Chapter 11 I Should, I Should Not

  Morgan's PoV

  "You've spent too much time alone if you're getting excited about sharing your cabin with a woman you plucked from the jaws of death." I muttered angrily to myself as I opened the door to my cellar and Dingus came bounding out, overjoyed to see me. 

  "I expect you've made a mess down there again haven't you," I grimaced wryly as he jumped up, his paws on my shoulders as he savagely licked my face to within an inch of my life.

  "Alright, alright, settle down." I said as I threw myself down onto the couch and stared into the flames.

  Dingus didn't waste any time in joining me and coiled himself behind my legs happily. The warmth that settled over my chest was one that I hadn't felt in a long time and for once, I found myself drifting off to sleep with a smile on my face.