By the time Ethan drove back to Leo's house the following morning, Everly was already standing at the front door, her language beside her.
Before he went to bed last night, he got a message from Leo saying that he should be at the house first thing that morning to drive Everly to her parents house which was at the outskirts of the town.
He came down from the car immediately and brought the car to a halt so he could help her fit her luggage into the car boot. The size of the luggage she was going with was a bit confusing to Ethan as it was looking too big for just a one week trip like Leo told him.
"Or did she just tell him that so he can allow her to go?" Ethan questioned in his mind, "If that is the case, she is probably planning on something else, I hope she does not have it in mind to run away" Ethan went on to say this because he knows Leo is not the type of person to run from, he always has a way of getting to reach you.