CHAPTER 77 – Knox

  We had spent a few more days together at weekends as a group, we’d been up to the lake again, chilled having movie afternoon and went bowling in town too. That was funny as Indie and Lilah were rubbish, I don’t think Lilah was trying though and I’m sure Indie was playing at being rubbish so Dan would pay her attention and help her, not that she needed to as she had his attention good and proper….. that guy was hooked…. And rightly so, that was his mate after all….

  I knew Lilah would visit Indie to do painting too, I made an effort not to go see her as I didn’t want to seem too over friendly, I enjoyed spending time with her but ultimately I didn’t want to be too full on as much as I want to see her, she isn’t my mate, as much as I seem drawn to her, I have to keep telling myself that is because I am needing to help her. I need to give her space….plus I got to see her at work each week day.