave as compensation and continued unabashed, "Your opinion doesn't matter, human. I know I can kill it. Otherwise I would not be here."
"You're gonna die and drag me down with you."
"You're overreacting."
"You're underreacting."
"Do all humans whine as much as you."
"Depends. Do all elves act as cocky as you."
"Watch your tongue, human." Octavia narrowed her eyes, "I could still dispose of you."
"I thought that's what you were doing. Death via monster."
"You little- You know what, fine. If I can't kill it on the first attack I'll leave and take you with me. Does that appease your paper thin spine?" Octavia said solely to stop the human's whining, "The beast rarely wanders out of its territory. It won't chase us."
She watched, fed up, as he glanced back curiously, still not quite believing her claims.
"You?" He said in a disbelieving manner, "You think you can kill it in your first attack? Didn't it fight your queen?"
"That's just a rumor and regardless of the weight, I believe I can kill it. I just need a clear shot."
"That is none of your concern." She said, prodding him lightly on the back as they delved further and further into the beast's domain, "Now if you would cease talking, it's very likely we're in earshot. And if you alert it to my presence, I'll leave you behind."
"Don't worry, I'm sure your ego already got its attention." The human whispered back snidely before biting back a yell.
So he can be quiet, Octavia noted as she kicked his calf and sent him tumbling to the floor. She had to make him look as appetizing as possible if she wanted to attract the beast's attention.
And she didn't care for his snark. So bonus.
"Pretend to be injured." Octavia whispered as she snuck back into the cover of the trees. Watching as the human muttered, "Not pretending." Before he struggled to ge to his feet. His hands still tied behind his back as he wiggled to an upright position, and began walking with a very noticeable limp.
Octavia drew her bow, sitting in the cover of the treetops as she took a deep breath. Keeping her ears open and eyes locked onto the human. His whispers of 'anytime now wind.' Ignored as Octavia focused her body and mana, readying herself to use magic for the first time in a long time.
Come on...
Octavia licked her lips as she saw the bushes in front of the human rustle. The growing wind indicating a powerful new arrival as nostalgic buzz hummed under her skin. Her ability was a few moments from activating and giving her what she needed to finally slay the beast. Her fingers twitched eagerly.
Then a hand was placed gently yet firmly laid on her shoulder shattered her concentration.
"There you are," a familial voice shattered Octavia's concentration, resulting in her ability canceling and her magic never actually going through. In a sense she was lucky, because as she watched a familiar gold wolf walk out of the bushes and sit before the human, she was grateful she hadn't wasted such a precious resource on an animal she adored.
"Octavia darling..."
On the other hand she had to turn back and see her mother, giving her a smile that other's would see as kind but she saw as damnation. She was a goner.
"Care to explain what you're doing in the forbidden area?"
No ability on Elaria would save her.
When Mako was left to the wolves, he didn't think the universe would take it so literally.
He also didn't expect them to be made of solid gold.
"Hello?" Mako gulped nervously, ditching his limp as he backed up slightly. Was this the beast? The doom bringer? It didn't look all that big.
"I'm not food... you know that right?"
Then again, if it started growling Mako was pretty sure he'd shit himself. Thankfully the wolf simply tired its head curiously, the red jewel on its forehead reflecting off the sunlight, before it sat down and panted excitedly. It's tail wagging up a storm.
Now, all processes of human evolution would indicate to Mako that this was a wolf, albeit a metal one, and one bite could send him to the morgue.
But goddamnit it just looked like a big happy dog.
I want to pet it, Mako thought in all seriousness. His impulses stopped as a familiar cloud floated behind the golden wolf, a silver wolf lying atop it as it looked up curiously. The same red jewel on its head.
Mako also wanted to let it, but that came later.
What was important was the one armed child that walked out behind the cloud, yawning as he sleepily glanced at Mako and waved his empty sleeve, "Hey, Mako. What's up? You look tired."
"You're dead to me."
"What? That's not fair! I protected you. And you're the one who woke me up!"
"Wind, tell this traitor I have nothing to say to him."
"Mako, you're being so mean!" Zero whined, any attempts at reconciliation met with a cold shoulder. The only thing that eventually got Mako to forgive Zero's disappearing act was when Zero introduced Mako to Autumn and April, the two metal wolves. Autumn was a gold male and April was a silver female.
And yes, he got to pet both of them thanks to Zero, so all was well in the world.
