CHAPTER 24: Threes a Crowd

  Magda was sitting in Ares’ office of his building in LA on the sofa while he was in the hall outside. The only light coming from a couple of lamps were on aside from the dimly lit hall which was filtering in through the partially opened door. From what she could gather someone had used a taser on the security agent who worked the desk overnight and the other security desk who was doing rounds had made a call to Jake and then went radio silent and they couldn’t find him.

  Now, Magda was tucked into the office after Jake had scoped it out and said it was the safest place for them to be while his team sorted out what was happening. The door ajar she could hear Ares arguing with Jake.

  “We’d be equally as safe on the boat.”

  “Unless it was a diversion tactic and the plan is to get you away from me and the team. I can’t keep you safe if I don’t know have eyes on you and until I know what we’re dealing with, I would prefer to keep you close.”