CHAPTER 76 – Knox

  I sat to the side of her chair, just happy to be close her. Which sounds pathetic, I’m an Alpha and yet I find myself weirdly attached to this sweet and vulnerable friend of the mate of my Gamma. But she seems completely uninterested in me, not that anything would happen with us, she was vulnerable and I think I’m better waiting for my mate anyway, seeing how happy Dan was since finding Indie and made me realise how much I wanted my own mate.

  Made me wonder where she was…I wonder if it had had the same effect on the other guys too as none of them had yet come across their mates which was unusual for guys of our ages.

  Lilah had gone quiet, just sitting picking at the food I had given her, can’t help but wonder if I’d made her feel uncomfortable with the comment about her wolf… I seem to say the most stupid things around her!