"Who's a good boy? You are. Yes you are." Mako happily showered the golden wolf in praise. Mako scratched, more like rubbed since it was metal, under the wolf's chin and watched its tail wag.
Meanwhile Zero shook his head from his cloud, April sitting calmly in his lap. April lazily watching the exchange as Zero talked to the wind.
"Mako's such a pushover."
"I heard that!" Mako yelled, earning a chuckle from Zero and the wind, although Mako wasn't aware that the wind was laughing or had agreed with Zero's observation. He simply felt a slight breeze reminiscent of a child's laughter.
That was enough for him to make a guess.
"People fart in you all the time." Mako said, the abrupt silence followed by Zero's howling laughter told him that the wind heard it loud and clear.
The pile of wet leaves that blew straight into his face also did a pretty good job of getting the message across.
"I hate all of you." Mako groaned as he plucked mud soaked leaves out of his hair. Wiping the soggy dew off his face before hissing, dropping his arm back to his side. The arrow wound that girl had left still stung any time he moved his shoulder.
Where is she anyways? Mako wondered as he glanced back and saw a woman with dark skin and amber eyes looking over his shoulder. She was an elf, with the stereotypical elvish clothing, light and mobile with black and green coloring. Highlighting the golden tattoos on her neck and bosom.
"You do have an odd scent." She said, and Mako blushed, because one, the woman was extremely attractive, and two, she was extremely close.
"Who are you?" Mako's voice cracked to his horror, earning a laugh from the beautiful lady as she stood straight and smiled, "My name is Nessa. I assume you're Mako. Zero told me much about you."
"He did?" Mako sputtered as the lady walked past, his thoughts, most of which circled about how she smelled like autumn, coming to a halt as he finally noticed the eyes twin swords at her waist.
"I apologize for the mess my daughter caused you." She said casually as she sauntered over to the gold wolf, and the silver wolf hopped off of Zero's lap. The two canines sitting loyally at her feet as she glanced back and beckoned the elf girl to come forward. "This is my daughter. Octavia."
Mako blinked, his infatuation falling for multiple reasons at that point. The woman was still stunning, but she had swords and he didn't have a death wish. She also had wolves and he didn't have a double death wish. But more than anything...
What she next left him with bigger priorities.
"Octavia." The kind, kindest woman in the world said, "Why don't you apologize to the dear friends you attacked. Then properly treat his wounds. Would you? We're not savages."
Mako looked back, and saw the elf girl standing in a cowed manner. Gripping her fists so hard it looked like they'd break. If Mako were in a better mood, and didn't have a fresh arrow wound, he might've taken the girl's apology, albeit forced, with more grace.
"I... I am sorry... human."
But Mako couldn't help himself.
"Wait, I didn't catch that." he said with an innocent tone. Ensuring his back was to the elf woman as he spoke like the dumb little human he was.
"Could you repeat it for me?"
He wanted to milk it for all it was worth.
Octavia was going to kill this human.
"Excuse me?" Octavia muttered as she heard the human's question. Looking up with an icy glare, she quickly realized his back was to her mother. Hiding his face from Nessa's gaze, the human asked in a formal and polite tone, "Sorry, I'm just a little tired after all that running. And you spoke so quietly..."
For anyone else, even another human, Octavia would have responded respectfully to such a polite question. It was only fair.
"Is there any way you can repeat what you said?"
But the shit eating grin on the human's face, made her want to strangle the life out of the mongrel and feed him to the wolves.
"You incessant-"
"Octavia," her mother said amusedly, prompting Octavia to swallow her tongue. Muttering so loudly that the human and everyone else could probably hear how her teeth ground against each other.
"You have my apologies..." she glared, "human."
Translation: I will slaughter you.
"Thanks," he smiled. "That wasn't so hard was it?"
Translation: go fuck yourself.
"..." Octavia remained stone faced, a vein popping in her head as she tried to keep any pretenses of civility she could manage. Eventually forcing a smile on her face before she spoke with thinly hidden venom, "I believe mother said you needed treatment."
"A bandage that isn't half baked would be nice."
"Are you sure you don't require a song?" Octavio asked a tad too innocently, "I wouldn't want you fainting as you nearly did after our ten minute run."
"... no thanks, I think I'll manage." The human's eyes twitched irritably, "Although I appreciate your offer. I was unaware elves were so... gracious."
"We are a kind and generous people."
