Levi's POV
What does she think she's doing?
I clench my jaw tightly as I watch Lydia hold hands with Jose, that bastard. They talk about something, not before Jose throws himself onto her. Come on, man. Don't force her into a hug at least! That's just violating her privacy! And with that sweaty body of yours? Good luck getting on her bad books now.
'I smell jealousy~' Lincoln speaks from within me. I roll my eyes at him. It's become a serious issue with Lincoln these days. I can't stop rolling my eyes at him, no matter what he says! Almost all the time, he speaks about Lydia anyway.
"My ass is what you smell, Lincoln. I don't categorize it as jealousy. It's simply the manifestation she'll have against him soon. He's repelling her, obviously."
'Hmm...' is the only response I hear from Lincoln again.
"I wonder~ Well I'm hot because you're around, isn't it?" She laughs awkwardly at his stupid choice of words. What a dick.