Ian's POV

  "Do you want to go?" I asked her, feeling like such shit for making her cry earlier. Although this moment was perfect, her smile is all I ever hope to see. It's now my goal to get her to smile at me at least once a day.

  "She invited you to dinner too?" She asked, seeming a little suspicious for some reason.

  "Yup. So, do you want to go?"

  "Duh, it's Liv," she said, giving me a classic Hailey smirk and leading the way to my car. I wanted to open the door for her, but Hailey didn't seem to care enough to allow me to do so. I think she would rather open her own doors. "Let's go, lover boy." She winked at me before ducking down and getting in her seat. My heart skipped a beat at her beauty and her nickname. Would she ever fall in love with me?