Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
You killed me once,
I'll kill you twice.
Love, R.
I held the fucking note in my hand as I read it like a million times over and over and still couldn't figure out what the hell is happening in my mind and in my life.
Who the fuck is R?
"Alessandro, are you sure this isn't just a trick?"
"Yeah, Nic is right. For all we know this person might just be messing with you. This doesn't mean anything."
That's where the lie is.
For that person to keep mute even though I asked a question means that he or she is scared that I'll uncover their identity.
For that person to wear a black hoodie, a black shirt, a ski mask, dark shades and black gloves then that means that I know whoever it is and that person knows that I might recognize them even with the littlest hints they leave behind that's why he or she tried to cover their tracks properly by leaving no body part exposed.