CHAPTER 24 Do You Love me?

  Derek's POV

  "Get off me!" I growled viciously, pushing the Doctor away from me "I'm fine!"

  "No you're not Derek," The Doctor responded, firmly pinning my chest to keep me from moving from the chair. His attempt was pathetic, no one could hold me down "Just let me examine you, and then you may go,"

  "Keep your hands off me," I said firmly, my eyes burning into his "Before my wolf tears your throat out,"

  "Idle threats will not help you," The Doctor said, I could hear the strain in his voice as he was beginning to lose the battle of out strengths "It won't take long, I just need to be sure you're in good health,"

  "Where is Alyssa?" I asked, spitting my words "I need to know where my mate is!"

  "I have no idea Derek," The Doctor responded, seemingly having no care for Alyssa. He was focused on seeing to me "She is not important right now," he said with a struggle. It was these words which angered me the most. How dare this man deem my mate unimportant.