"Are arrows in the back usually a part of your people's generosity?"
"Depends." Octavia titled her head sweetly, "Are fat and lazy people usually a part of yours?"
Octavia kept her self-satisfied grin hidden as the human grit his teeth. The two falling into a glaring match before her mother's presence made them drop the unspoken feud for the moment. It wasn't all that important in the grand scheme of things.
Although Octavia was undoubtedly counting this verbal spar as her victory.
It took about half an hour for Mako's shoulder to get properly wrapped and for the others to set up the campfire for the night. The warmth of the fire keeping the cold at bay as they sat around the clearing. Zero lounging lazily on his cloud, parked beside Mako as the two talked thoughtlessly.
Meanwhile Octavia and her mother sat across the fire. Octavia and as petting the two wolves, stripped of her bow and knives as punishment for disobeying the elders. She looked bummed out.
That made Mako a little happier.
"The wind says you're petty." Zero snorted from his cloud. Mako flinched before clicking his tongue defensively, "You can tell the wind to shove it."
"If it helps she says that applies to both of you."
"Why would that help." Mako said flatly as Zero shrugged. Mako shaking his head before turning back to the fire, where Octavia's mother laughed, "A friend once told me similar people clash heads. I believe that sums you and my daughter perfectly."
"Don't compare me to that flabby human, mother." Octavia muttered, "it's insulting to my physique."
"Yeah, and I'd rather not be compared to miss 'beast slayer.'" Mako returned Octavia's scowl, "it's insulting to my intelligence."
"You whiny little-"
"I believe my point is proven." Octavia's mother smiled, silencing the two as she finished sharpening her swords and sheathed them. Tilting her head across the fire and meeting Mako's confused gaze and asking, "Now Mako, was it? I believe we haven't had a proper conversation yet. My name is Nessa Wyvern, and my daughter is Octavia Wyvern. I hope we can converse freely and without prejudice."
"It's no problem." Mako shrugged, scratching his cheek as he asked, "My name's Mako Grier. You've already met Zero I'm guessing."
"I did," Nessa smiled, "He caught me by surprise when I was trying to search for my wayward daughter. He's a well very mannered child."
"Yeah," Mako huffed, "When he's not disappearing."
"You're being petty again, Mako." Zero called out casually, Mako flinching as he coughed to hide any traces of embarrassment, "Zero's been cool."
"Cool?" Zero raised an eyebrow, "We've traveled together for a whole day and I've saved your life more than once. Can't I get more than cool."
"You can get an alright when my shoulder heals."
"The wind says I deserve an awesome."
"Why do I feel like it definitely didn't say that." Mako said flatly as Zero shrugged shamelessly. "The wind says you're paranoid. Now call me awesome."
"Call me the best friend you've ever had."
"Call me god."
"Now you're just pushing it." Mako's eyes twitched as Zero laughed childishly. The two bickering lightly before Nessa caught their attention, "Funny, you two remind me of my old friends way back when."
"Was one of them a bratty narcoleptic."
"Was one of them an ungrateful meanie."
"They were humans." She said, much to the shock of Octavia and Mako. Octavia especially. She looked at her mother like she wasn't sure she was real.
Meanwhile Zero just hummed, "That's cool. What were they like?"
"They were funny." Nessa chuckled, ignoring her daughter's conflicted gaze as she waved off any unsaid questions, "But that is a story too long for tonight. Instead I'd like to ask you a few questions if that's all right. It's not every day humans wander so far into the elvish forests. I hope you understand."
"That's fine." Mako said. "I guess we are trespassing. It's only fair."
"I'll answer whatever I feel like answering." Zero shrugged, earning a glare from Octavia which he ignored easily.
Meanwhile, Nessa didn't seem to share her daughter's ire. She simply smiled, "Wonderful. In that case, I'll start with you. Is that alright, Zero?"
"Sure." Zero yawned. "Shoot."
"How long have you been in our territory."
"I don't know the exact number but the wind said a few years."
"Who is this wind you speak of?"
"She's my friend."
"Can you elaborate?"
"I can talk to the wind." Zero said, and Mako noticed Nessa's eyes quirk up. She looked curious, but not totally dismissive, as she continued.
"I see. Is it an ability?"
"She's my friend."
"I understand." Nessa hummed, "Can you tell me how you got here?"
"No." Zero said, and to Mako's surprise Nessa accepted the answer without skipping a beat.
