Chapter 123 House On Fire


  "Watch your step, Victoria."

  I slowly guided her along the stony walkway from the ballroom and back to the mansion.

  After I had intercepted the idiot whose life mission for the evening was to get on my nerves and cause Victoria's tits to pop out in public, I decided it was high time she called it a night.

  If I get that fool, whoever he is behind that mask, he'll regret his existence.

  Whoever that idiot that was behind the mask was should count himself lucky that we were in public and I was the host of this party else... something else would have happened.

  I guided her up the stairs and straight to the room as she walked as slow as possible probably because of the heels and the fact that she looked tired.

  Her legs really looked like they were in pain and uncomfortable.


  I don't know why they insist on wearing something that makes them so uncomfortable.

  I can never understand them and their quests for beauty and fashion.