"I'll kill any man who lays a finger on your body!" Jax warned looking at Snake. He's not amused at his retort.
"Spoil sport." Raine pouted.
"Raine!" Jax growled again.
She rolled her eyes at him then turned to Sam. "We gotta go. Vixen and Crash are watching Maverick. They are probably defiling our couch. You need anything now or before I come back tomorrow?"
Jax growled at her comment about his mom. Raine laughed.
"Clothes tomorrow?" Sam asked.
"Ok I'll go by your house in the morning and grab some and bring them by in the morning. " Raine replied.
Everyone left but Smokey, Snake and Hawk. Hawk stood outside her hospital room on watch. Makenzie walked into her room.
"Hey girl, I heard what happened. And I just had to come see you. Can I do anything for you? Anything, clothes, food, kick some skank ass? You name it!" Nurse Makenzie explained.
"No. I'm good. Raine is bringing me clothes in the morning and I have my man." Sam replied.