"Okay," she nodded; "Can you tell me where you came from?"
"Are intending to search for the elven villages."
"Not really, but if I get bored I might try seeing one."
"Will you pose a danger to any village you discover."
"No. Not unless they attack me."
"Will you threaten any elves if you cross their paths."
"Not unless they attack me."
"If I asked you to leave the forest would you comply?"
"If I feel like it."
"How old are you?"
"12." Zero said, and that seemed to be the first answer that threw Nessa for a loop. Mako watched curiously as she froze for half a second. Before she regained her composure and asked almost quietly, "Twelve... as in... twelve in human years?"
"Yeah, 12." Zero shrugged, "My birthday's in a couple months. Mako's getting me chocolates."
"What? Since when? I never agreed to that."
"The wind already promised you would."
"The wind doesn't speak for me."
"The wind speaks for everyone. Deal with it." Zero stuck his tongue out, and Mako clicked his tongue. The two turning back as Nessa cleared her throat and collected herself, "Well then, if that's all-"
"What about his magic?" Octavia asked, intruding on the conversation as she glanced at Zero, "Do you have wind magic like the human said you do."
"Yeah, course I do." Zero yawned, shifting to his back as he glanced at Octavia from atop his fluffy cloud, "Why wouldn't I?"
"Well it just doesn't feel like you do." Octavia murmured, glancing at the cloud before shrugging. Zero also shrugged, before closing his eyes, "Well, whatever, you can ask Mako stuff now. I'm sleepy."
"Of course." Nessa nodded, turning to Mako as he suddenly felt a tad nervous. The same way one feels nervous on the end of an interrogation table even if they haven't done anything wrong.
"I hope you don't mind me asking similar questions as before." Nessa smiled, seemingly trying to sleeve his nerves, "It's just procedure, you know."
"Of course," Mako chuckled, slightly relieved, "I get it. Go ahead, ask away."
"Thank you." Nessa nodded, "Is it true you just met Zero today?"
"How'd you meet?"
"He saved me from a monster." Mako scratched his neck, "And ate my snacks I guess."
"I regret nothing."
"Of course you don't." Mako snorted, shaking his head and turning back to Nessa. He flinched slightly as he caught her staring at him seriously instead of nodding along with their banter like he expected. She caught his gaze, and then smiled pleasantly.
"Wonderful, now for the next question."
For some reason it made Mako feel a little uncomfortable.
"Can you tell me how you got here?"
"I- uh, I'd rather not." Mako mumbled, stalling as Nessa's eyes darkened a tad. Her wolves growled slightly, and he couldn't help but feel a little worried. This hadn't been the reaction they'd given for Zero's answers.
"I'm sorry, Mako," Nessa said as her wolves stood from their place beside Octavia. Not growling per se but definitely staring at him from across the fire.
"But I'm afraid I can't accept that answer." Nessa smiled, and Mako felt a drop of sweat trickle down his neck. He gulped, "I- sorry, what do you-"
"How did you get into our forests." Nessa repeated, and Mako felt like he was being cornered. The two wolves he'd let earlier were now staring at him with soulless eyes, and the elf that had been kind to him before was now making a show of grazing the sharp blades at her waist. Even her daughter was surprised by the sudden switch in her mood, glancing at the exchange with a mix of confusion and concern.
"Mother, I understand he's an..." Octavia nearly gagged, "unsavory human, but this is unlike you. Why-"
"Silence." Nessa said, and Mako knew he was screwed when Octavia, the girl that hated his guts, shut her mouth. Glancing his way with some form of sympathy, or pity was more like it, as her mother casually took her blades out and laid them out by the fire, a simple yet elegant show of force.
"I know I'm coming off as rude," Nessa admitted, "but please understand. The safety of my people is paramount, and as far as I can tell it is impossible for you to have made it here on your lonesome. So if you grasp what I'm really asking, please answer honestly. I'm not actually asking how you got here."
Mako felt sweat trickle down his chin as Nessa's cold, amber eyes met his and she spoke without a hint of compassion or sarcasm. He was terrified.
"I'm asking who helped you."
He couldn't think of an answer.
"Well?" Nessa asked, and Mako felt his mouth dry. He didn't have an answer, not one that made sense anyways. He could say no one helped him, but that would sound odd, and he couldn't say he got here on his own. This place was crawling with monsters, and he couldn't run ten minutes. It sounded ridiculous.
