Standing in front of the board in the dark basement of his house, the thought of how much he has deviated from the path he was supposed to be on dawned so much on him, making tears trickle down his face.

  He couldn't help but imagine how much focus he had lost since Everly came into the picture, taking him a useway from the right course he had ought to be on.

  At this point, if it was possible to scold oneself genuinely, Ethan would have done it because he was yet to understand how he was easily swayed away from his mission all because of love.

  And the most fascinating thing about his falling out was the fact that he never thought love would ever make him deviate from his purpose.

  He could remember clearly all the vows he made to himself before he embarked on this very journey, he could remember how he vowed to himself never to become gullible in the process and become a sympathizer.