"There went the neighborhood." Smokey muttered.
"You have no idea." Raine whispered back.
"Rainelle! What happened to our Samantha?" Mrs. Armstrong asked with her nose stuck up in the air.
"Yes, what happened? The hospital called to tell us she had been attacked and was unconscious. Since we're her parents they called us." Mr. Armstrong explained.
"Some crazy woman attacked her." Raine replied.
"My God! Do the police have her in custody?" Mr. Armstrong asked.
"No. They are searching for her." Raine replied.
"Incompetent people! I swear, we're surrounded by them!" He retorted.
"Look, right now we are just trying to focus on Sam and her injuries." Raine explained.
"Armstrong family?" Dr. Mike asked from the doorway.
"Yes!" Sam's parents respond.
"Yes!" Smokey replied as well.
They looked at him with disgust.
"I'm Sam's boyfriend. We live together." Smokey replied.
"Well, you're not family!" Mrs. Armstrong snorted.