But Mako was being stared down by two scary metal wolves and their scarier owner, so he had to think of something fast. He tested a lie on his tongue.
"I got lost-"
Then immediately abandoned it, shivering as he felt like the earth was planning to swallow him whole. This was horrible, she was going to kill him.
"No one helped-"
He had to pick the right answer. He couldn't risk lying or telling half truths. He had to say all of it. He had to.
"I'm not from-"
"Hey," Zero voice snapped Mako out of his panic like a light through the fog. Mako gasped slightly as he realized he'd been holding his breath, and glanced back. He couldn't see it but he was sure the others did as well. Even the dogs and their single minded focus, turned their heads towards Zero.
Zero was still lying on his cloud, but he'd positioned himself so his head was towards them and he could look at them only by tilting his head up.
"I get that you need to ask Mako questions," Zero said lazily as he slowly opened his eyes, gazing at an upside down view with grey pupils.
"But the way you're doing it..."
Mako blinked, and suddenly it felt like the air around him was cold. Chilly even. He felt like he needed another coat if that was even possible.
"Feels a little unfair."
Everything about Zero's words made his skin crawl.
"You should just ask him if he wants to hurt your people or not." Zero said casually, closing his eyes as he turned back to the sky. His hands rested behind his head, he yawned, "What does it matter how we got here. Just ask if he wants to hurt your village. Stop beating around the bush."
Silence reigned over the campsite as Mako blinked in surprise, glancing back to see Nessa sitting stone faced. Her body was still and her wolves growled in Zero's direction. They looked blazingly angry. And she didn't exactly look pleased by whatever happened. Still, she was composed.
On the other hand, Octavia was shivering in her seat, frozen in place. She was looking at Zero like it was her first time seeing him. She didn't seem to grasp what he did but she instinctively was scared of it.
This was probably the first time Mako appreciated her presence. Made him feel less like a wimp.
"I'm not trying to hurt you guys." Mako conveyed with the little confidence he had left, using Octavia's similar state of shock as fuel to speak up before things got worse. "I mean it! I don't want-"
"I believe you." Nessa said seamlessly, her icy exterior dropping as she let out a deep breath and regained an apologetic smile he didn't quite trust anymore.
"I just wanted to check something." Nessa bowed her head. "I apologize. It was rude of me. I will ask no more questions. I hope you can forgive me."
"It's- uh, it's." Mako sputtered, glancing to Octavia as the girl seemed to finally realize what was going on. She blinked, looking at her mother in confusion before turning back with a clueless expression.
Mako was glad, he wasn't the only clueless one.
But that spark of camaraderie didn't change his mind.
"I think we should split up in the morning." Mako rubbed his neck guiltily, glancing away as he looked to Zero for confirmation. Zero peeked open an eye and shrugged, returning to his nap.
Mako took that as a yes and turned back to Nessa. She raised her head and nodded, "I understand completely, my actions are inexcusable. We will part ways in the morning if that's what you wish."
It was what he wished. He'd had enough of elves for the foreseeable future. One shot him with the arrow and the other wanted to feed him to the dogs.
He'd rather take his chances with Zero and the monsters. At least they were straight forward.
But before he could suggest they get some sleep, with him somewhere far from Nessa or her dogs, she spoke with a sense of remorse, "I understand if you wish to rid of my presence for what I have done, but if I may offer an alternative. I assume you don't have a map, or knowledge the forest's layout."
"No," Mako said cautiously, wondering if he could trust her to give him directions out of the forest. He still had to check if Zero wanted to leave, but he for one wanted to be out of here as soon as possible. Having an elf vetted map would help a ton.
But funnily enough, Nessa offered something even more valuable.
"If it is okay, my daughter and I will accompany you both for the time being. We can guide you two where you wish to go, anywhere in or out of the forest barring a few forbidden sectors. And as a way to reclaim the trust I lost after my little stunt."
Nessa seemed to notice Mako's hesitance right away. She must have, because what she offered was so enticing Mako couldn't say no.
"I will gladly teach Mako how to activate his mana core along the way."
He couldn't say no, no matter how much he wanted to.
Deep in the elven forests, once rumored to belong to giants and creatures of ancient times. A beast worthy of the moniker 'giant' woke from hibernation, rising from the depths of the ground with an insatiable appetite and uncontrollable hunger.
The first thought that crossed its mind was food.
The second propelled its body to find it.